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HomeMust ReadWhat Is The Reason For Eczema

What Is The Reason For Eczema

Q : How Does Eczema Affect People Of Different Ages

What Causes Eczema? | The Eczema Company

Eczema is a chronic health problem that affects people of all ages, but is most common in babies :

  • Infantile eczema occurs in around 20% of children under two years of age, and usually starts in the first six months of life. Infantile eczema usually improves significantly between the ages of two to five years.
  • Childhood eczema may follow infantile eczema, or start from two to four years of age. Rashes and dryness are usually found in the creases of the elbows, behind the knees, across the ankles and may also involve the face, ears and neck. This form of eczema usually improves with age.
  • Adult eczema is similar to that of older children with areas of very dry, itchy, reddened skin at the elbow creases, wrists, neck, ankles and behind the knees. It can cause rough, hard and thickened skin, which may also have weeping areas. Although eczema tends to improve in midlife, and is unusual in elderly people, it can occur at any age.

What Else Should I Know

If you live with eczema, tune in to what triggers it and how to manage it. For example, if you find that some types of makeup irritate your skin, ask a dermatologist to recommend brands that are less likely to do so.

Your self-esteem doesn’t have to suffer because you have eczema, and neither does your social life! Getting involved in your school and extracurricular activities can be a great way to get your mind off the itch.

Don’t forget to exercise. It’s a great way to blow off stress try walking, bike riding, swimming, or another sport that keeps your skin cool and dry while you work out.

Whats The Best Treatment For You

When you keep your skin healthy, you can prevent dryness, itching, and redness, and possibly reduce the need for medication.

Try these tips:

1- Bathe only in lukewarm water. Hot water dries out your skin. Dont use scrubs as these can be irritating, and pat your skin dry with a soft towel instead of rubbing it.

2- Wash your skin with a soap-free cleanser.XeraCalm A.D Lipid-Replenishing Cleansing Oil from Eau Thermale Aveneis a soap-free, fragrance-free cleansing oil for extremely dry and sensitive skin. It gently cleanses while soothing itchy, irritated and dehydrated skin even atopic dermatitis. As for the texture, expect a light, almost creamy body wash feel, rather than a slippery oil.

Another cleanser we highly recommend is A-Derma Exomega Control Emollient Shower Oil,whichis a highly compatible and nourishing soap-free, plant-based cleanser specifically designed for eczema-prone skin. It reduces the need to scratch, gently cleanses, heals, and soothes dry skin. It is suitable for infants, children, and adults.

3- Apply moisturizers daily. Do so right after bathing or washing your hands. Choose moisturizers that are fragrance-free and non-irritating.

If your skin is very dry, we recommend you opt for a thicker texture, such as A-Derma Exomega Control Emollient Balm, which can be used throughout the day, soothing the skin and freeing it from itching. Dense, nourishing, and restorative, this balm provides instant deep layer hydration for the comfort of atopic skin.

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Q : What Triggers Should Be Avoided

People with eczema should avoid known triggers and irritants, which may include:

  • Dry skin – this is one of the main triggers of eczema.
  • Scratching – keep fingernails clipped .
  • Viral or bacterial infections.
  • Playing in sand, such as sandpits.
  • Sitting directly on carpets or grass.
  • Inhaling pollen allergens from grasses, weeds or trees in spring and summer.
  • Irritants such as perfumes, soap and chemicals.
  • Contact with animals, house dust mite allergen, wool and synthetic fabrics.
  • Temperature changes, such as overly heated rooms.
  • Stress, which can make eczema worse, although eczema is not a psychological condition.
  • Constant exposure to water or chemicals, which can damage the protective barrier function of the skin.

Eczema Coping Tips Avoid Changes In Temperature

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Abrupt temperature and humidity changes can sometimes irritate the skin for example, going in and out of air-conditioned buildings on hot days or heated buildings on cold days.Hard physical activity or exercise that makes you sweat heavily can also trigger the itch of eczema.Suggestions include:

  • In winter, dont overheat your house. Dress warmly when going outdoors and remove the extra layers as soon as you return.
  • In summer, dont over cool your house. Air conditioners can dry out the air and irritate your skin.
  • Avoid hard physical activity in hot weather. For example, do your gardening first thing in the morning, or in the evening when the sun is lower in the sky.

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What Is The Main Cause Of Eczema

  • What Is the Main Cause of Eczema? Center
  • The exact cause of eczema is unknown. It is caused due to an overactive immune system that responds aggressively when exposed to triggers. Certain conditions such as asthma are seen in many patients with eczema. There are different types of eczema, and they tend to have different triggers. Common triggers of eczema flare-ups are as follows:

    • Skin contact to chemical irritant, for example, soaps and detergents
    • Certain fabrics such as rough fabrics
    • Synthetic fabrics
    • Asthma

    Some Questions To Ask When Your Eczema Flares Up Scan The List And Notice Which Ones Pop Out At You

    Why are you uncomfortable in your skin? Who or what is rubbing you raw?Are you prone to making rash decisions or judgements? Where are you being ir-rash-ional ?Are you letting fear rule you?Where are you holding in toxic anger and frustration, instead of letting it rocket you forwards? As they say, the secret to using anger is to get angry at the right person, in the right time, in the right amount.Where is it time to bring to the surface? What we suppress, must express.Is it time to shed a layer of yourself?Where are you going through separation anxiety?Do you absorb criticism instead of asserting yourself? You teach people how to treat you. When you say no to abuse, you say yes to sanity. Do you see sensitivity as a gift or curse? Where do you present a thick skin when, deep down, youre hurting?How often do you celebrate your inner beauty, instead of focusing on your appearance and figures ? Is it time for a detox?

    Your eczema is a message that change is sorely needed . When you accept that your body is your Soulmate, ultimate healing becomes possible.

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    Areas Of The Body Affected

    Atopic eczema appears on different areas of the body depending on the persons age. So, what is the most common place for patches and redness to appear?

    Ages up to 2 years

    In babies, atopic eczema affects plump areas , the arms and the stomach.

    Ages 2 to 15 years

    Atopic eczema appears in the folds of the elbows and knees and on the hands and face .


    In the majority of cases, atopic eczema tends to disappear in adolescence.


    If atopic dermatitis persists into the adult years, patches may appear anywhere on the body, but especially on the face, neck and hands.


    There is none. The two terms refer to exactly the same condition. However, when the terms eczema, atopy and dermatitis are used alone, they have very different and much broader meanings.

    • Eczema: skin inflammation associated with itching
    • Atopy: genetic condition causing hypersensitivity to the environment
    • Dermatitis: skin inflammation

    How Do I Take Care Of Myself

    Understanding what causes eczema

    Reducing your stress is very important. Try these tips:

    • Count to ten as you take a deep breath.
    • Exercise daily.
    • Try not to drink as much caffeine and alcohol.
    • Sleep eight hours a night.
    • Eat healthy.
    • Try to have a positive attitude.
    • Journal every day.
    • Talk about your life with friends, family and a therapist.

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    Triggering And Aggravating Factors

    We can better anticipate flare-ups by improving our understanding of their triggering and aggravating factors. That said, a complex combination of factors is usually involved and can be difficult to identify. The factors below are suspected to contribute, one way or another, to the onset of flare-ups :

    • climate

    Q : How Can Skin Be Maintained And Protected Every Day

    It is important to keep skin that is prone to eczema well moisturised every day:

    • Moisturisers add moisture and form a barrier that protects the skin, so that it retains moisture. If the protective barrier of skin is damaged eczema frequently develops.
    • Apply non-perfumed moisturiser to the face and body twice every day.
    • Avoid moisturisers containing food proteins such as goat milk, wheatgerm and nut oils.
    • After a bath or shower in lukewarm water, pat the skin dry and apply moisturiser.
    • Use non-soap based wash or oil and avoid soap and bubbly products which dry out the skin.
    • After swimming , rinse and apply moisturiser.

    Don’t Miss: Eczema Therapy Daily Moisturizing Cream

    Manage Your Eczema The Natural Way

    What is eczema? Hopefully, this article has answered this question and others that you might have about this common skin condition. While the exact cause is a bit mysterious and symptoms can vary from person to person, you can manage your eczema naturally using the tips in this article.

    Avoid triggers, scratching, stress, and chemical ingredients that could be irritating to your skin. Instead, choose natural products like Mustelas Stelatopia Emollient Cream to soothe and protect your skin.

    With the right skin care day in and day out, you can rest assured that youre doing everything you can for your delicate, sensitive skin.

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    Q : How Is Eczema Related To Food Allergy

    Dyshidrotic Eczema Treatment

    Whilst food allergy can trigger or worsen eczema symptoms in some people, food allergy is rarely the cause of eczema. Most food allergy causes hives , vomiting and irritability within 30 minutes of eating the offending food. Food allergy only occasionally triggers delayed eczema flare ups.

    Many babies with moderate or severe eczema will also have a food allergy. In some babies with severe eczema, short term removal of certain food/s using a medically supervised elimination diet may result in better eczema control. An elimination diet should be supervised by a clinical immunology/allergy specialist , in association with a dietitian with specialised knowledge of food allergies.

    If there is no improvement in two weeks on the elimination diet, it means that food is unlikely to be the cause of the eczema. If the skin improves, foods are introduced one at a time as a medically supervised food challenge, to confirm which food causes the eczema to flare.

    If food allergy is not the cause of eczema, removal of the food/s will not reduce symptoms.

    Children with eczema and/or food allergy can have false positive allergy tests, and this can lead to unnecessary removal of foods which may affect growth and development. Removal of foods may also increase the risk of developing allergy to those foods. Therefore, allergy test results should always be interpreted by a clinical immunology/allergy specialist.

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    How Can I Boost My Immune System To Fight Eczema

    Heres five common ways to improve your symptoms of eczema.

  • Eliminate allergens. Over 80 percent of eczema sufferers have higher than normal antibodies in their system.
  • Take probiotics for healthy digestion.
  • Follow an anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Swap skin care products for manuka honey.
  • Balance your vitamin intake.
  • What Foods Should I Eat Or Avoid To Reduce My Risk Of Eczema

    The connection between eczema and food allergies is unclear. If you have food allergies, then one of the reasons why you must avoid that food is that it may cause or worsen dermatitis. Examples of common allergies include peanuts, dairy, eggs, sugar, alcohol and gluten. Pay attention to what you eat. If your eczema flares up after you eat a certain food, then you might have an allergy to it.

    If you dont have a food allergy then there are no foods, including chicken, that will cause or worsen your eczema.

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    What Are The Symptoms Of Eczema

    The most important thing to remember is that eczema and its symptoms are different for everyone. Your eczema may not look the same on you as it does on another adult or on your child. Different types of eczema may even appear in different areas of the body at different times.

    Eczema is usually itchy. For many people, the itch can range from mild to moderate. But in some cases, it can become much worse and you might develop extremely inflamed skin. Sometimes the itch gets so bad that people scratch it until it bleeds, which can make your eczema worse. This is called the itch-scratch cycle.

    What to look for:

    Inflammation: When A Good Process Turns Bad

    Eczema | What Causes Eczema | Eczema Treatment

    Under normal circumstances, inflammation is the body’s healthy and completely natural reaction to defend against everything from viruses and bacteria to irritants and toxic chemicals. It can even help with healing physical injuries.

    Properly functioning inflammation will eventually run its course, but with eczema, the inflammation occurring within the skin lasts too long. This long-lasting, or chronic inflammation comes from an overactive immune system and can contribute to eczema symptoms as well as changes in other parts of your body.

    And remember, you can always talk to your doctor about reducing inflammation, which is one of the goals of many eczema treatment options.

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    Are There Medical Treatments And Medications For Eczema

    Once a health care professional is sure someone has atopic dermatitis, the mainstays of therapy are anti-inflammatory medications and relief from the itching.

    Prescription-strength steroid cream and antihistamine medications are the usual treatments.

    If a health care professional determines that someone has a secondary bacterial infection complicating their rash, an oral antibiotic may be prescribed.

    For severe cases not responding to high-potency steroid cream, alternate treatments may be tried. These include coal tar, ultraviolet light exposure, and systemic anti-inflammatory agents.

    Allergy shots usually do not work in eczema.

    A variety of diets have been proposed for eczema relief. These may be structured on the results of allergy testing or may be chosen for their content of foods that tend not to provoke allergic responses. Not everyone put on restrictive eczema diets improves, and many patients with severe eczema show no testing evidence of food allergies. For that reason, a change in diet, if desired, should be considered as an additional step in treatment rather than a primary one, and if patients notice they itch more when eating any identified food or drink, it would be best if they avoid it.

    Eczema Also Known As Dermatitis Is A Condition Of The Skin Which Can Affect People Of Any Age The Severity Of The Disease Can Vary

    Eczema, also known as Dermatitis, is a condition of the skin, which can affect people of any age. The severity of the disease can vary – in mild forms the skin is hot, dry and itchy, while in more severe cases the skin can become broken, raw and bleeding. Although Eczema can sometimes look unpleasant, it is fortunately not contagious. With treatment of the affected skin area, the inflammation of eczema can be reduced, though the skin will always be sensitive and will require extra care in order to avoid and control flare-ups.

    Eczema comes in various forms, and can have several causes, depending on the particular type of eczema that a person has. One type of eczema is thought to be hereditary, while other types of eczema are caused by irritants coming in contact with the skin for example detergents. Eczema can also be caused by blood circulatory problems in the legs, with older people.

    Atopic Eczema: The most common form of eczema. It can be found in both children and adults and often runs in the family. Symptoms of Atopic Eczema include unbearable itchiness, overall dryness of the skin, redness and inflammation.

    Irritant Contact Dermatitis: This is a type of eczema caused by regular contact with everyday substances, such as detergents or chemicals which are irritating to the skin. Irritant Contact Dermatitis is best avoided by keeping the irritant away from the skin, and keeping any sensitive skin areas well moisturized.

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    What Causes Atopic Dermatitis

    The exact cause of atopic dermatitis is not known. It runs in families, which suggests a genetic link. Its also linked to asthma and allergies. There is likely an alteration of the proteins in the skin that leads to atopic dermatitis.

    Certain triggers can make atopic dermatitis worse. For example, stress, hot or cold temperature, dry conditions, certain fabrics, or detergents can cause a flare-up.

    Q : What Is The Scratch And Itch Cycle Of Eczema

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    The scratch and itch cycle of eczema can cause discomfort, disrupt sleep and affect quality of life:

    • In people with eczema the skin does not retain moisture very well, which causes it to dry out easily.
    • This makes the skin more open to allergens and irritants, which can trigger the skin to release chemicals that make the skin itchy.
    • Scratching itchy skin causes more chemicals to be released, making the skin feel itchier.
    • If eczema is well managed this can avoid the scratch and itch cycle. It is therefore important to keep skin that is prone to eczema well moisturised, by using moisturising creams on the skin every day.

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    Severe Eczema On Hands

    AD is a chronic skin condition that falls under the eczema umbrella. There isnt yet a consensus on what causes eczema, but it is thought to occur when the bodys immune system damages the skin barrier, resulting in dry, itchy skin. The damaged skin barrier may be severe enough to break and bleed, leaving the patient vulnerable to infection.


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