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What Can I Use For Eczema On My Baby

Prevent Scratching Or Rough Treatment Of The Skin

How can I help my baby with eczema?

Some of the worst problems that eczema can cause come from scratching the skin around the itchy spots. Small openings in the skin can lead to new problems like bacterial infections. To cut down on scratching:

  • Keep your babys nails clipped short
  • Cover your babys hands with mittens or socks
  • Pat your baby dry after a bath instead of rubbing or scrubbing with the towel and then apply moisturizer while they are still a bit wet

When Should I Use The Steroid Cream On My Toddler Or Baby Eczema

Keep the steroid cream in reserve for when the skin is inflamed – looking red and angry. Don’t apply to broken skin.

If you have a baby, a mild moisturizer like 1% Hydrocortisone cream will usually be tried first. For older children, a potent steroid may be started first

The steroid should be applied to red, inflamed areas usually after the daily bath. Start using the steroid cream on your the toddler or baby eczema as soon as the red inflamed areas appear and continue using until the skin is clear. Once the skin is clear of red inflamed areas, you can stop using the steroid but start using it again as soon as the skin flares up again. Initially, you will need to restart the steroid fairly soon after stopping but, over time, you will find that you are using the steroid for less days in a row and that there are longer periods between steroid use. Strong steroids can be used in this way as well as 1% hydrocortisone.

If your child has very problematic eczema, some dermatologists advise that you use the steroid on weekends even when the skin is looking clear – the aim is to keep the skin as free of redness and inflammation for as long as possible.

For best results leave at least 20 minutes between applying the moisturizer and the steroid cream .

How To Treat Baby Eczema

Baby eczema is common and treatable in infants. It occurs in about 10 percent to 15 percent of children. The patches of eczema are typically red, dry, rough and often itchy. The most common sites involved are the flexural creases of the elbows, knees or the cheeks.

Q: My baby has red patches on his skin. How do I treat it?

A: Baby eczema is common and treatable in infants. It occurs in about 10 percent to 15 percent of children. The patches of eczema are typically red, dry, rough and often itchy. The most common sites involved are the flexural creases of the elbows, knees or the cheeks. Eczema occurs when the barrier function of the skin becomes abnormal. This results in increased loss of moisture and as well as decreased protection from topical irritants. This combination is what causes drying and inflammation of the skin. Heredity is a big factor in whether an infant gets eczema. If mom or dad have eczema, a baby is more likely to develop it, too.

About 40 percent to 50 percent of children outgrow eczema before school age but some kids will have eczema into adulthood. Remissions do happen and can last for years, though the tendency for these patients to have dry skin often lingers. There are a variety of eczema triggers to avoid:

Dry skin. This is often caused by low humidity, especially during winter when homes are well-heated and the air is dry. Dry skin can make a baby’s eczema itchier.

Read Also: Will There Be A Cure For Eczema

When Can I Start Putting On Lotion To My Baby

The NHS also recommends parents do not use any oils or lotions until their baby is one month old. This is because at birth, the top layer of a babys skin is very thin and easily damaged. Over the first month , a babys skin matures and develops its own natural protective barrier.

What Is The Difference Between Lotions Creams And Ointments

How Can I Help My Babys Eczema at Home? Apply a ...

Lotions, creams and ointments are all moisturizers . However, they have different water content. Lotions have the most water so absorb easily into the skin however, lotions don’t provide enough moisture to the skin to be used in toddler or baby eczema. Ointments have the most moisturizing quality but can be greasy on the skin and can clog up washing machines – if clothing has lots of ointment on it, soak in hot water before washing.

  • Creams: Sorbolene, Cetamacrogel, E45

Also Check: What Helps Clear Up Eczema

How Does Baby Eczema Differ From Dry Skin

Dry skin is a symptom of eczema. Your pediatrician can diagnose eczema by examining your baby’s skin. He or she may send you to a pediatric dermatologist for confirmation and treatment if the condition is severe.

In general, dry skin can be handled at home with some moisturizer and isnt as bothersome as eczema. However, babies with darker skin tend to have drier skin than those with lighter skin making moisturization even more crucial.

Food Allergy And Eczema Flare

  • Food allergies are a factor in 30% of young children with severe eczema. This factor is mainly seen in babies.
  • The main allergic foods are cow’s milk and eggs.
  • The main symptoms are increased skin redness and itching. Some parents report these symptoms start during or soon after the feeding.
  • The eczema becomes easier to control if you avoid the allergic food.

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Are Steroid Creams Safe In Toddler And Baby Eczema

There are different strengths of steroids, and if used as directed, they are safe. Datasheets on strong steroids say these should not be used continuously without any breaks – however, it is generally accepted that sometimes you need to use potent steroids for long periods initially to get a response and you will need to restart as soon as the skin flares again .

The strength of steroid used will depend on your child’s age, the severity of the eczema, previous use of steroids and whether the eczema is acute or chronic.

Only 1% hydrocortisone should be used on the face at any age unless prescribed by a specialist.

Potency of Steroid Preparations:

How Reducing Indoor Allergens Can Ease Your Eczema Symptoms

How can I treat my baby’s eczema thats natural and safe?

Eczema usually isnt a persistent condition, but rather one marked by long symptom-free periods followed by flare-ups.

Various environmental factors may cause the immune system to respond as if the body has encountered a harmful substance, resulting in inflammation and worsening eczema symptoms.

These triggers may include a variety of allergens and irritants, such as:

  • Pet dander, pollen, mold, and dust mites
  • Allergenic foods
  • Clothing made of wool or synthetic fibers
  • Cigarette smoke

Theres no cure for baby eczema, but the condition usually becomes less severe over time.

Treatment focuses on managing skin dryness to prevent flare-ups and on reducing skin inflammation.

Doctors recommend the following strategies to parents whose babies have eczema:

Your doctor may also recommend other eczema treatments for your child, including:

Recommended Reading: Does Eczema Spread By Scratching

Managing Babys Eczema: Other Lifestyle Tips

Bathing and moisturizing are the cornerstones of baby eczema management, but they arent the only ways to manage baby eczema. Follow these other tips to help soothe your babys skin:

Moderate or severe eczema requires more in-depth care than mild eczema. The tips in the linked article may help you develop a detailed routine based on babys eczema severity.

How Often Should You Bathe A Baby With Eczema

In this article, we are going to explore the question: How often should you bathe a baby with eczema. Its a good question because there is no one right answer. In this article, I will discuss what I do personally and other strategies to make the most out of bathing time. This has helped me to control eczema that my child was suffering from.

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Managing Babys Eczema: Moisturizing

Regular moisturizing is just as crucial for managing baby eczema as the daily bath. In fact, its the seal part of the soak and seal method.

After your baby’s bath, moisturize their skin right away to “seal” the remaining moisture from the bath into their skin, and help prevent it from escaping.

  • Follow the 3-minute rule! Moisturize babys skin within 3 minutes after the bath. The moisture from the bath will escape through babys skin barrier if you wait too long to moisturize.

Choose a moisturizer that mimics and supplements the skin’s natural barrier, which is made up of cholesterol, fats, and fatty acids.

This barrier usually lets the skin hold in enough moisture. But babies with eczema have a compromised skin barrier, so they need support from moisturizer to build up their barrier.

  • Look for moisturizers that contain ceramides. Ceramides are the fats that the skin naturally makes to form the skin barrier.
  • You could also use coconut oil, because it moisturizes, eases inflammation, and helps fight against skin bacteria with lauric acid.
  • Ointments that are free from alcohol are also recommended. Avoid creams that contain alcohol, as alcohol can sting and burn the skin.

Please read this article to learn more about the best baby eczema moisturizer ingredients, as well as moisturizer ingredients to avoid.

Liberally moisturize all areas of babys body, especially the areas where the eczema is worst. Theres no such thing as too much moisturizer!

How To Use Shea Butter On Your Baby

What can I use for eczema on my lips? : eczema

Similar to how you might use coconut oil, you can heat a spoonful of shea butter in the microwave and then use it as part of a baby massage. Be sure to test the temperature of the liquid first it should feel pleasantly warm, but not burn-your-skin hot.

Gently dip the tips of your fingers in the liquid and rub babys body, one small area at a time. When using shea butter or any other oil, avoid babys eye area and genitals.

For treating baby eczema, you dont need to heat it up to liquid state. After giving baby a bath , pat the skin dry and rub a small amount into the affected area.

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What Are The Benefits Of Bathing/showering

It helps to wash away dirt, irritants and allergens that can further exacerbate eczema. It also can help caregivers bond with the child as this activity involves both parties. Its important to note that bathing can cause skin to dry and further causing itching if a moisturizer isnt used after washing.

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  • All health-related content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of your own pediatrician in connection with any questions regarding your babys health.

    FDA Acknowledges Qualified Health Claim Linking Early Peanut Introduction and Reduced Risk of Developing Peanut Allergy in 2017:

    For most infants with severe eczema and/or egg allergy who are already eating solid foods, introducing foods containing ground peanuts between 4 and 10 months of age and continuing consumption may reduce the risk of developing peanut allergy by 5 years of age. FDA has determined, however, that the evidence supporting this claim is limited to one study.

    If your infant has severe eczema and/or egg allergy, check with your infants healthcare provider before feeding foods containing ground peanuts.

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    Can I Put Hydrocortisone On Baby Face

    Hydrocortisone should only be used on babies under the supervision of a doctor. Fortunately, there are a number of skin care products that don’t contain hydrocortisone, such as Mustela’s Stelatopia line, designed with your little one’s delicate skin in mind and specifically formulated to help treat and prevent eczema.

    Homemade Eczema Cream With 5 Natural Oils

    How To Treat Baby Eczema


    10-20 drops of each Sweet Orange and Rose Geranium essential oil.


    Put Shea Butter and Coconut oil in a bowl. Heat it over boiling water , just until everything melted and mixed. Take care not to overheat it. Then add in Jojoba oil. Leave it to cool down for about 5-10 minutes, then put your preferred essential oils in. Stir well. Now leave the mixture to slightly set. You can tell by its changing colour from translucent to opaque. Then whisk it. You can use an electric mixer, hand blender or even hand whisk. But make sure you whisk it until it becomes creamy and fluffy. Use as needed.


    Use a glass bowl, a ceramic/porcelain bowl, or a stainless steel bowl. But don?t use a plastic bowl. The same goes for the spoon and whisk. Make sure they?re stainless steel and not plastic.

    I used to apply the cream on my baby?s skin every so often. Especially in the cold season, when the house heating is on. But, I did pay attention to his skin closely for the first few times. Just in case his skin didn?t agree with the cream. Thankfully, it suited him fine.

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    Diy Homemade Cream For My Babys Eczema

    As I was making my way to a new lifestyle, I tried to find out what I could put on my babys skin to soothe eczema. Because the prescribed emollient cream clearly didnt work. The rash on his cheek was getting drier and redder by the day.

    So I began my research again.

    There are many homemade cream recipes that I found and caught my interest, such as Whipped Eczema Cream by The Easy Homestead or Homemade Neem Balm by The Lovely Greens.

    All the recipes seemed similar one to another, so I personally chose to try the combination of Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, and Jojoba Oil. Because I think these three natural fats can complement each other to fight my babys skin rash.

    Shea Butter is said to have good moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties, which are good to combat eczema. Coconut oil has anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, Vitamin E, and Vitamin A, which can help the skin to fight the bacteria, but at the same time keep the skin elasticity. And lastly, Jojoba Oil has an anti-inflammatory agent, Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex, which helps to improve dry skin and keep it moisturized.

    Apart from the three fats, I also added Rose Geranium and Sweet Orange essential oils in the cream. These two oils have amazing benefits. Because these two oils, combined together, are claimed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial-, anti-microbial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-aging, and calming properties. I was unbelievably amazed.

    Heres how I made my cream:

    Natural Treatment For Eczema

    It may help treat eczema. Obviously, this is a big one for new parents battling this skin condition in their babies.

    In one case study , shea butter reduced eczema appearance and symptoms more than Vaseline. In another small study, about 75 percent of pediatric participants with atopic dermatitis responded well to a cream containing shea butter.

    And in a more recent 2019 , an oatmeal-based product containing shea butter improved eczema symptoms after one month of use.

    More study is needed into pure shea butter.

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    Is Shea Butter Safe For Babys Skin

    Harsh ingredients can irritate your little ones skin and causes rashes or other issues. Remember that baby skin is also thin the epidermis of a newborn is actually 20 percent thinner than yours!

    In other words, baby skin is sensitive. Fortunately, shea butter is considered safe for all skin types even the most delicate and new. And unlike many store-bought baby lotions and creams, pure shea butter doesnt contain added chemicals, sulfates, parabens, or preservatives.

    The Atopic March Food Allergies And Eczema

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    Eczema and food allergies are very closely related. They are both considered allergic conditions, and they are both part of a progression known as the atopic march.

    What is the atopic march? According to the atopic march, children with one allergic condition are at increased risk for others, and allergic conditions often appear in a certain order. In other words, one condition usually marches in front of the other, in a fairly predictable lineup.

    Eczema comes before food allergies in the atopic march. This means babies usually develop eczema before food allergies, and babies with eczema are at the highest risk for food allergies.

    But even though food allergies and eczema are closely related, and even though some symptoms may look similar, eczema rash is not the same as a food allergy reaction.

    Food allergy rashes appear as raised bumps, which look different from the red, scaly rash of eczema. Learn more about how to tell the difference between a food allergy reaction and an eczema flare-up.

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    Is Eczema Different For Infants Or Toddlers Than It Is For Older Children

    A painful, itchy rash on a babys face, torso or body may be eczema

    Eczema looks and acts differently in infants and toddlers than it does in older children. The location and appearance of eczema changes as they grow, so its important to know what to look for during every stage of your infant or toddlers life.

    Ways To Soothe Your Babys Eczema

    When your baby is itchy and in pain, youll do anything to help her feel better. Four experts weigh in on what actually works.

    Watching your baby wail in discomfort from red, irritated, eczema-flared skin can make you feel like youre at your wits end, so we asked experts for tips on how to get the itchy condition under control.

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