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HomeNewsHow To Use Honey For Eczema

How To Use Honey For Eczema

Home Remedies For Eczema: Number 6 Will Surprise You

How Manuka Honey Can Help Your Eczema

If you havent experienced much relief from eczema with conventional over-the-counter remedies, or youve had side effects from prescription medicines, theres good news: You can create effective home remedies for eczema using natural ingredients. Finding relief from this psychologically disabling disease can be challenging, so here youll learn about five unorthodox ways to treat it.

Make sure to read to the very end, as the last entry is likely the most effective treatment in the entire list

How To Use Manuka Honey Cream For Supple Skin

While fall is already here, winter will transition soon enough, challenging us to improve our skincare game! While summer leaves us quite relaxed, since all we need is sunscreen and light skincare products, the use of chevy lotions and creams is unavoidable when the colder seasons arrive, drying out our skin. If you have sensitive skin that tends to be moody and breaks out at any given skincare mistake, you know how painful it is to have a rash or acne in the winter.

While the weather and humidity naturally dry out skin, be it the face or the rest of the body, using petroleum-based products arent suitable for all. Today, we are going to talk about one of the most miraculous products, the Manuka Honey cream. Want to know more? Read the skin benefits below!

Can Honey Cause Eczema

It is known that some people are allergic to honey. When bees make honey, there can be contamination especially with pollen from a variety of different plants that were visited by the bees during their foraging. If you are allergic to pollen, then you could be allergic to honey that contains pollen. Allergy to honey is not very common, but when a person is allergic to honey, then whether it is consumed as a food or applied to the skin, it can cause itching, rashes and hives.

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Medihoney Natural Eczema Cream With Manuka Honey By Comvita


Medihoney® Eczema Cream is a natural alternative for those prone to mild eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis or dry skin. It intensively moisturises to soothe and replenish irritated, dry, rough and itchy skin. This emollient formulation has the ability to maintain the natural barrier properties of the skin, helping it to maintain moisture where it is most needed.

Medihoney® Eczema Cream is suitable for use on large areas of skin, sensitive areas such as the face, and children. No added colour or fragrance. No lanolin. No parabens. No mineral oils.

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Replenishes and soothes eczema prone, dry, irritated, itchy skin

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Medihoney Eczema Cream is formulated with naturally sourced ingredients including

  • Medihoney Antibacterial Medical honey 300mg/g,
  • German Chamomile liquid flower extract equivalent to dry 10.5mg/g,
  • Aloe Vera leaf juice powder equivalent to fresh 1g/g .

Contains Medihoney Antibacterial Honey, which is a standardised medical grade of antibacterial honey collected predominantly from Leptospermum species, .

Contains NO parabens, fragrance, colour, mineral oil, lanolin.

Why You Should Try Manuka Honey For Eczema

Why Use Manuka Honey on Eczema

If you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, or any other irritating skin condition, youve likely tried a variety of remedies, medicines, and treatment options. Many doctors and dermatologists recommend a combination of lifestyle changes, dietary changes, and treatment options like creams including topical steroids to help their patients. We are firm believers in natural products and remedies that are safe for your body and our planet. One of natures greatest healing gifts comes from honey. In this post, well cover what makes honey so powerful in naturally treating atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin conditions.

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How Do I Use Honey To Treat Eczema

To use Manuka honey or raw honey to treat eczema on the limbs or torso:

  • Dry wrap: Moisturize the skin with a well-tolerated cream or natural oil, apply a layer of honey, and cover the areas with a thin layer of soft fabric. Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning. Follow with a moisturizing cream or oil.
  • Wet wrap: Apply honey to the skin, and then apply a damp bandage, followed by a layer of dry bandage to lock in moisture. Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning. Follow with a moisturizing cream or oil.

To treat eczema on the face with honey: Apply a thin layer of honey to the affected areas of the face. Leave on for an hour, and rinse thoroughly. Apply a moisturizing cream or natural oil to lock in the moisture.

Use caution when choosing commercial manuka honey creams since many contain olive oil, which can worsen eczema by impairing the skin barrier functions.

People who are allergic to celery, bee pollen, or bee venom should not use honey, nor should it be used on children under one year old.

Manuka Honey Tea Recipe For Sore Throats

The growth of Streptococcus pyogenes, or Strep bacteria, responsible for causing sore throats can be stopped when taking Manuka honey. For this reason, taking a teaspoon of Manuka honey or drinking honey tea during times of sickness or low immunity can help provide instant relief and assist with bringing down inflammation.



Mug or small tea pot, tea infuser

Instructions:1. Peel, slice, and smash ginger then add to cup or tea infuser2. Add Manuka honey and hot water to cup3. Let ginger and honey steep for 2-3 minutes4. Add juice from the lemon5. Enjoy!

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Best Type Of Honey For Eczema

There are more than 300 varieties of honey, each with its own concentrations of glucose , acids, and other chemical properties that affect its healing potency. Its important to select the right type of eczema honey to clear up your symptoms quickly and to avoid spending a lot of money for honey that doesnt deliver the results you want.

Many brands of honey sold in the supermarket arent actually honey. The pollen, which contains the honeys healthy qualities, has been filtered completely out of the products. To find the best eczema honey, look for the term raw honey on the label.

Many eczema honey products also contain other soothing ingredients, such as beeswax for moisturizing and organic sunflower oil, which provides a protective layer over the skin and releases antioxidants to fight skin cell damage. Other helpful ingredients include olive oil and coconut oil. Avoid products that include parabens, which contribute to blocked pores, and fragrances that might irritate the skin.

Will Honey Clear Your Eczema


Honey effectively improves eczema symptoms within two weeks of daily use. But because eczema is a chronic condition without a cure, future flare-ups cannot be prevented. Honey alone clears up eczema for some people, while others need an additional treatment, such as corticosteroid soothing cream to reduce inflammation and make the skin less dry and itchy.

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Wrap Up In Cold Weather

Cold, harsh winter winds can dry out skin and cause eczema flares.

Keep the skin covered when temperatures are low. Also, consider covering the face with a scarf if eczema occurs on the face.

Many home remedies are suitable for babies and children, but always speak to a doctor before using them on kids of any age.

The following home remedies may help:

How Does Manuka Honey Help Eczema

There are many molecular structures in manuka honey that makes it effective in wound healing. Methylglyoxal and glyoxal are the key components of manuka honey that aid in wound healing through their antimicrobial and antioxidant activity . Another aspect of manuka honey is that it might help decrease Staphylococcus aureus , a common bacteria that is found in increased numbers on children with eczema. On a side note, I discuss in another article how using bleach bath can help reduce S. aureus and thus help improve your childs eczema .

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Effective To Treat Eczema

Dealing with eczema is painstaking throughout the year, but the winter can make things worse by cracking and chapping sensitive skin. Suitable for all, Manuka Honey cream will gently soothe the skin of both adults and children since it is free of parabens and preservatives. Complemented with the right treatment, you will soon find your eczema symptoms reducingwith lesser flair ups.

Can Honey Help Eczema

eczema: Eczema Honey Before And After

Many medications we use were once derived from plants, but to mass produce medicine, they are manufactured synthetically. There are concerns regarding these types of pharmaceuticals, so many mothers ask about alternative options for treating eczema. Mothers are hesitant to use synthetically derived medicine and look for alternatives or holistic options. Manuka honey, which has been used for centuries has been found to clinically help eczema by decreasing inflammation and itchiness.

There is more evidence showing that manuka honey can be helpful for atopic dermatitis . A case study showed a woman who developed a severe exacerbation of her eczema after getting henna tattoo. Her symptoms dramatically improved after using topical manuka honey. In this case, the patient purchased and treated herself with manuka honey on her own volition. Her skin dramatically improved after starting treatment with a topical manuka honey

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Did You Know A Brief History Of Honey

The medicinal literature’s document a very long history of honeys use for treating superficial and internal health concerns, with its high nutritional content and enzymatic processes.

In fact, the curative use of honey has been referenced throughout history, even as far back as the early Egyptian period.

Then in the early 1990s, Dr. Peter Molan of the Waikato University in New Zealand discovered the amazing properties of this unique honey. This was the catalyst for a booming industry giving greater support to more natural forms of health care.

Today, Manuka honey is mainly produced in Australia and New Zealand and is heralded as the most therapeutic class of honey available today.

What Is Manuka Honey

For centuries, honey has been used universally for its healing properties in treating skin burns, wounds and ulcers. There are different types of honey such as clover honey or buckwheat honey. In this article, we are focusing on manuka honey for its wound healing and medicinal properties. Manuka honey is derived from a tree called Manuka tree and its scientific name is Leptospermum scoparium. It is produced from South East Australia and New Zealand. There are ongoing studies investigating various properties of manuka honey such as its anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-oxidant and anti-fungal properties . Many people are interested in treating eczema with honey due to its properties.

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Alternative Remedies #: Is Manuka Honey Good For Eczema

Application of Manuka honey to the skin is thought to help in killing harmful bacteria, reducing or removing the incidence of eczema outbreaks. By treating the eczema-affected area its thought to help keep the zone moist which helps to reduce flare-ups and aids the skins recovery. The high viscosity of honey is also thought to form a barrier for the skin which is helpful in preventing infection in the first place.

Honey is well-known as a treatment for sore throats, wounds and infections, due to compounds it contains that kill bacteria. Manuka honey, in particular, is used in licensed wound dressings in the UK, though the value of it in the treatment of childhood eczema is yet to be proved. That said, theres plenty of anecdotal evidence coming to the fore.

Here, we look more closely at Manuka honey and ask whether its worth trying it to see if it helps in relieving your childs eczema. You may also like to read our review of natural eczema remedies which looks at Manuka honey alongside coconut oil, sunflower oil, vitamin B12, salt and oatmeal, among others.

When And How To Use Manuka Honey


Not all honey is the same. You may have heard this multiple times, but youre still clueless as to how it can affect your health. While we all know that honey is generally healthy for us, various kinds of honey have different levels of outcome to our well-being. Hence, before you decide to pick whats in store and add it to your diet, make sure that you are acquainted with this amazing Manuka Honey.

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Benefits Of Eczema Honey For The Skin

Honey is a natural healing agent. Humans have been using this sweet and sticky substance for thousands of years to soothe various dermal problems and soothe sore throats, heal wounds, and boost the immune system. And it’s no wonder why: honey offers so many health benefits for the skin.

To start with, it’s incredibly moisturizing. This quality helps provide the skin with a natural glow while also giving patches of dry, itchy, and flaky skin a much-needed boost of moisture. Honey also has antibacterial properties, which help it treat and prevent acne. The antibacterial properties also make honey useful in warding off infection, especially if relentless scratching causes the skin to crack or bleed. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, honey is also anti-aging. So if you’re looking for a natural way to reduce or prevent the appearance of wrinkles, honey can help. Finally, honey is incredibly cleansing for the skin as it helps to open up the pores.

Now, do you see why we love honey for all things skin-related?

Manuka Honey Can Help To Relieve Some Of The Symptoms Of Ezcema

One of the most common forms of eczema is atopic dermatitis eczema, this effects 10 20% of the worlds population. This presents itself as a chronic relapsing and itchy rash. Its extremely difficult to relieve the symptoms, but Manuka Honey can help. Manuka Honey has amazing antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties which makes it an amazing natural resource! No chemicals! This honey can also moisturise, sooth and repair damaged, dry or cracked skin so effective all round! Honey will repair strengthen and heal damaged skin as well as soothing the itching and helping skin regeneration.

Nothing will work overnight, but give it time, have some patience and youll see the difference.

There are home remedies and some day to day things you can change to get you on the mend quickly.

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How To Apply Manuka Honey On Eczema

You can apply Manuka honey directly to the skin, but it can be really sticky and very costly when not diluted a bit. Orally, straight Manuka honey is recommended, but topically, it’s a bit of an overkill and diluting it with vitamin rich oils is good for your skin and will save you money and you can avoid a big sticky mess.

Manuka honey in cream form can be applied to either dry or damp skin. Although we find it’s best on slightly damp skin as a little bit will go a much longer way and you won’t need to replenish your cream as frequently.

We do love Manuka honey eczema creams with wet and dry wrapping because they make excellent, nourishing emollients. Learn more about dry wrapping and wet wrapping.

Where can Manuka honey be applied? Everywhere! But the stickiness makes it less than practical for regular daily use. A big advantage of our Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream is that it’s creamy, smooth texture is lovely applied anywhere on the entire body, as it is completely all natural, so safe and effective. Need lip and leg skin relief? No problem! It helps both. Works great on eczema on eyelids too!

Give it a try, you’ll love it!


Can Manuka Honey Treat Eczema

How To Use Manuka Honey Eczema

Certified dermatologists explain that, while there is no cure, Manuka honey has the potential to help reduce eczema symptoms and severity. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity helps to minimize swelling, redness, and other skin issues when they arise, for example, during a flare-up. According to 2018 research, the non-peroxide and antimicrobial activity in Manuka honey have calming effects on inflamed skin. Additionally, the concentration of methylglyoxal, its active ingredient, releases hydrogen peroxide. This may aid with wound repair, which would accelerate the healing of eczema patches.

A separate 2018 review found that Manuka honey exhibits properties that help promote tissue healing. It works to stimulate macrophages, which aid the removal of dead cells and encourage the production of new, healthy cells. A smaller 2017 study determined if Manuka honey was able to heal atopic dermatitis lesions. Participants in the study found that the lesions improved after regular application. The honey also helped to reduce inflammation in those individuals.

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What Is Manuka Honey Exactly

Honey is a food source which is made by the collective efforts of bees which forage the sweet nectar from various flowers.

This honey is then stored within waxy housing compartments within the hive in order to survive long winter months without flowers/nectar supplies.

Manuka honey on the other hand, is the end product generated by bees which have specifically gathered the nectar solely from the Manuka bush. This is termed a monofloral honey.

The curative qualities of Manuka honey greatly stem from its distinctly powerful, naturally occurring antibacterial strength – a characteristic distinguishable by whats called the Unique Manuka Factor which is a guarantee of its medicinal value.

Manuka Honey Studied As A Treatment For Eczema

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  • Manuka honey studied as a treatment for eczema

A study has looked closer at manuka honey as a topical treatment for eczema . The Saudi Arabian study was conducted only after patients reported to their doctor that they were finding relief after applying manuka honey to skin affected by the dry, itchy eczema, with impressive results.

Manuka honey has long been known to have medicinal qualities, and is regularly used in wound care and as a burns treatment. Some studies have looked into its use in antibiotic resistance, with multiple studies currently underway.

Dr Abdullah A. Alangari, an allergist, published his study in an issue of Immunity, Inflammation and Disease, a medical journal. The study looked at 16 eczema sufferers, eight women and eight men, however two people had to leave the study because their symptoms became worse and they required a different treatment. This left 14 people in the study. The patients were asked to put manuka honey on one side of their body, where eczema affected both sides equally, for example on the inner elbows or knees. The observation was that the treated side improved more than the untreated side.

The three-item severity score was significantly lower after one week of treatment, with no significant differences in the scores of control lesions pre and post treatment. The honey was well tolerated, with no adverse events recorded after a week of the study.

Got eczema that needs treating with more than manuka honey?We can help.

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