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Will Tanning Bed Help Eczema

Indoor Tanning Can Help Reduce Scar Visibility

Phototherapy for healing eczema. Light therapy.

Youve likely heard that exposure to the sun can affect the look of your scars. It often makes the scans worse. However, there are some scars that can look better when you use indoor tanning booths. This is more of an optical illusion than working on reducing the sight of the scars.

The reason your scars stand out is that they are a different color to the rest of your body. They tend to be darker, making them look prominent. If you tan your body and darken your skin, you can make the scars look fainter than before.

You will need to put some protective sunscreen on the scars. While darkening the rest of your skin, the UV rays will darken the scars, too. You can help to lighten them by using some lemon juice on these parts of the skin to encourage the UV rays to lighten these parts of the skin.

Thinner scars are much easier to reduce than thick ones. If you have thin scars from cosmetic surgery, youll want to consider half an hour a week on the tanning beds to help. The beds can also help to reduce the look of your stretch marks.

Do Tanning Beds Help With Dermatitis

This makes the skin sore, swollen, look reddish, and sometimes have blisters. This could be caused by jewelry, lotions, poison ivy, etc. Nevertheless, its not sure if tanning beds could aid in the removal of this. However, dermatitis isnt life threatening. It goes on its own whether one uses tanning beds or not.

Health Benefits Of Tanning Beds You Probably Didnt Know

We all know that excessive exposure to UV rays is bad for the skin and could cause cancer. It may be from excessive tanning sessions or too much exposure to the scorching heat of the sun. Either is hazardous to health when you violate the rule: MODERATION. Excess of everything isnt always good.

Here are the reasons why tanning is essential for every- body:

1. It eases your S-A-Dness

Seasonal Affective Disorder, coined as SAD, is a type of depression that recurs due to change of season, it becomes severe as the season progresses to winter. This is apparent during fall to winter season, though, for some, it starts manifesting during spring or summer.

Symptoms of SAD include:

  • Losing interest to activities you once enjoyed
  • Overly sensitive
  • Change in appetite

This occurrence relates to lack of Vitamin D, known to act as a MOOD MODULATOR. There are just few natural foods rich in Vitamin D such as fish, mushroom and poultry eggs, however, the production is only optimized when the sun strikes our skin.

2. It improves your sex life

Men and women who get adequate UVs tend to have a healthy sex life. Vitamin D plays a vital role on mens erections. If you have erectile problems, boosting your Vitamin D might be the solution. This has been linked to Womens hormones as well. When insufficient, her sexual drive becomes low as estrogen levels tend to fall.

3. Treats Eczema and Psoriasis

4. It keeps your bones strong

5. Its a stress- reliever

For more lux advice, please contact us.

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How Can You Treat Eczema

If you have mild eczema, you might be able to treat it yourself.

First, wash your hands well before touching your skin. Use soap and warm water. Avoid scratching as this can lead to infection.

Wear loose cotton clothing and avoid wearing tight clothes. Clothing made of synthetic fabrics such as nylon may trap moisture under the skin.

Apply moisturizers regularly. Choose creams that contain zinc oxide or salicylic acid. Apply them twice daily to affected areas.

Use an emollient lotion for dry skin. Look for a cream that contains lactic acid or urea. Avoid hot baths and showers. Hot water encourages bacteria growth.

Use a humidifier to keep the air moist and try avoiding drying out your skin. If youre feeling irritation or pain, you can try applying aloe vera gel to the affected area. Its soothing and cooling.

Always remember to get plenty of rest as studies have shown this to be effective with skin conditions, so too is regular hydration and avoiding smoking or vaping.

For extreme cases of eczema, you will need to speak with a dermatologist who should be able to advise you on medication or other treatment. Your regular physician can refer you if you require it.

How Long To Spend Tanning For Eczema

Tanning Bed For Psoriasis

The important first thing to note here is too be careful not to overexpose yourself.

If you spend too much time tanning in the sun or using tanning beds this could has a worse effect on your skin. Thats because it can cause the skin to dry out more and even become burned.

The secret to this is keep your tanning in moderation to help treat your eczema.

We recommend 20-30 minutes of suntanning to get the vitamin D you need for the day.

If you have darker skin you might need up to a couple of hours though typically up to 1 hour a day will be more than enough if you have darker skin.

If you are opting for tanning beds instead of sun tanning we recommend doing session it in moderation. We recommend starting with 5-minute sessions 2 times per week and building up gradually over time until a max of 10 minutes.

If your skin is pale you will not need as long as someone who has a darker complexion. This is because people with paler skin develop vitamin D more quickly than people with darker skin.

To give you more of an idea of timeframes depending on your skin check our article here tanning bed time chart. Remember you wont need as long as this chart suggests but up until the 2-week mark is more than sufficient for eczema treatment.

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Other Atopic Dermatitis Treatment Options

Practitioners may suggest phototherapy as a second line of treatment after unsuccessful topical treatments. If these options are still unsuccessful, health practitioners may consider other prescription medications, such as biologics and immunosuppressants.

Biologics are medications that target specific proteins called interleukins to help stop a persons immune system from overreacting. Immunosuppressants are medications that help to suppress the immune system. They include traditional systemic drugs such as cyclosporine, and systemic steroids.

While side-effects such as redness and skin tenderness are common after phototherapy, individuals may want to consider seeing their doctor if they present with the following:

  • redness of treatment area beyond 24 hours
  • any open areas on the skin, including blisters, burns, and cuts
  • worsening of eczema

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About Tanning For Eczema

There are some people with eczema thatconstantly promote the benefits of tanning to address the symptoms of eczema.Some say that tanning significantly diminishes the visibly of rashes and cansometimes make it disappear altogether. This type of claim is somewhatdangerous because it can cause people with eczema to spend more time in the sunwithout the proper protection.

There are medical professionals thatdisagree on whether or not eczema patients should ever spend time in the sun,with or without sunscreen. Its because there has been contradictory studiesconcerning the affects of the sun on eczema. What many will agree on is thefact that sun exposure always requires sunscreen. There should never be asituation in which a person goes out into the sun without UV protection.

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Benefits Of Vitamin D

When considering the link between sunlightand treating eczema, its first important to understand that sunlight is asource of Vitamin D. This is why the sun affects your immune system and thehealth of your skin. Not only is Vitamin D good for your body, its alsoeffective at preventing different types of cancer. In fact, its understoodthat people with eczema are often Vitamin D deficient.

Since Vitamin D is beneficial, eczemasufferers can increase their intake through supplementation. They can also useUV light thats controlled as opposed to simply spending unlimited time in thesun unprotected. Tanning is a way to provide your body with UV light in acontrolled environment.

Tanning Salons And Cancer Risk

DIY Tanning & Vitamin D Using Reptile UV Bulb!

Applying sunscreen, wearing hats and rocking some sunglasses are all ways to protect yourself from harmful UVA/UVB rays reaching us from the sun thousands of miles away. But when you hop into a tanning bed, you are exposing yourself to the very same rays from only 6-8 inches away. So, even if the temptation of achieving that summer glow seems irresistible, you should note that health experts warn against the use of tanning beds.

Daniella Bolton is trying to steer clear of tanning beds now, but millions of people still head to the salons every year. This is a huge health concern because just one indoor tanning session can increase the risk of melanoma by 20 percent and squamous cell carcinoma by 67 percent, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. And in a study published in April for Cancer, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, researchers suggest that banning tanning beds among minors would prevent thousands of cases of melanoma in adolescents and millions of dollars in healthcare costs.

Studies have shown that exposure to tanning beds increases the risk of skin cancer and ocular cancer, says Dr. Lynn A. Cornelius, chief of the division of dermatology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. It also induces changes that lead to premature aging of the skin. There is no safe tanning bed.

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Can Tanning Beds Help With Eczema

There are some studies that suggest using tanning beds could help reduce the severity of eczema. However, these studies were conducted on small numbers of participants, and they didnt prove if tanning beds really work.

In fact, one study found that people who used tanning beds had more severe cases of eczema than those who did not use them.

Tanning bed users reported their skin was drier, and their eczema was worse. They also said their skin become flaky and cracked.

Other studies showed no difference between the effects of tanning beds and sunlight on eczema.

However, many experts are now pondering whether it is not actually the ultraviolet light that could help with the skin condition, but rather vitamin D that comes from it.

When Treatment Fails To Clear De Or A Patient Has Severe De

If the above treatments fail to work or you have severe DE, your dermatologist may recommend one of the following:

  • Botulinum toxin: These injections, which are given in a dermatologists office, bring some patients relief because botulinum toxin temporarily relaxes the muscles and stops excessive sweating.Botulinum toxin is FDA approved to treat wrinkles and excessive sweating in the underarms but not DE. Its legal to prescribe a medicine for a condition other than its FDA-approved use. This is called off-label use, which can be very helpful for some patients.

Other treatments than the ones listed here can also be helpful. Your dermatologist can tell you what treatment may be best for you.

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What Other Safety Measures Should You Take

While you get phototherapy for atopic dermatitis, itâs important to limit how much sun you get. Apply sunscreen with at least 30 SPF every 2 to 3 hours while youâre outside, and wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Donât sunbathe or use a tanning bed. It could severely burn you. Using a tanning bed can also raise your chances for skin cancer.

What To Expect At Your Light Therapy Appointment

Skin Care &  Tanning

Patients usually go to light therapy appointments two or three times a week for several weeks to months, says Piliang. At the appointment, youll moisturize your skin, then stand undressed in a light box, with goggles on to protect your eyes, according to the National Eczema Association. Treatment can last anywhere from seconds to a couple of minutes, the society notes.

While light therapy may sound like a simple way to help with eczema, its not without its drawbacks.

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Are Sunbeds Good For Eczema

Multiple studies on sunbed usage across the world have been undertaken over the past few years, and one of the most interesting and consistent findings is that those with skin conditions such as eczema use tanning beds more than those without skin concerns.

This leads to the question, are sunbeds good for eczema?.

Eczema & Phototherapy

A rapidly emerging treatment for psoriasis is known as phototherapy. Now available on the NHS, it involves exposing the skin to UVB light to help reduce the appearance of the diseases classic symptom of scaly-looking skin. The promising results of this treatment suggests that phototherapy may also have a positive effect on symptoms of eczema.

And theres no shortage of research to support this theory. Studies have already found a direct link between both UVA and UVB light exposure and disease activity in eczema patients. While the results were greatest with exposure to UVB light, both types successfully reduced disease activity to a degree that symptoms were minimised.

This shouldnt come as too much of a surprise to anyone suffering with eczema. Many often find that symptoms such as itchiness, dryness, and skin cracking reduce significantly during the summer months, or when holidaying in a sunny destination.

Exploring the UV-Eczema Link

Environmental factors such as levels of natural light have long been understood to play a role in inflammatory disease. But what exactly is it about UV light that can help?

Do Sunbeds Have the Same Effect?

Patients Receiving Immunoglobulin Therapy May Get De

If you are receiving intravenous immunoglobulin and develop blisters on your hands or feet after an infusion, be sure to tell your doctor. This is likely DE. A few patients develop this eczema after receiving immunoglobulin therapy.

The eczema can worsen with each infusion, so early diagnosis is important. With treatment, most cases of DE due to this therapy are treated successfully. This will allow you to continue receiving immunoglobulin therapy.

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Fake Sun Still Produces Vitamin D

There is one reason people like to be out in the sun and thats the vitamin D exposure. Just 15 minutes in the sun without any sunscreen will get you your daily recommended amount. But that doesnt mean its always that easy.

If you live in a location that has harsh and dark winters, you will find that getting the right levels of vitamin D is near impossible. Governments now make it a requirement for some dairy sources to add vitamin D to them. This helps to make sure adults and children get the required amount, but not everyone drinks or eats dairy, right? Sure, there are supplements, but you want to get it naturally.

At least, you want to get it semi-naturally.

This is where the indoor tanning beds come into play. They are the perfect way to get the vitamin D intake. Its all in the UV rays that help to brown the skin. They also encourage the body to produce more vitamin D daily, so you get your recommended amount without the need for pharmaceutical needs or giving in to changing your beliefs to consume vitamin D.

Why is vitamin D so important? Well, it helps the body absorb the right levels of calcium to create stronger bones and teeth. Youve likely heard that, but thats not the only benefit to it. Vitamin D has also been linked to the prevention of high blood pressure, some cancers, seasonal affective disorder , and so much more. Its been linked to creating a healthier and happier body.

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Sunlight And Eczema Prevention

Phototherapy for chronic skin conditions explained / UV Light / Eczema / Dermatitis / Psoriasis

Other scientists also believe that a lack of sunlight may contribute to the rise in inflammatory skin conditions. The hypothesis suggests that, as modern society moves to a more indoor lifestyle, the lack of sunlight alters the skins barrier function and dulls the bodys natural inflammatory response.

From an epidemiological standpoint, researchers are already seeing evidence of this.

According to research in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, the incidence of eczema has increased two- to three-fold in industrialized countries in recent decades, suggesting that lifestyle plays a role in the conditions development.

Clinical evidence supports the hypothesis. A 2019 study from the University of Western Australia found that there was no difference in eczema between infants who were given vitamin D supplements compared to those who received none. What was discovered, however, was that the infants who received less UV light exposure were more likely to have eczema.

This would suggest that UV exposure may play an important role in the prevention of eczema by promoting a healthy, rather than excessive, inflammatory response.

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Who Gets Dyshidrotic Eczema

The people most likely to get dyshidrotic eczema are adults aged 20 to 40, who often have one or more of the following:

Certain medical condition: You have a higher risk of developing DE if you have any of the following:

  • Atopic dermatitis or blood relatives who have eczema
  • Contact dermatitis, especially an allergy to nickel
  • Dyshidrotic eczema in your family

Sweaty or moist hands: Some people have flares every spring or summer when the temperature rises.

Wet hands throughout the day or work with certain substances: DE is more common in people who:

  • Immerse their hands in water frequently during the day, such as healthcare workers, hair stylists, and florists
  • Work with cement

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Finding A Professional Who Performs Light Therapy For Eczema

Phototherapy must be prescribed by a dermatologist. The procedure itself may be provided directly at your dermatologists office or at another facility such as an outpatient center or hospital.

To find a professional who performs light therapy for eczema, you may consider searching the following organizations for a dermatologist in your area:

2008 research review , phototherapy is considered a safe treatment overall for eczema in all skin tones when conducted by a professional.

However, individuals with dark skin and people of color should choose a dermatologist with experience using phototherapy to treat skin conditions in skin of color.

Theres a chance for exacerbation if sunlight is one of your eczema triggers. Let the technician know ahead of time so they can adjust the UV lamps accordingly.

UV radiation may increase your risk of developing nonmelanoma skin cancer.

However, risks from phototherapy are considered low compared with indoor tanning beds, according to the AADA. Other possible side effects and risks include:

Short-term effects, such as redness or discoloration and burning, may be worse after 8 hours following your session but should improve after this time, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology .

You can help alleviate dry skin from your treatment by applying an emollient cream after each session.

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