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Eczema Treatment Home Remedies In Hindi

Causes Of White Patches:

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Now that we know that white patches can affect anyone, let us understand how this is caused and the root cause of this deadly skin condition. White patches are not treated as a serious skin condition but instead as a serious mental condition because it has high chances of affecting a person mentally and his/her surroundings. Here are some of the various skin conditions that cause white patches.

Home Remedies For Eczema Using Oatmeal

When eczema bothers you, you can also use oats as one of the useful home remedies for eczema. With the anti inflammatory properties inside, oats can give you a relief from eczema. In addition, they can soothe and moisturize your skin. And so as to treat eczema, you need to prepare these things well:

  • A cup of oatmeal

Here is the detailed direction:

  • Step 1: put the oatmeal into some muslin or cheesecloth and tie them off
  • Step 2: place them into the bath
  • Step 3: let water pour into the bath until the bath is full and the water is smooth and milky
  • Step 4: soak into the water for about 10 15 minutes
  • Step 5: get out and use a towel to pat your body dry.
  • Step 6: apply your favorite moisturizer to your skin
  • Do this once every day till you dont see eczema anymore

Conventional Treatment Of Skin Diseases

The common medications for topical use include:

  • Antibacterials: These medicines, like bactroban or cleocin, are often used to treat or prevent infection
  • Anthralin : Although not often used, these help to reduce inflammation and can help treat psoriasis
  • Antifungal agents: Lamisil, lotrimin and nizoral are few examples of common topical antifungal drugs used to treat skin conditions such as ringworm and athlete’s foot
  • Benzoyl peroxide: Creams and other products containing benzoyl peroxide are used to treat acne
  • Coal tar: This topical treatment is available with and without a prescription, in strengths ranging from 0.5% to 5%. Coal tar is used to treat conditions including seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. Currently, coal tar is seldom used because it can be slow acting and can cause severe staining of personal clothing and bedding
  • Corticosteroids: These are used to treat skin conditions including eczema and come in many forms including foams, lotions, ointments and creams
  • Retinoids: These medications are gels or creams derived from vitamin A and are used to treat conditions including acne
  • Salicylic acid: This medication is available in the form of lotions, gels, soaps, shampoos and patches. It should be used sparingly as putting too much on one’s body at once can cause toxicity. Salicylic acid is the active ingredient in many skin care products for the treatment of acne and warts.
  • Oral treatments for skin conditions include:

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    What Causes Skin Allergies

    • Food such as peanuts, nuts, cow’s milk, seafood, eggs
    • Food additives – Butylated hydroxy toluene and butylated hydroxyanisole , which are added to many breakfast cereals, breads to preserve their color, odor and flavor may cause skin swelling, redness, hives and severe itching. Sulphites, commonly used in the production of processed foods and beverages, wine, dried fruits, jams and jellies are known to cause itching and skin rash
    • Nickel – This metal is frequently used in artificial jewelry, bra hooks or buttons on clothing and often causes skin allergies
    • Fragrances used in beauty products, deodorant, soap, detergents
    • Plants such as poison ivy, stinging nettle, ficus
    • Synthetic clothing and dyes used in clothing
    • Furry pets, saliva or urine of pets such as cats and dogs
    • Contact with rubber, elastic, vinyl or latex
    • Antiseptic creams containing chlorhexidine , neomycin sulphate
    • Insect bites of wasps and bees

    What Are Skin Allergies

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    Skin allergies are one of the most common medical conditions. Skin allergies occur when a persons immune system overreacts to a particular substance, that is harmless to most people. The substances which cause such reaction are called allergens and the response of the skin to an allergen is known as Allergic Skin Reaction. This reaction is due to certain antibodies IgE, which are produced by the body in response to the allergen. The common signs of skin allergies include dryness, flaking, redness, itchiness, rash and swelling. There may also be itchy raised bumps, which look like ant bites. The allergic skin conditions include Eczema , Contact Dermatitis, Hives and Angioedema.

    There are many home remedies which have been found very effective in treating skin allergies. These tackle both the external skin, as well as the internal body problems responsible for the allergies. This results in long-term healing effects without any side effects.

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    Diet For Eczema In Hindi

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    Eczema Causes In Hindi


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    What Are White Patches

    White patches are also known as vitiligo which is a skin disease that causes skin discolouration to an extent to which your skin loses its natural colour. In extreme cases, this skin condition can also affect your hair and the inside part of your mouth. So what causes vitiligo? Well, your skin and hair contain melanin and when melanin is not produced, then you may apparently end up suffering from vitiligo.

    This may appear to be more deadly on people who are darker. Moreover, this disease is not contagious, but it can lower your self-confidence in public and also causes tremendous stress. The worst part about people suffering from this skin discolouration is that it makes one feel depressed and this thinking itself causes other mental disorders. The treatment for vitiligo includes restoring colour to the affected skin, but this can in no way prevent continued skin colour loss.

    Calcarea Carbonica As A Homoeopathic Treatment For Eczema:

    How To Cure Eczema / Home Remedies For Eczema Treatment by Sachin Goyal @

    Calcarea Carbonica is derived from calcium carbonate, which can be found in Oysters. This is likely to help people with clammy hands and feet because their skin tends to crack during winter. This causes Eczema in which Calcarea Carbonica works to soothe the irritated skin.

    You can use a homoeopathic ointment for Eczema that has Calcarea Carbonica as an ingredient.

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    Types Of Skin Allergy In Hindi


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    Best Natural Home Remedies For Eczema In Adults

    Eczema or atopic dermatitis is the chronic allergic condition where your skin develops itchy areas. And what are the symptoms of eczema? They are the dry or leathery skin, blisters, and red & inflammatory areas on the skin. What are the reasons causing eczema? It is caused by allergic reaction, genetics, irritants, stress, temperature changes, and so on. Does it drive you crazy? Medical treatments or natural home remedies for eczema, which method do you want to use to treat your eczema condition? If your answer is natural home remedies, so please continue reading this article on our page AllRemedies.comwhich will present to you 20 best natural home remedies for eczema in adults you can follow easily to get rid of your eczema condition at home.

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    Facts About White Patches:

    People suffering from this condition may feel bad about how they carry themselves in public, as they might feel a lot more depressed about their looks. So, now that you know what white patches are, let us understand some important facts that surround this skin condition.

    • This skin condition is not contagious
    • Your child may also end up suffering from this skin condition if one or even both parents are suffering from this condition.
    • This skin condition can lead to thyroid disorders.
    • This skin condition is often mistaken for leprosy by many.
    • It can happen to anyone at any age but most cases are reported to be before the age group of 20 years.
    • Treatment for this skin condition only aims at stopping the depigmentation of the skin and help your skin regain its colour.
    • Stress is said to be one of the main reasons for this skin condition.

    Note: If you spot any sort of white patch on your skin, it is strictly advised that you consult a doctor at the earliest. This will at least prevent the disease from growing and promote repigmentation of discoloured skin.

    Who Can And Cannot Use Mometasone For Skin

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    Most adults and children aged 2 years and older can use mometasone skin treatments.

    Mometasone may not be suitable for some people. Tell a doctor or pharmacist before using it if you:

    • have ever had an allergic reaction to mometasone or any other medicine in the past
    • have chickenpox or shingles
    • have broken skin, cuts or itchy skin which is not inflamed or red
    • are trying to get pregnant, are already pregnant or youre breastfeeding

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    Echinacea Angustifolia Echinacea Purpurea

    Echinacea has been applied to and used to treat skin problems such as skin boils, wounds, ulcers, burns, herpes, hemorrhoids and psoriasis. Forms of Echinacea include tablets, juice and tea. A study conducted on patients to determine the effect of oral supplementation with a nutraceutical, containing methionine, Echinacea, zinc, probiotics and other antioxidant and immunostimulating compounds, on the response of cutaneous warts revealed a significant reduction of warts in such patients.

    The herbal extract of E. purpurea , readily killed a standard laboratory strain of Propionibacterium acnes and several clinical isolates. In cell culture models of human bronchial epithelial cells and skin fibroblasts, P. acne induced the secretion of substantial amounts of several pro-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-6 and IL-8 , as determined by means of cytokine-antibody arrays. However, the E. purpurea completely reversed this effect and brought the cytokine levels back to normal. Thus Echinaforce® could provide a safe two-fold benefit to acne individuals by inhibiting proliferation of the organism and reversing the bacterial-induced inflammation.

    Eczema Treatment In Hindi

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    When To Consult A Doctor

    The first sign that you will have to take seriously is when you spot a white spot on any part of your body. Do not avoid the fact that it might just be a rash. Make it a point to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible, if not you may be inviting trouble. Here are some signs pertaining to vitiligo in which you will have to consult a doctor.

    • When certain areas of your skin, hair or eyes are losing its original colour.

    Also, you need to keep in mind that vitiligo has no sort of cure but the treatment is aimed at stopping the spreading of these white patches.

    Diagnosis Of Eczema In Hindi

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    Herbal Remedies For Eczema

    Some of the ayurvedic treatments for Eczema include the addition of herbs in your daily consumption of food and beverage. If you are considering supplements, please make sure you consume the right amount.

    Certain herbs and drugs may not work well when consumed together. Hence, always ensure that you consult your Ayurvedic doctor and a physician before consuming these things.

    Following herbs provide relief in Eczema:

    • Cardamom as a herbal remedy
    • Turmeric as a herbal remedy
    • Triphala as a herbal remedy
    • Neem as a herbal remedy

    In certain situations, Eczema is triggered by stress. Hence, following Ayurvedic herbs offer help to the nervous system and prevent the trigger of Eczema. They also work as Eczema treatment medicines:

    • Kava kava

    Eczema Ayurvedic Treatment at Patanjali also applies similar methods and uses similar ayurvedic herbs.

    Foods To Avoid During Eczema In Hindi

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    Ayurvedic Treatment For Eczema

    Ayurveda has been offering traditional medicines for decades now. Moreover, so many ayurvedic treatments have shown success in cases where modern medicine has lost the battle.

    This is true with Eczema as well. There are certain Ayurvedic treatments for Eczema that are helpful in various Eczema conditions. Let us take a look:


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