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Dr Xiu Min Li Eczema

Asthma Management With Tcm

NYC CONFERENCE (Preventable Documentary) May 13th, 2017, RED SKIN SYNDROME

TCM can be used as an adjunct or alternative therapy for asthma to work towards preventing the frequency of cold-induced or upper respiratory infection-induced asthma exacerbations. The antiasthma simplified herbal medicine intervention is a capsule that works by reducing inflammation in your respiratory tract. This treatment has the potential to allow a patient to reduce the number of illness-induced asthma flares which in result can decrease the frequency that an oral steroid is needed and reduce the use of a steroid inhaler or short-acting inhaler. Clinical trial I study for ASHMI has been completed and it appears to be a safe and effective alternative medicine for treating asthma.

Q: What Successes Have You Had

A: We have had a great deal of success with patients whose AD was so bad that it represented a considerable threat to their quality of life and morale, both children and adults. When I began my clinical practice more than a decade ago, I started with eczema. Doctors sent patients to me after they felt they had done all they could do for them.

Finding A Qualified Doctor

While choosing doctors for my documentary about topical steroid withdrawal, I included Dr. Xiu-Min Li, a highly regarded immunologist who specializes in TCM. Speaking with her and her patient, Beth, only amplified that this must be a favorited path for eczema sufferers.

Since my interview with Dr. Li in 2017, TCM has increased in prevalence. But what makes it so special?

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Tcm And Western Medicine

“TCM is best used when patients are not getting desired results from pharmaceuticals,” Friedman concludes.

She adds that it is also there for other pressing reasons, such as weaning off pharmaceuticals due to unwanted side effects.

When the narrow path of topical steroids, immunosuppressants, and biologics isn’t cutting it, give TCM a try. What is there to lose?

Eczema Management With Tcm

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TCM can be used as an adjunct or alternative therapy for several types of eczema to manage symptoms and reduce the need for topical steroids. The types of eczema that can benefit from TCM include:

  • Infant with newly diagnosed eczema /young children with steroid-dependent eczema
  • Older children with steroid-dependent eczema

Dr. Yan can offer an eczema treatment regimen that consists of internal and external regimens. The external treatment regimens use creams and bath additives to help control symptoms in active phases as well as recovering phases. The internal treatments consist of herbal teas that can be used for eczema and episodes of flares or excessive itching.

The goal of TCM interventions is to increase skin integrity and promote skin regeneration to reduce infection and reduce the thinning of the skin, which is an adverse effect of topical steroids. TCM remedies work with topical steroids to improve the anti-inflammatory effect and decrease the use of or wean off topical steroids in patients with steroid-dependent eczema.

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Get Relief From Allergies With Traditional Chinese Medicine

In our quest as allergy parents to elevate the quality of life, general wellbeing, and eliminate allergy symptoms, we often seek out homeopathy remedies that are all-natural and free of any additives or synthetic compounds. In recent years, we have heard success stories from friends in Asia who have undergone treatments using Traditional Chinese Medicine for allergy relief and even reduction! Now, TCM is making its waves in the Bay Area and is becoming the next big thing among health-conscious folks!

Columbia Allergy, home of the nations leading network of renowned allergists and immunologists specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of children and adults with environmental and food allergies, has added TCM to its extensive menu of services to benefit allergy sufferers. Dr. Yan Yan, board-certified allergist and pediatrician, has joined the clinics Fremont location in the Bay Area, where she will provide Traditional Chinese Medicine as an alternative and/or adjunct treatment for asthma, eczema, and food allergies.

Traditional Chinese Medicine is a huge asset to individuals struggling with allergies, says Dr. Yan. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with your current allergy treatments and medications. I specialize in creating 100 percent individualized and comprehensive treatment plans for each patient to ensure to best possible results.

Food Allergy Herbal Formula 2 Development

Food Allergy Herbal Formula 2 is the first US FDA botanical investigational new drug for FA. It was developed from a classic 10-herb formula, Wu Mei Wan, used to treat intestinal parasite infections and gastrointestinal disorders with symptoms similar to FA and gastroenteritis. Lingzhi , an herb with markedly anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy effects, was added. This 11-herb formula was named FAHF-1. Two herbs, Xi Xin and Zhi Fu Zi (Radix

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Q: What Do Atopic Dermatitis Patients Need To Know Before Trying This Type Of Therapy Who Is It Appropriate For

A: Patients should know that it is not, so far, reimbursable by insurance. The medicines are approved as supplements, not FDA pharmaceuticals. They should also know that the drugs are manufactured by reputable Chinese hospital pharmacies and tested for purity and consistency by WHO/FDA-approved laboratories. They are NOT to be lumped in with the kind of brand-name supplements that have been getting attention in the press.

TCM is appropriate for patients who have really exhausted all conventional therapies. It is also appropriate for those whose eczema is co-morbid with severe food allergies and asthma. In time, however, as these herbal treatments come into wider use, we may be able to treat people before they resort to steroids. We have done very well with small children who already have bad eczema.

Integrative Treatments Of Allergic Diseases Based On Traditional Chinese Herbal Medications: Research And Practice Perspectives

Anaphylactic Allergy Podcast #110

Special Guest Lecture by Dr. Xiu-Min Li

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

Join us for an informative presentation on allergic disease and traditional Chinese herbal medicine led by Dr. Xiu-Min Li, Professor of Pediatrics, Allergy and Immunology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

Seating for this event will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

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Research Has Basis In Traditional Chinese Medicine Used In Human Beings For 2000 Years

Pouches bulging with dried Chinese herbs crowd the shelves in the laboratory of Xiu-Min Li, M.D., M.S. There are tendrilled fritillary bulb, rhizomes and hundreds of other medicinal plants and flowers that are actively being investigated all over the world for their anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, anticancer, anti-fungal and other therapeutic properties.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used in human beings for 2000 years, says the ebullient Dr. Li, professor of microbiology and immunology and of otolaryngology at New York Medical College since 2018. I have a database of 300 to 400 Chinese herbs. Some, like ginseng, ginger and cinnamon are viewed as dietary supplements, but they also have significant medicinal functions.

Dr. Li has harnessed the medicinal power of Chinese herbs since graduating from the Henan University of Chinese Medicine in Zhengzhou, China, in 1983. After completing a postdoctoral research fellowship in clinical allergy and immunology at The John Hopkins University in Baltimore in 1997, she became a founding faculty member of the Jaffe Food Allergy Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. There, she began research into using botanical formulations to treat asthma and food allergies, especially in children, a population wherein prevalence is increasing.

Are Some Herbs Harmful

In the past, licorice root was seen as ‘treacherous’ for eczema and TSW patients. That theory still circulates around today.

“There are no herbs that eczema patients should stay away from just because they have eczema,” Dr. Friedman asserts. “Instead, patients should avoid herbs that fall into the same category of their allergies or sensitivities. Herbal medicine uses all parts of the plant, including seeds, nuts, flowers, etc. Therefore, for example, people who are allergic to pollens may not be able to handle herbs that are flowers.”

Makes sense. She also shows us that other medications being prescribed need to be taken into consideration.

“If the patient is taking some supplements or pharmaceuticals, they may not want to use certain herbs that can make those substances stronger/weaker.”

This is why an extensive history must be taken. No one should receive such treatments without one.

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Herbal Medicine For Eczema

While the conventional approach for treating eczema has been to apply a steroid cream, I was hesitant of that approach. I had been in the process of writing a book about toxic exposures from consumer products, and I had read about concerns with steroid creams. Some claimed that steroid creams were not truly effective and also posed adverse health effects such as thinning skin and hormone disruption, which, for a quickly-developing child, has unknown and potentially long-term consequences. Furthermore, eczema treatments wouldnt be applied to just a small section of my daughters skin, but to nearly her entire body.

Before my daughters first birthday, I took her to visit the best pediatric allergist/dermatologist that I could find in our area : Dr. Scott Sicherer, who is highly regarded and has impressive credentials. With great patience and care, he explained how allergies have been addressed in the medical community during the 60, 70s, , and today. He explained that the current approach is to apply a steroid cream, along with other steps. But, we dont really know what causes allergies. Therefore, weve been making educated guesses on how to treat them

This helpful overview fueled my hesitation of using a steroid cream, and triggered my curiosity for alternative approaches such as herbal medicine for eczema.

The Treatment

The Results

By the end of one month, my daughter had a new suit of skin. My husband and I were surprised by how healthy and resilient her skin was!

A Focus On The Individual

Dr. Li and Her Chinese Herbal Remedies

“TCM is founded on the notion that every person has an innate constitution that can influence how a health condition can manifest,” she proceeds. “Since everyone’s constitution is different, TCM addresses each person as an individual and customizes treatment to best match that person’s host of signs/symptoms as well as any contributing factors such as lifestyle choices.”

What a concept. That we, as humans, are all different and have various needs. A blanketed topical steroid prescription is not the end-all-be-all in our journey. We are not fast food meals on a prescription conveyer belt. Our bodies need intimate, precise care. TCM fits that bill.

“The premise of TCM is that human beings have an innate ability to heal. TCM helps to promote and support the healing process until TCM is no longer needed and normal function is re-achieved,” Dr. Friedman concludes.

Again, unimaginable! The thought that a doctor wishes to rid you as a patient, not keep you on pills or creams forever. The role of TCM is to get you better and set you free.

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Articles Supporting Use Of Tcm

  • Thanik E, Wisniewski JA, Nowak-Wegrzyn A, Sampson H, Li XM. Improvement of skin lesions and life quality in moderate-to-severe eczema patients by combined TCM therapy. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2018 Jul 121:135-136.3.
  • Srivastava K, Qu C, Zhang TF, Goldfarb J, Sampson HA, Li X-M. FAHF-2 silences peanut-induced anaphylaxis for a prolonged post-treatment period via IFN-g producing CD8+ T cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 123:443-51.
  • Patil P, Wang J, Song Y, Noone S, Yang N, Wallenstein S, Sampson HA, and Li X-M. Clinical safety of FAHF-2, and inhibitory effect on basophils from patients with food allergy extended phase I study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011
  • Srivastava K, Song Y, Yang N, Liu C, Nowak-Wgrzyn A, Sampson HA and Li X-M. B-FAHF-2 plus oral immunotherapy is safer and more effective than OIT alone in a murine model of concurrent peanut/tree nut allergy. Clinical Experimental Allergy. 2017 47:1038-1049.
  • Wen MC, Wei CH, Hu ZQ, Srivastava K, Ko J, Xi ST, Mu DZ, Du JB, Li GH, Wallenstein S, Sampson HA, Kattan M, Li X-M. Efficacy and tolerability of anti-asthma herbal medicine intervention in adult patients with moderate-severe allergic asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2005 116:517-24. PMID:16159618.
  • Wei Z, Z Chen, W Li, Y Wang, X-M Li, P Ran, and Z Liu. Systems pharmacology uncovers the mechanisms of anti-asthma herbal medicine intervention for asthma. J Funct Foods. 2019 Jan 52: 611-619.
  • Treating Eczema With Traditional Chinese Medicine

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    Q: Whats The Status Of Current Research Related To Ad And Chinese Herbal Therapy

    A: The research, per se, is part of the big picture work we are doing on food allergies and asthma, which also play a big role in AD, as with other allergies. The same bad guys such as allergen-specific IgE and elevated levels of IL-4 and IL-13 that are associated with allergic reactions are associated with AD. IL-5 helps attract eosinophils, a potent defense against intestinal parasites, which congregate wherever there is persistent inflammation, including the skin. We are lowering those. Likewise, they help elevate production of IgG4 blocking antibodies and interferon gamma, which are associated with protection from allergies.

    This research allows us to understand the mechanisms by which all the medicines work, and discover ways to make them more effective.

    Xiu Min Li Laboratory


    Xiu-Min Li, M.D.


    Changda Liu, Ph.D.

    Post Doctoral Fellow

    Changda Liu, Ph.D., is a postdoctoral fellow in the Division of Pediatric Allergic and Immunology, Pediatric Department, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. He received his doctor degree of Natural Products Chemistry in Shenyang Pharmaceutical University in 2002. He has tremendous experience in identification and isolation of small active molecules from medicinal herbs, molecular mechanisms determination underlying raw material and individual bioactive compounds in vitro and in vivo.

    Ying Song, M.D.

    Assistant Professor

    Kamal Srivastava, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor

    Member of the Immunobiology Lab for the Center for Chinese Herbal Therapy for Asthma and Allergy since 1999. Kamal has contributed to animal model studies at the center in food allergy and asthma research resulting in several articles in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at the annual meetings of the AAAAI. She is currently a PhD candidate attending Graduate School at the The Icahn School of Medicine with a Ruth L. Kirschtein pre-doctoral fellowship awarded by NIH/NCCAM. Her present research projects involve animal studies with ASHMI and FAHF-2 formulas.

    Nan Yang, Ph.D.

    Assistant Professor

    Sharon M. Hamlin

    Administrative Coordinator

    Sharon Hamlin is the Administrative Coordinator for the Center for Chinese Herbal Therapy for Asthma and Allergy. She joined the Center for Chinese Herbal Therapy for Asthma and Allergy in May 2008.

    Serife Uzun

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    Q: How Do You Treat Atopic Dermatitis With Chinese Herbal Therapy

    A: First of all, its important to keep in mind that atopic dermatitis is, as the name implies, an atopicallergicdisease. Readers are certainly aware of this because they use antihistamines and topical steroids, both of which are generally staples of the medicine cabinet for allergic diseases.

    AD is usually the first step in the allergic march that is often followed by a succession of environmental allergies, asthma, and food allergies. However, antihistamines and steroids do not get to the heart of the matter, which is that allergic diseases result when there is an imbalance between the parts of the immune system.

    With TCM, we try to modulate these imbalances using a combination of lotions, creams, baths, teas, pills, and sometimes acupuncture and acupressure, which calm the immune system so that it eventually becomes less reactive.

    Because the skin often has open sores and damaged tissue, we also use traditional herbal treatments for burns.

    It is fundamental to TCM that we treat the whole body. Organ systems are not independent of one another. This has been borne out by the recent research on how eczematous skin may be an induction point for allergens like peanuts and may sensitize infants who have never eaten these allergens.

    Treating the whole body is not easy or quick. That said, the skin frequently does improve much more rapidly than other allergic diseases that are being treated.

    Q: Are There Any New Projects You Are Working On That You Can Share With The Nea Audience

    A: We are now putting together plans for the first step in our creation of a practice network to train other practitioners to use some of these methods without having to learn an entire new discipline. This will begin with AD. It is enabled by the fact that the medicines are available as supplements. A small number of allergists and maybe dermatologists will spend time with me for instruction. Over a period of time, my hope is that we can build this network so that many patients in many parts of the country will achieve relief and a restored quality of life.

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    New Therapies To Treat Eczema

    Now, more than ever, patients are forsaking traditional doctors’ offices and embracing new ways of managing their skin. We grow weary in faith and need new reasons to believe again. Some turn to diet, others MedSpas.

    One new yet extremely old process in managing skin disease is Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM.

    At first, I thought this way to be expensive and unsophisticated. How can herbs clear a lifetime of skin ailments? To my surprise, many patients have proclaimed utter gratitude and cherish the nourishment granted from herbal formulations that speak specifically to their needs.

    The Benefits Of Herbal Medicine For Eczema

    Sage Plant Based Bistro brunch breakfast

    Managing eczema has been a big issue in my family. When my youngest daughter was 3 days old, she began developing eczema. Since my older two children had not experienced eczema or other health issues, I kept waiting for my youngest to outgrow her skin issues as we tried different natural remedies for eczema. Sometimes it seemed that the eczema was subsiding. But, in fact, it was on a general trend of becoming more severe. Eventually I knew I had to try a different course of action.

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