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HomeMust ReadCan Eczema Lead To Skin Cancer

Can Eczema Lead To Skin Cancer

Are Skin Cancers Itchy

What is Eczema? Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

While many skin cancers may not have any symptoms, some can be itchy.

Basal cell skin cancer can appear as an itchy, reddish patch. Melanoma can also occasionally appear as dark spots or moles that itch. Mycosis fungoides, which is a form of T cell lymphoma, also presents as red, itchy spots on the skin.

Skin Condition Linked To Cancer Risk: Study

By Genevra Pittman, Reuters Health

5 Min Read

NEW YORK – People with the skin condition atopic dermatitis may be at greater risk of getting cancer than those without it, new research hints.

But its unclear whether this increased risk is related to the medication patients take for the condition, or the condition itself, the researchers emphasize.

Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema, or skin inflammation, that arises from an allergic reaction. It affects roughly 20 percent of children, according to the National Institutes of Health, but often goes away in adulthood. It causes itchy rashes that get crusty and scaly with scratching.

There have been conflicting theories about whether these kinds of frequent rashes that drive the immune system into action would make it more or less likely for someone with atopic dermatitis to develop cancer.

To investigate, Dr. Alejandro Arana, of the Bridgewater, New Jersey-based company Risk Management Resources and colleagues analyzed the medical records of about 4.5 million people in the UK and followed their medical history for an average of almost 7 years.

They report, in the British Journal of Dermatology, that about 1.5 percent of those individuals had atopic dermatitis and just under 3 percent were diagnosed with some kind of cancer during the study period. People in the study with atopic dermatitis were on average 12 to 15 years younger than those without atopic dermatitis.

References And Further Information


  • Fitzpatrick TB. The validity and practicality of sun-reactive skin types I through VI. Arch Dermatol. 1988 Jun 124:869-71.
  • Ben-Gashir B, Hay R. Reliance on erythema scores may mask severe atopic dermatitis in black children compared with their white counterparts. British Journal of Dermatology 2002 147:920-925.
  • Further information:

    Skin Deep is a website that contains images of people with different skin tones to help patients and doctors better understand and describe symptoms of different skin conditions: .

    The PDF document below shows what eczema can look like on different skin tones.

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    Can Rashes Be A Sign Of Cancer

    Occasionally, bumps or redness on your skin can be a sign of cancer.

    For example, if you notice an itchy mole on your chest that seems to be changing shape, theres a chance youre dealing with skin cancer.

    Because cancer can be very serious even life threatening its important to know the difference between a rash caused by irritation and one caused by skin cancer.

    This is why its important to talk with a dermatologist about any rash or growth thats new, changing, or not going away.

    While skin cancers are often asymptomatic, meaning they dont show symptoms, they can be itchy.

    For instance, basal cell skin cancer as a raised reddish patch that itches, and melanoma can take the form of itchy dark spots or moles.

    Talk with your doctor about any itchy, crusty, scabbed, or bleeding sore thats not healing.

    of skin cancer is a change in your skin, such as a:

    • new growth
    • sore thats not healing
    • mole thats changing color or shape

    Melanoma is a less common but more dangerous form of skin cancer because it can spread easily if not treated. One of the best ways to get a handle on its symptoms is to think of A-B-C-D-E.

    If any of these apply to a mark on your skin, its important to talk with a dermatologist as soon as possible.

    Actinic cheilitis looks like scaly bumps and sores on your lower lip. Your lip might also be swollen and red.

    Actinic cheilitis can turn into squamous cell cancer if you dont have the bumps removed.

    Atopic Dermatitis Associated With Higher Risk Of Skin Cancer

    Medical Dermatology

    Atopic dermatitis is associated with an increased risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma , according to a study published online Dec. 15 in the International Journal of Dermatology.

    Janice M. Cho, M.D., from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., and colleagues retrospectively analyzed data from 399 patients with an initial SCC diagnosis between Jan. 1, 1996, and Dec. 23, 2010. Patients seen at the Mayo Clinic with no history of SCC before the case event date served as age- and sex-matched controls .

    The researchers found that the odds of developing SCC were higher among patients with a history of AD versus those without AD , after adjustment for race, smoking history, ionizing radiation exposure, corticosteroid and cyclosporine use, and non-SCC skin cancers.

    “Our finding of an association between a history of AD and SCC has clinical implications,” the authors write. “As we continue to gather more data on this possible relationship, we can begin to counsel patients with AD on the importance of skin examinations and sunscreen use at a young age.”

    Explore further

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    Where Does Skin Cancer Develop

    Skin cancer is most commonly seen in sun-exposed areas of your skin your face , ears, neck, arms, chest, upper back, hands and legs. However, it can also develop in less sun-exposed and more hidden areas of skin, including between your toes, under your fingernails, on the palms of your hands, soles of your feet and in your genital area.

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    Moffitt Cancer Center is committed to the health and safety of our patients and their families. For more information on how were protecting our new and existing patients, visit our COVID-19 Info Hub

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    What Causes This Disease And How Frequent Is It

    Atopy is common, with an estimated prevalence of approximately 20%.

    There is a slight female predominance, and it is more common in more industrialized countries, higher socioeconomic populations, and smaller family sizes. These findings suggest that decreased exposure to infectious and environmental antigens predisposes to the development of atopic symptoms.

    Atopy appears to be, at least in part, inherited in a polygenic fashion. Monozygotic twin concordance has been estimated at 75% .

    Multiple studies implicate filaggrin gene defects in the development of atopic dermatitis, and several specific gene loci are being investigated.

    Search Results And Study Characteristics

    Mohs Surgery: The Most Effective Treatment for Skin Cancer

    A total of 493 studies were retrieved from the PubMed and the Embase databases, and after removing 51 duplicates and further excluding 405 studies after title and abstract screening and 27 on the basis of the full article, 10 studies remained. However, six additional eligible studies were identified after screening the references of relevant studies. As a result, 16 studies , involving a total of 9,638,093 participants, that examined the contribution of AD to skin cancers eventually fulfilled the established criteria . Details on the characteristics of the studies are summarized in Table 1, and assessments of the studies are summarized in Table S1 in the Supplementary Material. Eight population-based cohort studies , and eight casecontrol studies were included in this analysis . Of these, one is from Finland , two from Sweden , three from Denmark , four from USA , one from Belgium , one from Canada , one from Montenegro , one from Netherlands , and two from UK .

    Fig. 1

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    What Is The Outlook For People With Skin Cancer

    Nearly all skin cancers can be cured if they are treated before they have a chance to spread. The earlier skin cancer is found and removed, the better your chance for a full recovery. Ninety percent of those with basal cell skin cancer are cured. It is important to continue following up with a dermatologist to make sure cancer does not return. If something seems wrong, call your doctor right away.

    Most skin cancer deaths are from melanoma. If you are diagnosed with melanoma:

    • The five-year survival rate if its detected before it spreads to the lymph nodes is 99%.
    • The five-year survival rate if it has spread to nearby lymph nodes is 66%.
    • The five-year survival rate if it has spread to distant lymph nodes and other organs is 27%.

    What Are The Adverse Effects Associated With Each Treatment Option

    Side effects of topical emollients include skin irritation or unacceptable cosmetic appearance .

    The most common side effect of oral antihistamines is sedation and, in some children, irritability, headaches, or dry mouth.

    Topical glucocorticoids can cause skin atrophy and striae, particularly if superpotent or fluorinated steroids are used on areas of thin skin. Perioral dermatitis , telangiectasia, and folliculitis can also be induced. There is a risk of systemic absorption and subsequent hypothalamic-pituitary axis suppression if potent topical steroids are used on a large body surface area or under occlusion. This effect is transient and rare. Studies evaluating growth suppression in patients subjected to long-term topical glucocorticoids are inconclusive.

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    Other Skin Conditions That Cause Pigmentary Changes

    Eczema is not the only condition that causes pigmentary changes: they can also be caused by various other skin conditions that someone may have alongside their eczema. Two other common pigmentary skin conditions are melasma and vitiligo, but there are many rarer conditions too. So, any form of pigmentary skin problems that cannot be explained by eczema should be assessed and investigated.

    Treatments For Bowens Disease

    Atopic Eczema

    There are a number of treatment options for Bowens disease. Talk to your dermatologist about which treatment is most suitable for you.

    The main treatments are:

    • cryotherapy liquid nitrogen is sprayed on to the affected skin to freeze it. The procedure may be painful and the skin may remain a bit uncomfortable for a few days. The affected skin will scab over and fall off within a few weeks.
    • imiquimod cream or chemotherapy cream this is applied to the affected skin regularly for a few weeks. It may cause your skin to become red and inflamed before it gets better.
    • curettage and cautery the affected area of skin is scraped away under local anaesthetic, where the skin is numbed, and heat or electricity is used to stop any bleeding, leaving the area to scab over and heal after a few weeks.
    • a light-sensitive cream is applied to the affected skin and a laser is directed on to the skin a few hours later to destroy the abnormal cells. The treatment session lasts about 20 to 45 minutes. You may need more than 1 session.
    • surgery the abnormal skin is cut out under local anaesthetic and stitches may be needed afterwards.

    In a few cases, your dermatologist may just advise monitoring your skin closely for example, if its very slow growing and they feel the side effects of treatment will outweigh the benefits.

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    Certain Types Of Eczema Look Like Cellulitis

    Varicose eczema, also called venous eczema, can look similar to cellulitis. This type of eczema affects your lower legs, which is where cellulitis often appears.

    With varicose eczema, your skin may be itchy, swollen, dry, flaky, scaly, or crusty. If you have light skin, it could look red or brown. If you have darker skin, it could look dark brown, purple, or gray.

    Like cellulitis, varicose eczema sometimes causes swelling in your legs. Itâs more likely to happen at the end of the day or after you stand for a long time. You might also notice swollen, enlarged veins in your legs, which are also called varicose veins.

    This type of eczema can cause pain and tenderness, which are also symptoms of cellulitis. You may also notice discolored skin, tight skin, hardened skin, or small, white scars.

    Can Eczema Happen In Adulthood

    Eczema can and does occur in adults. Sometimes, eczema starts in childhood, clears up for a while, and then returns later on. In other people, it may suddenly appear for the first time as an adult.

    According to the National Eczema Association, 1 in 4 adults report that their symptoms first appeared in adulthood. Multiracial or white adults have the highest prevalence of adult-onset eczema, although studies vary on the specific percentages.

    Overall, approximately 10 percent of adults in the United States are living with eczema.

    Adults can get any type of eczema, including atopic dermatitis. Certain types of eczema are more common in adults. These can include:

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    What Is Skin Cancer

    Skin cancer happens when skin cells grow and multiply in an uncontrolled, unorderly way.

    Normally, new skin cells form when cells grow old and die or when they become damaged. When this process doesnt work as it should, a rapid growth of cells results. This collection of cells may be noncancerous , which dont spread or cause harm, or cancerous, which may spread to nearby tissue or other areas in your body if not caught early and treated.

    Skin cancer is often caused by ultraviolet light exposure from the sun.

    There are three main types of skin cancer:

    Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are the most common types of skin cancer and are sometimes called non-melanoma skin cancer.

    Melanoma is not as common as basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas but is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. If left untreated or caught in a late-stage, melanomas are more likely to spread to organs beyond the skin, making them difficult to treat and potentially life-limiting.

    Fortunately, if skin cancer is identified and treated early, most are cured. This is why it is important to take a few safeguards and to talk with your healthcare provider if you think you have any signs of skin cancer.

    What Are The Causes Of Eczema

    How To Treat Eczema Naturally

    Many factors can contribute to eczema, including an interaction between your environment and your genes. When an irritant or an allergen from outside or inside the body switches on the immune system, it produces inflammation, or a flare-up, on the surface of the skin. This inflammation causes the symptoms common to most types of eczema. Creases of the skin, especially the flexural areas behind the knees, elbows, lower legs and other areas of skin that rub against each other can lead to irritation. There is also a potential genetic component to eczema that includes a protein called filaggrin that helps maintain moisture in your skin a filaggrin deficiency can lead to drier, itchier skin.

    Many common household items are also potential environmental irritants and can cause allergic reactions leading to an eczema flare. Additional common triggers of eczema may include:

    • extended exposure to dry air, extreme heat or cold
    • some types of soap, shampoo, bubble bath, body wash, facial cleansers
    • laundry detergents and fabric softeners with chemical additives
    • certain fabrics like wool or polyester in clothing and sheets
    • surface cleaners and disinfectants
    • natural liquids like the juice from fruit, vegetables and meats
    • fragrances in candles

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    What Is The Risk Of Skin Cancer In Patients With Atopic Dermatitis

    Are people with atopic dermatitis at a higher or lower risk of developing skin cancer? Researchers found conflicting evidence.

    Patients with atopic dermatitis often try to get more sun to treat their ailment. Does that exposure or other AD therapies increase their risk of developing skin cancer?

    Arecent study conducted by Sara Gandini, PhD, of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, Italy, and colleagues, published in the Journal of Dermatological Science investigated whether AD patients have a greater risk of skin malignancy.

    In describing their reasons for the study, the researchers state, The initial observation of an inverse association between AD and body naevi count in pediatric populations gave rise to the hypothesis that the risk of melanoma may be reduced among AD patients.

    Although several studies addressed the question of a link between atopic dermatitis and skin cancer, the results were conflicting, leading the researchers to say, To help clarify this issue, we conducted a review of the literature and meta-analysis of all published papers focusing on the association between atopic dermatitis, body naevi count, and the risk of cutaneous melanoma and keratinocyte skin cancer. A total of 18 papers was included in the final analysis.

    What Is Skin Lymphoma

    Lymphoma is a cancer that starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes, which are part of your immune system. There are many different types of lymphoma. Skin lymphomas are lymphomas that develop in the skin and are not affecting any other areas of the body at the time they are diagnosed. Skin lymphoma is not a type of skin cancer .

    There are two types of lymphocytes: B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes . Skin lymphomas can develop from either T cells or B cells.

    • Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas or T-cell skin lymphomas are the most common kind of skin lymphoma. T-cell skin lymphomas often look red and dry like an eczema rash and can affect widespread parts of the body.
    • Cutaneous B-cell lymphomas or B-cell skin lymphomas more commonly cause lumps in the skin, usually in one or two areas of the body.

    Most skin lymphomas are slow-growing but some can be fast-growing .

    Lymphoma that starts somewhere else in the body and then spreads to the skin is not a skin lymphoma. If you have a lymphoma that has spread to the skin, our information on the particular type of lymphoma you have will be more relevant for you.

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