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HomeTreatHow To Treat Eczema On Baby Head

How To Treat Eczema On Baby Head

What Causes Eczema In Babies And Children

Eczema Treatment : How To Treat Eczema Naturally – VitaLife Show Episode 215

The type of eczema that most commonly affects babies and children is atopic eczema. This is where the immune system overreacts to external stimuli, causing an allergic reaction that results in a flare-up of skin symptoms.

Many children who have eczema also have asthma, hay fever or food allergies there might also be a history of allergies in the childs family.

Because atopic eczema is essentially caused by an allergic reaction, its a condition that will have a variety of triggers. In other words, you may notice that certain things set off eczema symptoms in your child. These might include:

Will My Baby Have Eczema All Her Life

In some babies with atopic dermatitis, the condition stays put. But, fortunately, eczema clears up in many babies by the time they turn 4 years old.

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

Treating Eczema With Topical Immunomodulators

This steroid-free eczema cream works by suppressing certain cells involving the inflammation.

  • Tacrolimus 1% or 0,03% ointment
  • Pimecrolimus 1% cream Protopic and Elidel are usually prescribed if other eczema treatments have failed or if the child doesnt respond adequately to treatment with topical steroids.

Protopic is often used for treating baby eczema areas like the face, eyelids, groin, and upper chest. Topical Immunomodulators are only for a short time use because long-term safety effects are still being evaluated. They are also not suitable for children below 2 years of age or those with an immune deficiency.

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Where On The Body Can Eczema Appear

Eczema can appear in any area where your child has come into contact with one of their triggers.

For example, if they have a grass allergy and rolled around in the backyard, they might have rashes anywhere there was exposed skin.

A child could get eczema around the outside of their mouth after eating acidic foods, like pineapple, or in the folds of their skin if they were sweating.

If your child had eczema as a baby, you might think youre a pro at identifying it. However, the symptoms of eczema in toddlers are actually different from the symptoms in babies. As kids get older, the location of their rashes can change.

Babies are prone to rashes on their faces and heads remember cradle cap? Thats a kind of eczema! Toddlers and older kids are more likely to get eczema in the following areas:

  • creases of their elbows

Managing Eczema In Winter And Year Round: A Parents Guide

Natural Remedies for Eczema in Children

Cold, dry outdoor air and indoor heating can rob skin of its natural moisture in the winter. Red, crusty, dry patches can be common on a babys skin, particularly in winter, and cause concern for parents. Such symptoms can be treated, however, and many babies and children do outgrow the dry, itchy skin of atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema.

We spoke with pediatric dermatologist Katherine Puttgen to learn more.

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When To Seek Help

Depending on the cause, it can take several weeks for the dryness to go away.

If you dont see any improvements at all within 1 week of treatment, it may be time to have a pediatrician look at your babys scalp. They might recommend a prescription-strength shampoo or a steroid cream to treat any underlying inflammation. If you dont already have a pediatrician, the Healthline FindCare tool can help you find a physician in your area.

Also see your babys doctor if your babys scalp starts:

What Does It Look Like

The signs of eczema in infants include itchy, dry and scaly skin, redness and swelling of the skin and small bumps that open and weep when scratched. In infants and young children, eczema is usually found on the face, outside of the elbows, and on the knees.

In older children and adults, eczema tends to be on the hands and feet, the arms, and on the back of the knees.Keep in mind that all patches of dry skin are not eczema. The cold, dry outdoor air and indoor heating can dry all babies skin in winter, causing dry patches. In children prone to dry skin, so can the sun, air conditioning, and pool and salt water.

We dermatologists usually say if its not itchy, its not eczema you cant make a diagnosis of eczema unless there is an itchiness that goes with the rash. Babies with cradle cap, also known as seborrheic dermatitis, can also have a wide-spread rash, which is not eczema in itself. But it is common for cradle cap and eczema to co-exist in the first several months of life.

Also Check: Palmoplantar Pustulosis Vs Dyshidrotic Eczema

Baby Eczema Treatment With Phototherapy

When other treatments have failed another option is ultraviolet light or phototherapy. How can phototherapy help?

UV radiation is known to suppress the immune system and prevent an overactive response that causes skin inflammation.

As with too much sun exposure, this therapy comes with several risks. The phototherapy may require several months to see improvement. The prolonged use of phototherapy increases the risk of sunburn, skin cancer, and premature aging.

For this therapy, the child needs to be at least 3 years of age. Of course, you will have to discuss with your dermatologist if treating baby eczema with phototherapy is suitable for your child.

Be Willing To Try Different Things


Experiment with different ways to stop scratching and learn a few methods that work for your child. Keep in mind that whatâs helpful one day may not work on another. So have backup strategies ready.

Show Sources

Lawrence Eichenfield, MD, chief of pediatric dermatology, Rady Childrens Hospital, San Diego professor of pediatrics and medicine, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Eczema: Tips on How to Care for Your Skin.

National Eczema Association: Bathing and Moisturizing.

EczemaNet: Wet Wraps Can Relieve Severe Eczema,Preventing Flare-Ups.

Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America: Atopic Dermatitis.

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What Causes Eczema In Babies

The first step in preventing eczema is to learn what causes it, and unfortunately, there are many causes.

One of the biggest factors in whether or not a child develops eczema is the childs own health history, specifically his or her genes. If baby has a relative diagnosed with eczema, he/she is more at-risk for developing eczema as well.

In addition to babys unique genetic makeup, environmental triggers affect future flare-ups. The most common triggers include:

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Adjust Your Shampoo Schedule

Shampooing your babys hair not only removes dirt and oil from their delicate strands, but it helps remove excess dirt and oil from their scalp, too. The amount of times you shampoo your babys scalp can vary based on their condition, though.

For cradle cap, shampooing daily can help remove oil and loosen the flakes on your babys scalp. All other causes of dry scalp may benefit from shampooing every other day to avoid excess dryness.

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Wet Wrap Therapy In A Few Simple Steps

  • Prepare a lukewarm bath with emollients.
  • After soaking in the bath, pat the skin carefully dry. Never rub the skin the irritated the skin.
  • Moisturize and wrap the affected areas with wet bandages.
  • Lock in the moisture by covering the wet bandages with dry ones or clothing.
  • After removing the bandages re-apply moisturizer.
  • Do not use wet wraps on infected eczema!

Leave the bandages for a few hours or for as long as your child accepts them. Your child may want to remove the bandages so this therapy requires a lot of patience. You can also cover the wet wraps with pajamas before bedtime. You may like to check out Soothems. They have specially designed eczema sleepwear you can use to cover the wet wrapping bandages.

Triggers Of Eczema Flare

How To Treat Eczema In Babies Hair
  • Soaps. Never use bubble bath. It can cause a major flare-up.
  • Pollens. Keep your child from lying on the grass during grass pollen season.
  • Animals. Avoid any animals that make the rash worse.
  • Foods. If certain foods cause severe itching , avoid them.
  • Wool. Avoid wool fibers and clothes made of other scratchy, rough materials.
  • Dry Air. Use a humidifier if the air in your home is dry.
  • Herpes Virus Infection . Keep your child away from anyone with fever blisters . The herpes virus can cause a serious skin infection in children with eczema.
  • Eczema is not caused by laundry soap you use to wash clothing.

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Indications Of Atopic Eczema In Babies

  • Itchiness is a strong factor but babies tend to rub more than scratch. Look out for redness in the forehead and the wrists as well as cracking and breaking of the skin.
  • A dry skin is very indicative of atopic eczema.
  • If the eczema is infected it will be weeping and oozing and there may be yellow/brown crusting.

What Should I Expect If My Baby Has Cradle Cap

Cradle cap is a scalp condition that happens in most babies. Its generally a harmless condition that doesnt cause pain, itching or discomfort. It appears within the first weeks to months of life and is rarely seen after 12 months of age in most babies.

The good news is that your babys cradle cap can be easily managed with simple at-home care. Apply petroleum jelly or mineral oil to your babys scalp to loosen scales, use a soft brush to gently remove scales, and, finally, wash your babys hair every day with a mild baby shampoo. If your babys cradle cap doesnt improve with these measures, other products can be tried. Contact your healthcare provider to discuss your babys condition and treatment options.

Once cradle cap has cleared up, shampooing your babys hair with mild baby shampoo two or three times a week should prevent it from returning.

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D Use A Moisturizer On The Skin

A moisturizer can be used on the area of scalp affected by eczema as well. This will help reduce dryness and redness of the skin. It will also prevent itching at the site of eczema. Unscented moisturizer is the way to go. Sometimes fragrances can irritate sensitive skin. The use of moisturizers is best right after a bath because the scalp of the baby is still moist. This helps lock in the moisture.

Treating With Topical Steroids

10 tips to HEAL YOUR ECZEMA| Dr Dray

The word topical means something that you apply at the site of the problem. Steroids are substances produced by the body to help the healing process. Steroids produced for medicinal purposes aim to have the same effect. They can be very helpful in treating all manner of illnesses, but taken orally they can have serious side effects, one of which is to restrict growth. This is very unlikely to happen with steroid formulations applied to the skin, but having said that, bear in mind that a babys skin is very permeable. This is why steroid creams and ointments prescribed for babies are usually of a very weak formulation unless there is a special reason for the extra strength in which case the treatment is likely to be only for a short time. Also, strong doses of steroids used over a long length of time can produce thinning, stretch marks and reddening of the skin.

However, topical steroids can reduce itchiness and speed up healing so they are extremely useful in controlling a flare-up of the condition. Used with caution, they can often spare both the baby and parents undue suffering.

If the eczema becomes infected you must see your Doctor straight away. Infected eczema can be tricky to treat on anybody, but a baby obviously has to be very closely monitored.

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When Infections Cause Eczema Blisters

People with eczema are more prone to infections because burst blisters or damaged, raw skin can be a breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, or viruses, says Amy Kassouf, MD, a dermatologist with the Cleveland Clinic in Twinsburg, Ohio.

One particularly dangerous infection is called eczema herpeticum the result of atopic dermatitis and contact with the herpes simplex 1 virus , the virus that causes cold sores and some cases of genital herpes, according to the NEA. The infection can occur when someone with even mild eczema has skin-to-skin contact with HSV-1. Many watery eczema blisters break out and are very itchy. The infection spreads fast, leading to fever and flu-like symptoms, and the fluid inside the blisters turns to yellow pus.

If the infection is untreated, it can eventually affect vital organs and ultimately lead to death, although thats rare, the NEA says. Treatment for eczema herpeticum consists of antiviral medications and painkillers as needed.

Infections from the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria can also cause pus-filled blisters and honey-colored crusting over the skin, according to the Mayo Clinic. Treatment of a staph infection includes antibiotics and drainage of blisters or wounds.

Signs an eczema blister has become infected include red color, warmth to the touch, whitish liquid drainage, and swelling, Rieder says.

When To See A Doctor

Before moving further, bear in mind that simple staph colonization is not the same as a staph infection.

Small areas of weeping eczema from colonization can usually be treated at home, and will probably benefit from the tips in this article, however if you have large eczema areas that are severely covered with Staph A, then its important to check with your doctor to rule out any complications such as a Staph infection.

Some signs you have staph infection:

You have on and off fevers You have large eczema lesions with blood and/or yellow pus It is painful to stand or walk Chills and shivers The weeping goes away for a while, but then comes back, over and over

If the infection is serious, your doctor may suggest taking an oral antibiotic. If its not so serious, an antibiotic cream might be recommended to kill the Staph bacteria.

Of course, if you have weeping eczema, PLEASE consult your doctor immediately! Especially if you have signs of an infection like a high fever or chills.

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A Note From Cleveland Clinic

Cradle cap is a very common, temporary condition that rarely causes problems beyond looking like an unpleasant or irritating skin condition. Just remember to not hesitate to contact your physician if you suspect something abnormal.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 04/28/2020.


What Causes Cradle Cap

Baby Eczema Itch Relief Wash &  Shampoo

The exact cause of infant seborrheic dermatitis is unknown. Overproduction of your babys oil-producing sebaceous glands or a type of yeast in the oil may contribute to your babys condition. The glands are on the babys scalp. Scientists think the changing hormone levels in the mothers body during pregnancy may cause a babys sebaceous glands to overproduce. Normal skin cells are naturally shed in a process called desquamation. However, the cells will remain stuck to the scalp if there is an abundance of oil. This causes no harm to your baby.

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What Is Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition. It affects the scalp, face or inside the ear. The affected areas have white to yellowish flakes. The skin also can be red and greasy. When adults get it on their scalp, its commonly called dandruff. In babies, it is known as cradle cap. Seborrheic dermatitis can appear on other parts of the body. This includes the chest, creases of the arms, legs and groin. Seborrheic dermatitis is common in babies younger than three months of age and in adults. In adults. Its more likely to affect adult men than women.

How To Use Aloe Vera For Eczema

People can use aloe vera products in the same way as other moisturizers. However, a person should consult their doctor before trying aloe vera as a treatment in case it may interfere with other topical treatments. In some cases, the substance can actually cause burning, itching, and other symptoms of eczema.

When using aloe vera, a person should apply the gel directly to the affected areas of skin and gently rub it in.

First, they should clean the skin with unscented soap and water, then apply aloe vera to the eczema to prevent the skin from drying out. They can reapply this twice per day or according to a doctors recommendations.

Before using any new product, including aloe vera, a person should try it out on a patch of skin first to check for potential allergies.

To get the most natural form of the substance, people can take the gel straight from the leaf of a live aloe vera plant.

People can also find aloe vera gels at pharmacies and in online stores.

They should look for products with a high concentration of pure aloe vera and use products featuring only natural ingredients.

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How Is Facial Eczema In Children Diagnosed

The National Eczema Association estimates that 9.6 million children in America have eczema, which is also known as atopic dermatitis.

Doctors and other healthcare professionals usually diagnose it by looking at the rash and asking questions about triggers and other symptoms like itching.

Its possible that allergy testing, such as skin prick or scratch tests, may be needed to make sure the rash isnt caused by an allergic reaction.

. What your child needs will depend on the severity of the condition and your childs age and overall health.

Here are some common treatment options:


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