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HomeDyshidrotic Eczema On Bottom Of Feet

Dyshidrotic Eczema On Bottom Of Feet

Who Is At Risk For Developing Dyshidrotic Eczema

What is Dyshidrotic Eczema? – Overview, Causes, Treatments

There are a variety of factors that may dictate who develops dyshidrotic eczema.

If you are going to develop it, itll most likely begin between 20 and 40 years of age. Genetics may also play a role in dyshidrotic eczema. If you have one or more blood relatives with it, theres a higher chance you could also have it.

A few other factors that may contribute to its development are:

  • youre already living with another type of eczema
  • youve worked, or currently work, as a mechanic or metalworker
  • you have a history of working with cement
  • you already deal with seasonal allergies
  • youre living with asthma
  • you have occasional bouts of allergic sinusitis

Mental Health And Dyshidrotic Eczema

In addition to physical anguish, flare-ups of dyshidrotic eczema can lead to mental anguish. For those whose hands are affected, it is in a highly visible area that can’t be covered with clothing, so many patients feel ashamed or embarrassed about their skin, notes Lio. Also, severe cases can interfere with a person’s ability to work or carry out routine daily tasks involving hands or feet stressful situations brought on by a condition that itself is aggravated by stress.

Prevention And Control Of Outbreaks

Because the causes are unknown and the triggers are so personal, theres no one way to completely prevent or control outbreaks of dyshidrotic eczema.

But you can keep your symptoms from barreling out of control by understanding your specific triggers, strengthening your skin by applying moisturizer daily, keeping your stress in check , and staying hydrated.

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What Triggers Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema is a skin condition characterized by small, intensely itchy blisters on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet.

Dyshidrotic eczema may be acute, recurrent, or chronic. It affects teenagers and adults, and it is twice as common in women as in men.

How Long Does It Last


In many cases, pompholyx will clear up on its own within a few weeks. The treatments below may help relieve your symptoms in the meantime.

Sometimes pompholyx may just occur once and never come back, but it often comes and goes over several months or years. Any of the triggers mentioned above can cause it to flare up again.

Occasionally, pompholyx can be more continuous and difficult to treat.

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How Stress Can Trigger Eczema And How To Avoid A Flare

The NEA reports that a survey they conducted about a related condition, atopic dermatitis, found that 30 percent of people with atopic dermatitis were also diagnosed with depression or anxiety. The organization recommends speaking with your healthcare provider or a mental health professional if you are experiencing symptoms of mental illness. Self-care is important too, such as getting adequate sleep, practicing relaxation techniques, and finding a peer support group.

Metatarsal Heads And Sores

According to certain medical study, One of the most common areas for blisters is under the ball of the foot. This includes big or little toe knuckles. Actually, this is where metatarsal heads occur. This is weight-bearing bones that are usually subjected to high pressure.

During the time when the metatarsal skids over the skin and moves backward, the skin is stretched and compressed. Though this is normal to shear here, excessive shear may become unbearable. If this occurs near the surface of the skin, skin blisters may form at the bottom.

The best solutions are to resolve to cushioned insoles, ENGO blister patches, donut pads, etc. For severe conditions please see you GP.

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Who Is Most At Risk For Getting Dyshidrosis

Anyone can develop dyshidrosis. The condition is most common in adults between ages 20 and 40. In occupational or clinical settings, dyshidrotic eczema accounts for 5 to 20 percent of all cases of hand dermatitis.

Women are more likely than men to develop dyshidrosis. This gender difference may be because women are exposed to certain skin irritants more often than men. These irritants include things like nickel or cobalt in jewelry.

You are at higher risk of developing dyshidrosis if:

  • Other members of your family have the condition.
  • You have a history of atopic or contact dermatitis.
  • You receive immunoglobulin infusions. Intravenous immunoglobulin is injections of antibodies for people with an immune deficiency.

What Does Dyshidrotic Eczema Look Like

Curing Dyshidrotic Eczema in 5 Steps, The Way I Did 5 Years Ago

Dyshidrotic eczema, or pompholyx,is a type of skin rash that is characterized by small to large fluid-filled blisters known as vesicles or bullae respectively. It is an itchy skin condition that often arises in the presence of other skin or systemic diseases. Scratching excessively and rupturing of the blisters leads to cracking of the skin and the formation of fissures that can be painful. This carries the additional risk of a secondary bacterial infection leading to oozing and further inflammation of the skin.

Dyshidrotic dermatitis arises on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. In the early stages, the blisters on the feet may go by unnoticed and patients often find the rash on the hands more distressing. The blisters may also extend to the sides of the fingers and toes without underlying inflammation and redness of the skin . With an infection, pustules with a yellowish discharge may develop alongside the clear fluid-filled vesicles or bullae. Various deformities of the fingernails may be seen in more severe or long standing cases as is described under fingernail ridges, thickened fingernails and discolored nails. Changes in the nails may also be related to a fungal infection with overlapping dyshidrotic eczema.

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What Are The Complications Of Vesicular Hand/foot Dermatitis

Secondary bacterialinfection with Staphylococcus aureus and/or Streptococcus pyogenes is common in vesicular hand/foot dermatitis and results in pain, swelling, and pustules on the hands and/or feet.

When involving the distal finger adjacent or proximal to the nail fold, it can result in paronychia and nail dystrophy with irregular pitting and ridges.

Infected vesicular hand dermatitis
  • Soothing emollient lotions and creams
  • Potent antiperspirants applied to palms and soles at night
  • Protective gloves should be worn for wet or dirty work
  • Well-fitting footwear, with 2 pairs of socks to absorb sweat and reduce friction.

Contact with irritants such as water, detergents, and solvents must be avoided as much as possible and protective gloves worn to prevent irritant contact dermatitis.

  • Note that cream cleansers are not antimicrobial soap and water or a sanitiser is needed for washing hands in order to destroy pathogens such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus responsible for COVID-19.

People with vesicular hand dermatitis found to be allergic to nickel must try to avoid touching nickel items.

Treatment Of Foot Eczema

In order to properly treat your foot eczema, its important to visit your doctor. Athletes foot and foot eczema are entirely separate conditions that require different treatment.

If you have been diagnosed with foot eczema and steroid or prescription creams are not working for you, using both natural eczema treatments and eczema socks can help provide necessary relief.


For foot eczema to heal properly, it needs to be kept properly aired out, so that it is free from sweat. These Hypoallergenic Socks are the perfect eczema socks, as theyre made of 100% organic cotton and are latex-free and elastic free, so completely comfortable and non-irritating. We also love these new adult socks for foot eczema from Remedywear! Why are they great? The fabric is composed of TENCEL and zinc for double the relief and comfort. They come in kids sizes too.

Dry or Wet Wrap Therapy

Both socks can also be used for wet wrap therapy, which will keep skin hydrated and allow eczema to heal quicker. This type of treatment works by wearing one damp pair of eczema socks covered with a dry pair AND a natural cream or balm such as the Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream or Emily Skin Soothers Super Dry Soother to heal eczema quickly and painlessly. Dry wrapping is much easier and less messy and we like to recommend it as a first line of defense. Learn all about dry wrapping.

Do you have foot eczema? Let us know how you treat it in the comments below!

Laura Dolgy


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What Causes Pompholyx Eczema

The exact causes of pompholyx eczema are not known, although it is thought that factors such as stress, sensitivity to metal compounds , heat and sweating can aggravate this condition. Fifty percent of people with pompholyx have atopic eczema as well, or a family history of atopic eczema. Pompholyx eczema can coexist with fungal infections, so assessment should include checking for the presence of any fungal infection on the hands and feet.

Pompholyx eczema occurs on the palms of the hands, fingers and the feet the skin in these areas is more prone to exposure to potential sources of irritation and aggravation. For this reason, pompholyx eczema can be debilitating and difficult to manage. It can also cause problems with employment.

The hands and feet, where pompholyx commonly occurs, are areas of the body that are also prone to contact dermatitis. This can take one of two forms irritant contact dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis.

Pompholyx may occur as a single episode, but for most people it is a chronic type of eczema that will come and go.

What Is Vesicular Hand Dermatitis

Eczema on the feet

Vesicular hand dermatitis is a form of hand eczema characterised by vesicles or bullae . A similar condition can affect the feet .

The most common variant of vesicular hand dermatitis is also called vesicular endogenous eczema, dyshidrotic eczema, and pompholyx cheiropompholyx affects the hands and pedopompholyx affects the feet.

Vesicular hand/foot dermatitis

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Diabetes And Foot Sores

img source: spineorthocenter.com

Food problems are common in diabetic people but it is possible to limit the chances of suffering from this giant. Diabetes may result in nerve damage and this can lead to tingling or pain on the bottom of the foot but again, you can lose feeling on the feet. If you lose feeling in the feet, you may not notice the pebbles or sharp objects in your socks or shoes. This may contribute to the bottom of foot cut or sores. This may thereafter be accompanied by lowered blood flow in the feet or secondary infections.

In the case of diabetes, you should see a specialist called podiatrist to attend to you. Other foot care tips should also be considered.

Treatments Your Physician May Prescribe

To manage dyshidrotic eczema, your physician may recommend removal of irritating agents and, if many blisters are present, soaks with drying agents.

  • Medium- and high-potency topical steroids may be prescribed to be used twice daily. Use of a high-potency topical steroid initially that is tapered as allowed may be most beneficial.
  • An oral steroid may be necessary but people often cannot be tapered off this therapy.
  • Chronic, severe disease can be treated with a form of light therapy called PUVA administered by a dermatologist.

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How Do You Cure Foot Eczema

Whatever type of foot eczema you have, the treatment will be basically the same, the aim being to reduce the itching and inflammation during a flare-up and to encourage skin moisture in between.

There is no cure for dermatitis but there are a number of things you can do to manage it by relieving the symptoms and reducing the chance of flare-ups. Early treatment is vital to prevent symptoms escalating so it is important not to ignore the warning signs of dry, itchy skin.

Treatment is important both during and between flare-ups of foot eczema to help to both treat and prevent the condition.

Home Remedies For Dyshidrotic Eczema

What is Dyshidrotic Eczema? – Dr. Sudheendra Udbalker

While home remedies may not be as effective as a doctor-recommended medication, they can help ease symptoms.

You can start with cold compresses, soothing the area every 15 minutes. You can also soak the affected areas for 15 minutes your doctor may know some good inflammation-lowering medicated soaks.

Find ways to relieve stress. Since dyshidrotic eczema can be triggered by stress, using techniques like meditation can help provide a dose of calm for your mind and body.

If your hands are affected, make sure to remove rings and jewelry whenever you wash your hands so water doesnt linger on your skin. If you notice that a certain personal care product like a new bar of soap seems to have been the cause of your blisters, stop using it for a few weeks and see if the inflammation and itching die down.

Keep the affected area well moisturized at all times. Try to maintain your fingernails so theyre short enough to not break the skin if/when you scratch. This can help you avoid infection.

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What Is Dishydrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema, also known as pompholyx, is a type of eczema characterized by the presence of vesicles or bullae on the hands and feet. This is usually chronic persistent or recurrent. These vesicles or bullae are not boils . Dyshidrotic eczema is not an infectious condition although it may occur in a person with a fungal or bacterial infection of the hand or feet. The rash is intensely itchy with vigorous scratching leading to rupture of blisters with cracking of the skin and fissures.

It may appear an an independent entity or occur with atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis . It may also be associated with a number of systemic, non-dermatological diseases like HIV infection. Dyshidrotic eczema may occur either on the hands or the feet or both the palms and soles are more often affected, often with extensive involvement of the fingers when it occurs on the hand.

Milder cases may resolve before vesicles rupture and therefore cracking is avoided. These cases are more likely to be noticed on the hands. Due to the psychosocial impact of this type of skin disease on the hands, many patients will seek medical attention as soon as possible. However, it may be just as common on the feet although not noticed or even reported in the early stages.

When To See A Doctor

If your sores are not responding to the over the counter drugs or home remedies, then it is your time to see your doctor. He/she may have more treatment options to offer but remember this will be determined by proper diagnosis. The bottom of the feet sores are cruel and painful sores that must be given great care and medication.

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Contact Dermatitis And Poison Ivy

Sores on the bottom of feet can also be due to contact dermatitis. It can be due to an allergic reaction or irritation to several irritants. There are several allergens and irritations that can be blamed. These can include chemicals and dyes used to manufacture shoes and socks, soaps and detergents, etc.

Blisters can also form in reaction to poison ivy if the bottom of the foot is exposed the best treatment so far will involve lotions or creams containing calamine as well as oral or topical antihistamines.

Research And Statistics: How Common Is Dyshidrotic Eczema

Sores on Bottom of Feet Causes, Symptoms and Treatments ...

There isnt much recent research about the prevalence of dyshidrotic eczema. But a study published in the Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology in 2015 found that dyshidrotic eczema was the fifth most common cause of hand eczema, behind irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and protein contact dermatitis or contact urticaria.

The condition tends to affect women more than men, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It is most common in adults between ages 20 and 40.

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Prevention Of Dyshidrotic Eczema

While you cant prevent dyshidrotic eczema, you can do a number of things to avoid or minimize flare-ups.

Avoid triggers, wear cotton-lined gloves when washing dishes and doing other wet work, and keep other skin diseases under control, counsels Kindred.

To this list, Lio adds: Wear lightweight clothing and avoid gloves, socks, and shoes that trap moisture and dont allow your skin to breathe.

What Are Signs And Symptoms Of Dyshidrotic Eczema

The severity of dyshidrotic eczema symptoms can vary widely from minor to debilitating. The condition tends to be chronic and intermittent, and episodes occur less frequently with age.

Symptoms and signs of dyshidrotic eczema include the following:

  • Small, symmetrical blisters may form on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. The blisters have the following characteristics:
  • Itch intensely
  • May become large, fluid-filled, and join together
  • In chronic disease, fingernails may reveal degenerative changes such as ridges, thickening, discoloration, and pitting.
  • Blisters typically heal on their own without rupturing, followed by skin peeling.
  • Skin redness
    • Nickel chelators may be used in nickel-sensitive patients.

    Home treatments for dyshidrotic eczema include the following:

    • Cold compresses applied for 15 minutes to affected areas two to four times a day followed by a rich moisturizer or a skin barrier repair cream
    • Soak hands and feet in cool water
    • Compresses with Burow solution or 1:10.000 solution of potassium permanganate for blisters
    • Bed rest if there are large blisters on the feet
    • Avoid dietary sources of nickel and cobalt in the for nickel- and cobalt-sensitive patient
    • Food sources of nickel include chocolate, cocoa, oatmeal, nuts, almonds, soy beans, fresh and dried legumes, and canned foods.
    • Food sources of cobalt include fish, clams, oysters, liver, leafy green vegetables, milk, nuts, and red meat.

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