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I Have Eczema And Psoriasis

Q: Can Lifestyle Changes Help

What’s the Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis?

Lifestyle changes alone probably won’t be enough to completely address symptoms, especially when it comes to psoriasis, since it is a chronic autoimmune disease.

But because dryness is a trigger for both psoriasis and eczema, you can certainly reduce your risk of having a flare by taking shorter, lukewarm showers and applying a thick, hydrating cream or ointment right after you towel off. That will help lock in moisture, as well as repair the skin barrier, which is important because cracked and irritated skin allows more irritants and allergens to get in.

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If you have eczema, it’s really important to use fragrance-free, hypoallergenic soap and moisturizers, as fragrances can cause allergies and further trigger itchiness and inflammation. One over-the-counter creamthat may help provide relief from symptoms: Aveeno® Eczema Therapy Daily Moisturizing Cream, which is free from steroids and fragrances. It also contains colloidal oatmeal and ceramide, which have been clinically proven to help reduce redness and itching associated with eczema.

You should also use scent-free hypoallergenic laundry detergent for the same reason. Certain fabrics, such as those made with wool, may be irritating to delicate skin as well.

If your indoor air is very dry it’s also a good idea to run a humidifier. Just be sure to clean it often to avoid a buildup of mold or bacteria.

What Innovative Treatments Do You Offer For Eczema And Psoriasis

Correct diagnosis is the first step. We take a thorough patient history and perform detailed testing to determine the skin condition. Depending on your history and symptoms, we may ask for tests such as a biopsy, patch tests or other diagnostic studies. Once we are sure of the diagnosis, we will make treatment recommendations.

We offer a wide range of extensive topical and systemic therapies, as well as ultraviolet light therapycalled phototherapy. UV therapy given in a controlled medical setting can be extremely effective treatments for both conditions depending on the patient.

Psoriasis On The Face

Although psoriasis most commonly occurs on the knees and elbows, it may occur anywhere. This includes the face, scalp, and neck.

With treatment, psoriasis on the face and scalp often resolves, but it may recur.

In many cases, scalp psoriasis extends onto the forehead, ears, or neck. It can be difficult to treat, especially when hair gets in the way.

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What Are The Differences Between Eczema And Psoriasis Topic Guide

Does The Sun Play A Factor


In short, yes, the sun can worsen eczema and psoriasis. But it may also help both conditions.

Sunlight is a source of ultraviolet radiation. Too much exposure to UV rays can lead to sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancer. But some sunlight can be beneficial for lowering skin inflammation. That is why light therapy is a treatment for both eczema and psoriasis. Light treatment is done in a healthcare providers office and is managed to ensure your skin doesnt burn. Small hand-held units are also available for at-home use.

Getting some sun outdoors can be helpful, as well. But it is important that you wear sunscreen and dont stay in direct sunlight for more than 15 minutes. Keep in mind, heat and sunlight can cause flare-ups for some people, so this approach isnt helpful for everyone.

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Foods That Contain Gluten

Research suggests that people with psoriasis tend to have higher rates of celiac disease. In people with celiac disease, gluten triggers an autoimmune response that causes the body to attack tissues in the small intestine. People with celiac disease need to avoid gluten completely, though some people without the disease have found that reducing gluten in their diet lessens psoriasis flare-ups.

The Differences Between Psoriasis And Eczema

  • One way to tell whether you have psoriasis or eczema is to examine moisture in the affected areas. Eczema causes the skin to develop a flaky skin that can also have pimple bumps filled with fluids. These swellings may also ooze. Such do not occur in psoriasis. In psoriasis, the patients experience silvery scales on the skin that shed off.
  • The triggers of the disease can also guide your assessment of the condition. Eczema flare-ups are usually the result of external triggers such as chemicals and animal dander. However, for psoriasis, the causes or triggers are internal health issues. It has been noted that, for example, people with diabetes are more likely to experience psoriasis flare-ups compared to those without.
  • In most cases, eczema will be diagnosed in childhood. In fact, most cases of eczema are reported before a patient hits five years of age. On the other hand, psoriasis is most commonly diagnosed in adults. This can, however, only suggest the actual disease you are suffering from. In a few cases, people have been diagnosed with eczema even in their 50s.
  • Eczema affects areas of the body with softer skin such as the back of the knees. However, psoriasis affects the areas of the body with tough skin such as the knees.
  • If you are still unsure of what skin condition you are suffering from, it is wise to consult a doctor. This way, you can be safer taking medications. If you choose to use over-the-counter medications, see your doctor if the condition does not subside.

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    What Are The Differences Between Eczema And Psoriasis

    The table below outlines the differences between the two commonly confused skin conditions.

    • Potential for fissures and broken skin

    VladimirKhodataev/iStock via Getty Images

    • Sharply outlined areas of red skin with silvery scaling
    • Sometimes bleeds if picked

    DaveBolton/E+ via Getty Images Images

    How does it feel? Very itchy, painful, and dry Sometimes itchy
    Where does it happen on the skin?
    • The folds of skin on the neck
    • Inside surfaces of the arms
    • Behind the knees
    What are additional symptoms and risks?
    • Commonly seen with allergies and asthma
    • Possible infections with scratching
    • Thickening, pitting, and ridging of nails
    • Can affect the joints

    Signs And Symptoms Of Psoriasis On The Tongue

    Eczema vs. Psoriasis- What Your Skin May Be Telling You About Your Health

    Psoriasis can cause periodic flare-ups of symptoms, after which theres little or no disease activity.

    Since you can have psoriasis anywhere on your body, its also possible to have it in your mouth. This includes the:

    Lesions on the tongue can vary in color, from white to yellowish-white to gray. You might not notice lesions at all, but your tongue may be red and inflamed. This usually occurs during an acute psoriasis flare-up.

    For some people, there are no other symptoms, which makes it easily overlooked. For others, pain and inflammation can make it hard to chew and swallow.

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    When To See A Doctor

    If you suspect that you have psoriasis or eczema, its vital to make an appointment with a dermatologist so they can diagnose you and recommend a treatment plan.

    With the proper medication, you can manage your condition and get your itch and inflammation under control.

    Make an appointment with your dermatologist if you are experiencing:

    • An itchy rash that doesnt get better with moisturizer or OTC creams
    • A rash or blisters that are oozing, full of pus, or bleeding
    • A rash that is accompanied by a fever, dizziness, increased weight gain, or rapid heart rate
    • Deep grooves or pockets in your fingernails or toenails
    • Pain or tenderness in your back, hands, or feet
    • Skin itch or pain thats new worsening or spreading
    • Stiffness in your joints
    • Swelling or skin that is hot to the touch

    If you are experiencing severe or rapid swelling in your skin, tongue, lips, or face skin that is painful to touch wheezing and shortness of breath, you may require emergency care.

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    How Can You Ease Your Symptoms

    Dr. Fernandez recommends using a moisturizing cream or ointment if you have either eczema or psoriasis. Keeping your skin moist is helpful because youre more likely to itch if your skin is dry.

    Your skin can also benefit from these general health tips:

    • Drink alcohol only in moderation.
    • Eat a healthy diet.
    • Drink more water.
    • Get plenty of exercise.

    There is no cure for psoriasis and multiple types of eczema, including atopic dermatitis. But you can help limit the symptoms by getting proper treatment and taking good care of your skin, Dr. Fernandez says.

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    Causes Of Psoriasis And Eczema

    Both eczema and psoriasis are thought to have the same cause: an immune system that kicks into overdrive and mistakenly attacks your own body. But the precise process is different for each condition.

    “It’s different wings of the immune system,” said Emily Newsom, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

    In psoriasis, overproduction of certain immune-system chemicals causes the outer layer of skin cells to go through the life cycleforming then sloughing offin just days rather than a month. The result is a layer of super-fast-forming cells building up on your skin. That’s what causes the thick coating of red, silvery scales on your skin that are characteristic of plaque psoriasisthe most common type of psoriasis.

    Eczema affects the ability of the skin to protect against outside irritants and allergens.

    Can You Treat Eczema And Psoriasis The Same Way

    Eczema &  Psoriasis Archives

    Some of the medications that are used to treat psoriasis may help treat eczema and vice versa. This doesnt necessarily mean that theres a one-size-fits-all treatment plan for both conditions though. A dermatologist can help you find a treatment plan that will work best for you based on your individual symptoms and medical history.

    Recommended Reading: How To Soothe Itchy Skin From Eczema

    Can Eczema Become Psoriasis

    Eczema and psoriasis are completely different conditions. So, eczema cant turn into psoriasis, and vice versa. But, since the conditions can look so similar, it can be tough to tell the difference even in a clinical setting, especially in children. According to AAD, in these instances, a dermatologist may diagnose the skin condition as psoriasiform dermatitis.

    Theres some overlap, too. Its not common, but you can technically get both psoriasis and eczema at the same time, which can be extra confusing. Your dermatologist will usually be able to distinguish between the two.

    Yes You Can Technically Have Psoriasis And Eczema At The Same Time

    Experts know that psoriasis affects around 3% of adults in the United States 1 eczema is a bit more common, affecting around 7% of adults.2 Its possible to have eczema and psoriasis at the same time, but its pretty rare, according to Alexa B. Kimball, MD, MPH, a professor of dermatology and the president of Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Theyre a little bit of a yin and yang, in terms of which parts of the immune system are being activated, she tells SELF. So they dont usually occur in the same people, but they can.

    A 2021 paper published in the journal Skin Health and Disease reviewed the findings of 31 studies on these two conditions and found that the prevalence of them occurring together is approximately 2%. The researchers concluded that clinicians should be aware of coexistence at diagnosis and when reviewing poor response to treatment.3

    Even though psoriasis and eczema might look similar, they may require different medications and therapies, so its important to see a dermatologist who can diagnose you and figure out a treatment plan thats most appropriate for your situation.

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    Psoriasis Up And Down The Legs

    Psoriasis frequently occurs on the legs and knees. Although some psoriasis may cover significant portions of the legs, other types may appear in isolated patches.

    The different types of psoriasis have different appearances.

    For instance, guttate psoriasis on the legs would appear in many separate, drop-like, small red psoriasis patches. However, plaque psoriasis on the legs often appears in large, shapeless patches with thick red skin or thick white scales.

    Q: Why Do These Conditions Typically Flare Up In The Winter


    Cold, dry conditions sap the natural moisture from your skin, and dry skin can cause flares, especially with eczema. People also tend to take hot baths or showers in the winter, which further dries out the skin and causes more itching, since hot water can damage the outer layer of skin that holds in moisture.

    Dry skin can trigger a psoriasis flare, as can reduced exposure to sunlight. In the winter, most people get very little natural exposure to UV light.

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    Dry skin can also trigger a psoriasis flare, as can reduced exposure to sunlight. In the winter, most people get very little natural exposure to UV light because they spend so much time indoors or with skin covered up with warm clothing.

    To help with this, psoriasis patients can consider , a treatment that essentially involves using a light box to expose skin to controlled amounts of UV light in order to dampen inflammation.

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    Causes Of Eczema And Psoriasis

    Doctors arent entirely sure what causes eczema and psoriasis. However, they have linked them to conditions and circumstances that can influence an outbreak.

    Causes of eczema

    Eczema is believed to be triggered by allergic reactions to organisms or substances you encounter. The condition might also be passed down through inherited genes. Studies have shown that children whose parents have allergies and asthma are more at risk of developing eczema.

    Some other eczema triggers are believed to be:

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    When Should I See A Healthcare Provider For Skin Rashes

    If you have skin rashes that wont go away, it is a good idea to seek help. Dermatologists are experts in eczema and psoriasis and can help you find a treatment plan that works for you.

    Eczema and psoriasis rashes arent typically emergencies. But there are a few signs that you should seek treatment quickly. These include:

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    Psoriasis Remains A Mystery

    While eczema appears as a skin rash, psoriasis presents in different forms. Some outbreaks look like scaly red patches. Others look like a plaque buildup. This is due to the rapidly growing skin cells. The cause of psoriasis is unknown, with no cure. Genetics is the most prominent precursor of the disease. Persons with diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and depression can also have psoriasis. Like eczema, external factors like stress and alcohol trigger the disease.

    Is There A Time Of Year When Skin Conditions Are More Prevalent

    Eczema Or Psoriasis: Can You Tell the Difference?

    There are no absolute patterns for what makes eczema worse, as it varies from patient to patient. Many patients with atopic dermatitis experience worse symptoms in the winter when the air is drier. Other patients are also affected by hotter temperatures. Scratching which can be unavoidable due to the intense itching will make the rash worse.

    Additional factors

    Eczema is associated with asthma and food allergies, but treating these conditions does not always cure or remedy the skin condition. Stress also affects eczema.

    Psoriasis can get worse from:

    • Alcohol or tobacco use

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    What Causes Eczema And Psoriasis

    Scientists arent sure exactly what causes eczema, but its likely genetic and triggered by allergic reactions to items like soap or fragrance, or could be onset by dry skin, Dr. Wang says. Environmental factors, like cigarette smoke, pollution and stress, could also trigger eczema, per AAD experts.

    Research suggests that the immune systems in people with eczema likely overreact, causing inflammation when they come in contact with certain triggers, which makes the skin red and itchy.

    Read More:

    Like eczema, theres no exact known cause for psoriasis, but it too has an immune system link. Psoriasis is caused by an overactive immune system that revs up the production of new skin cells. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, skin cells typically grow and fall off within a month, but in people with psoriasis, skin cells go through this process in just a few days. Instead of falling off, the cells pile up on the skin, creating thick, scaly patches, which experts call plaques.

    Seeking The Right Treatment

    Unfortunately, there are currently no cures for these skin conditions, and many people have to manage their symptoms over a lifetime. Depending on several factors, including your age and severity of your condition, your doctor will develop a treatment plan that includes a combination of medicine, avoiding triggers, and having a good skin care regimen and healthy lifestyle. Its important to get the right diagnosis with a doctor who specializes in these conditions, such as a dermatologist, and to develop a treatment plan thats tailored to your specific needs.

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