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Difference Between Athlete’s Foot And Eczema

What Are The Symptoms Of Ringworm

The Difference Between Foot Eczema and Athelete’s Foot | How to Treat Foot Eczema Naturally

The symptoms of ringworm include:

  • round, flat patches of red, pink, brown, or gray skin
  • patches that may be lighter or clear in the center, making them appear ring-shaped
  • patches that grow slowly and may spread to other areas of the body

While medical research often describes the rash as reddish in color, this typically refers to lighter skin tones. The rash can appear brown, gray, purplish, or lighter than the rest of the skin.

Who Gets Dyshidrotic Eczema

Your risk of developing dyshidrotic eczema increases if you have one or more of the following:

  • Another type of eczema, especially atopic dermatitis

  • Hay fever, asthma, or allergic sinusitis

  • An allergy, especially to nickel or cobalt

  • Sweaty hands often

  • One or more blood relatives who have dyshidrotic eczema, atopic dermatitis, hay fever, asthma, or allergic sinusitis

  • Worked as a metalworker or mechanic

  • Worked with cement

If you develop dyshidrotic eczema, its likely to begin between 20 and 40 years of age.

Dyshidrotic eczema can also begin earlier or later in life. While rare, children sometimes develop this disease.

Dyshidrotic eczema can come and go

Many people find that warm weather or feeling stressed out can trigger the itchy blisters.

What Is Athletes Foot

Athletes foot usually affects the top of the feet or between the toes. It often affects people who have sweaty feet, but its passed on due to contact with tinea fungus-affected surfaces.

The primary symptom of athletes foot is a scaly rash. This rash causes itchiness and soreness between the toes. The scaling and dryness of the foot can sometimes be confused with foot eczema, but it is caused by a fungus. There is a known cause of athletes foot, while there isnt for eczema.

The scaly rash of athletes foot can spread to other toes and feet. Any fungal infection that isnt treated correctly can quickly multiply. It is also contagious.

If you have a rash on your feet or toes, and it is very itchy, you likely have athletes foot. An obvious symptom of athletes foot is if the itching intensifies right after you take off your shoes or socks.

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How Do Doctors Diagnose Them

A doctor will diagnose nummular eczema or ringworm by examining the skin and asking about signs and symptoms. They may ask when the rash first appeared, what makes it better or worse, and if the person has already tried any treatments.

If a physical exam is not enough, a doctor may also take a tissue sample from one of the patches to determine if an infection is present or to confirm their diagnosis.

Dermatological Problems That Can Affect The Health Of Your Feet

It is Athletes Foot Or Eczema?

Only 4% of your bodys skin covers your hands and feet, but dermatological conditions affecting them can be some of the most troubling. Painful skin problems on your feet make walking and standing difficult, impacting your ability to enjoy your favorite activities.

Healthy feet are an important part of staying active and living a healthy lifestyle, so dont let a skin condition go untreated. Many dermatological problems that affect your feet can have similar symptoms, so its critical to get a professional diagnosis.

At Family Foot and Ankle Clinic, LLC, were here to help. Our team of highly trained podiatrists can assess your condition and help you find treatment that works to keep your feet and the rest of your body healthier. Below are some skin problems that can affect foot health.

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Send Them To A Doctor

If a client has not previously been diagnosed with eczema or athletes foot, both Young and Kechijian recommend referring her to a dermatologist so that she gets the correct diagnosis and treatment. Otherwise says Young, she may diagnose herself and treat it in a way that cither makes the condition worse or masks its cause.

Eczema for example, is treated with topical cortisone creams: athletes foot is treated with topical antifungal creams. If you apply a cortisone cream to athletes foot, the fungal infection will worsen and spread.

Even if the client does correctly guess that she has athletes foot and treats it with an over the counter antifungal cream, the condition may not clear and she may end up at the dermatologists office anyway There are many different antifungal medications and some clients will read belter to one than the other, says Young.

Kechijian agrees: Say the client uses an antifungal medicine and still the condition doesnt clear. She goes to see the doctor and he does a scraping but cant see fungus under the microscope because the medication killed just enough of the infection so that he cant see it.

When Should Someone Seek Medical Care For Athletes Foot

If you notice any redness, increased swelling, bleeding, or if your infection is not clearing up, see your health care professional. If a bacterial infection is also occurring, an antibiotic pill may be necessary. If you have fungal nail involvement, are diabetic, or have a compromised immune system, you should also see your physician for treatment.

  • Body skin fungus
  • Secondary bacterial infections

This type of fungus generally likes to live in the skin, hair, and nails. It does not invade deep, go into body organs, or go into the blood system.

Fungal infections of the nails are called tinea unguium or onychomycosis. Nail fungus may be very difficult to treat. Antifungal pills may be required in cases of more advanced toenail fungal infections.

People with diabetes, HIV/AIDS, cancer, or other immune problems may be more prone to all kinds of infections, including fungus. In patients with diabetes, fungal infections may lead to potentially dangerous foot ulcerations.

When the skin is injured or damaged, the natural protective skin barrier is broken. Bacteria and yeasts can then invade the broken skin. Bacteria can cause a bad smell. Bacterial infection of the skin and resulting inflammation is known as cellulitis. This is especially likely to occur in individuals with diabetes, chronic leg swelling, who have had veins removed , or in the elderly. Bacterial skin infections also occur more frequently in patients with impaired immune systems.

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What Is Dry Skin

Dry skin is a very uncomfortable condition often characterized by scaling, itching, tingling, and cracking. Dry skin can happen all over the foot and can be caused by a wide array of reasons. Some people have a condition where their skin is naturally dry, and this is easily recognizable. Others can develop dry skin from time to time.

Athletes Foot Treatment At The Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center Of Wilmington

Types of Foot Eczema vs. Athlete’s Feet: Symptoms, Causes & Natural Treatments

Suppose youre suffering from a stubborn case of athletes foot that just wont go away with OTC medication. In that case, its time to visit one of the expert dermatologists at the Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center of Wilmington for a more effective athletes foot treatment. Schedule an appointment today!

Contact the Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center of Wilmington for all of your skin infection and general dermatology needs, as well as Mohs surgery and cosmetic treatments. Since 2001, Wilmington Skin Surgery Centers fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons and board-certified dermatologists have provided patients with exceptional treatment outcomes. Our professional staff is ready to provide you with the thoughtful, competent care you deserve in our state-of-the-art facilities. Book your appointment today.

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Can Athletes Foot Be Prevented

Like foot eczema, athletes foot cant always be prevented. Even with the right precautions, its still possible to get tinea pedis. But there are things you can do to lower the risk of exposure.

Once youve determined which condition you have based on the symptoms, you can start a treatment plan. There are significant differences between foot eczema and athletes foot.

Athletes foot can be cleared up after four weeks of treatment, but you can only reduce the symptoms of foot eczema. If you get eczema of the feet when youre a child, it may go away on its own when you get older. Its a condition that isnt well understood medically.

What Causes Dyshidrotic Eczema

This is still a bit of a mystery. In studying this disease, researchers have learned that it is NOT caused by a problem with a persons sweat ducts, as previously thought.

It appears that people who get dyshidrotic eczema have a hypersensitivity to something. The list of things that can cause this hypersensitivity include:

  • Metal, especially nickel or cobalt

  • An ingredient in a personal care product

  • Medication, especially aspirin or birth control pills

  • An infusion of intravenous immunoglobulin

  • Smoking tobacco

  • A skin infection, such as athletes foot

When you come into contact with something that causes a hypersensitivity, its thought that this triggers the dyshidrotic eczema. For example, if you have a hypersensitivity to an ingredient in your soap, dyshidrotic eczema may flare up every time you use that soap.

Some people find that when they avoid what causes this hypersensitivity, they avoid flare-ups. For example, if you have dyshidrotic eczema on your hands and you are hypersensitive to the fungus that causes athletes foot, getting rid of the athletes foot may get rid of the dyshidrotic eczema on your hands. You may never get another flare-up of dyshidrotic eczema unless you develop athletes foot again.

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What Are Symptoms And Signs Of Athlete’s Foot Vs Dry Skin

Athletes foot and dry skin can look and feel similarly when it comes to dry and itchy feet. A few symptoms can set them apart, though.

Athletes foot

Athletes foot is generally characterized by red, itchy scales on your feet. The most common symptom is skin that cracks and flakes. You may also notice:

  • Burning or stinging
  • Skin that feels raw or stings

What Are The Risk Factors For Getting Ringworm


Ringworm typically causes less severe symptoms than nummular eczema. However, unlike nummular eczema, ringworm can spread between people. Risk factors for getting ringworm include:

  • playing contact sports
  • sharing towels, clothes, or razors with other people
  • failing to wash and properly dry the feet after being barefoot in locker rooms or pool areas
  • living with diabetes
  • close contact living, such as in barracks
  • clothing that chafes the skin
  • spending time in a tropical or humid environment

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Are Psoriasis And Athletes Foot Both Contagious

Because psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, it is not contagious. Psoriasis patches can be small and cover just a few dots of skin, or they can be large and cover large areas of your body. Psoriasis on the feet often occurs on the soles .

Because athletes foot is caused by a fungus, it is contagious. You can catch athletes foot by coming into contact with infected surfaces, like clothing, shoes, and locker room floors.

You can also spread athletes foot to your hands by scratching or picking at infected areas. Athletes foot can affect one foot or both. If not treated successfully, or if prevention isnt taken seriously, athletes foot can become a recurring problem.

These categories break down key factors to consider when evaluating whether you have psoriasis or athletes foot.

Difference Between Ringworm And Athletes Foot

Categorized under Disease,Health | Difference Between Ringworm and Athletes Foot

Fungal skin infections are quite common, but there have been numerous significant developments in the diagnosis and management of fungal infections. Among the many species of fungi, fewer than 500 have been associated with human disease, and more than a hundred are capable of affecting otherwise normal individuals. Fungal infections can be divided into many types, but the most common of fungal infections is ringworm and athletes foot.

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What Triggers Nummular Eczema

Doctors do not know exactly what causes nummular eczema, but some triggers and risk factors include:

  • dry skin that results from cold weather
  • prior use of medications such as interferon, statins, or diuretics
  • a history of atopic eczema or other allergic conditions
  • injuries to the skin, such as burns, insect bites, or scrapes
  • poor blood flow to the legs

Basic Treatments For Athletes Foot

How can a runner tell athletes foot from contact dermatitis

There are a number of simple steps you can take to help treat athletes foot:

  • Carefully wash your feet and between your toes every day
  • Thoroughly dry your feet and in between your toes before you put on your socks and shoes
  • Wear thick cotton socks to soak up sweat and change them daily
  • Wear shoes made of leather or other breathable material (shoes made from materials like vinyl dont allow the feet to breathe, so they become warm and humid, which allows the fungus to grow
  • Keep your shoes dry and sweat-free and
  • Wear open sandals or thongs/flip-flops in shared changing rooms, swimming pools and showers, and whenever possible to allow air to circulate around the feet.

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What Is Athlete’s Foot Vs Dry Skin

Both athletes foot and dry skin can affect your feet. The main differences are what causes them and how one can spread.

Athletes foot

Athletes foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a fungal infection that occurs on your feet, frequently developing between the toes. Its a contagious condition that can affect any part of your feet, and it may also spread to your toenails or hands. While its not serious, it can be very uncomfortable.

Dry skin

Dry skin is a condition in which your skin becomes scaly and itchy. Like an athletes foot, its not usually serious. There are many different causes, including weather conditions, dry air, and underlying medical conditions. It can develop anywhere on your body, commonly affecting your hands, arms, and legs.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Fungal Skin Infection Vs Eczema

Fungal Skin Infection Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of a candidal infection can vary depending on the location of the infection.

  • In infants and adults, a candidal infection can appear many different ways.
  • Candidal organisms naturally live on the skin, but a breakdown of the outer layers of the skin promotes the yeast’s overgrowth. This typically occurs when the environment is warm and moist, such as in diaper areas and skin folds. Superficial candidal skin infections appear as a red flat rash with sharp, scalloped edges. Smaller patches of similar-appearing rash, known as “satellite lesions” or “satellite pustules,” are usually nearby. These rashes may be hot, itchy, or painful.
  • Intertrigo appears as softened red skin in body fold areas.
  • Candidal paronychia appears as nail fold swelling.
  • Mucocutaneous candidiasis appears with nail abnormalities.
  • Erosio interdigitalis blastomycetica occurs in the finger webs.
  • Diaper rash or other candidal infections on the skin can be treated with antifungal creams and lotions such as clotrimazole.
  • If the rash worsens at any time or if the lesions do not clear up in one to two weeks, call a doctor.
  • Fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or the rash spreading to other parts of the body may be a sign of a more serious illness.
  • Eczema Symptoms

    Medical professionals sometimes refer to eczema as “the itch that rashes.”

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    What Are Athletes Foot Symptoms

    According to American Family Physician, the symptoms of athletes foot fungal infection include red, irritated, itchy, flaky, and scaly skin. The rash can burn, sting, and peel. The skin can develop fissures or blisters. Sometimes, feet affected by athletes foot smell bad. Itching and scratching foot fungus can lead to a secondary bacterial infection.

    How To Treat Athlete’s Foot

    Cracked Heels Treatment

    This is common infection of the feet is most often characterized by cracked, flaking, peeling skin between toes. In the majority of cases, it responds well to self care.

    -By Michelle Pratt

    Athletes foot is a common foot condition that responds well to treatment. According to Mellisa Conrad Stoppler, M.D., about 70% of the population will experience athletes foot at some point in their lives. Runners, swimmers, and dancers are more likely to suffer from athletes foot, as well as people who wear shoes that are too tight .

    The fungus that causes athletes foot exists on floors and it spreads easily through contact.

    Exposure to the fungus does not guarantee its growth conditions must be right for the fungus to spread. The toes provide an ideal condition because they shelter moisture.

    Athletes foot is identified by dry, cracked skin, most often in the toe area. Clients may complain of burning and itching, and the skin can become so irritated that it breaks open and bleed. Often a foul odor is associated with the disease, and a thick, creamy substance can form under the nails. In advanced cases, the nails may flake, appear discolored, and become thick.

    Suggest clients wear socks made of material that wicks the moisture from the skin. Shoes made of natural materials are preferred to materials that dont allow the area to breathe.

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    Treatment For Foot Eczema

    There is no cure for Dyshidrotic eczema. But it is a manageable condition. In most cases, mild cases will fade away within three weeks before returning in the future.

    Eczema can cause pain, irritation, and itching. Controlling and treating those symptoms can make the condition feel less uncomfortable

    Mild cases can be managed with an eczema treatment. Antihistamines, like Claritin and Benadryl, are often used to help with the symptoms of foot eczema because they reduce inflammation.

    Home remedies include everything from soaking your feet to using a healing moisturizer. Keeping your feet hydrated is essential when you have eczema. If the feet become overly dry, it can cause the blisters to crack open and start to ooze.


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