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HomeFactsTea Tree Oil And Eczema

Tea Tree Oil And Eczema

How Does Tea Tree Oil Work For Eczema

Tea Tree Oil to Treat Dark Facial Spots and Eczema Scars

The tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant that is native to Australia. Numerous studies have reported the plant as having antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties, which make it useful in treating various types of eczema.

The plant-based extract is effective in improving the symptoms of the inflammation, without the adverse side effects associated with the chemical alternatives. A 2011 study by Skane University Hospitals Joana Wallengren, entitled Tea tree oil attenuates experimental contact dermatitis showed that tea tree oil was a more efficient eczema treatment than topic applications of ichthammol or zinc oxide.

In the initial eczema flare-ups, itching is the major cause of discomfort. The tea tree oils anti-inflammatory and antifungal abilities reduce itching, helping the patient to experience some level of comfort. Also, in eczema, the protective layer of the skin is damaged. The skin becomes vulnerable to microbial agents that may attack and cause further infections.

The anti-inflammatory capabilities of the tea tree oil also prevent swelling and reddening of the skin. The tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties, which enable it to kill the infectious microbes, preventing infections and the spread of the itchy patches to other parts of the body.

Recipe : Coconut Oil And Tea Tree Oil For Eczema

Traditional eczema treatments like corticosteroids and antibiotics can be replaced with tea tree oil as a powerful natural option due to its anti-inflammatory effects. While coconut acts as a natural moisturizer for dry, inflamed skin.


  • Tea Tree Essential Oil – 1 Drop


Step 1: Add coconut oil and tea tree essential oil in a clean glass bowl.

Step 2: Give it a good mix. Apply on the affected area gently. Leave it on.

Tea Tree Oil For Eczema

As one of the best essential oils for eczema, tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components to target free radicals.

According to a study published in Herbal Treatments for Dermatologic Disorders, the oil works against Staphylococcus aureus and other bacterial strains.

The British Journal of Dermatology published a study where a group was tested with the use of tea tree oil to treat inflamed skin caused by histamine . The study found the use of tea tree oil alleviated the inflamed, red, and swollen skin of eczema.

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How To Use Essential Oils To Treat Eczema

The most common way to use essential oils for eczema is to make them into a cream or dilute them with a carrier oil before applying topically.

When using essential oils, its important to dilute them, as they can be quite potent and strong and can cause burns, irritation, and allergic reactions when applied directly to the skin.

Add just a few drops of the essential oil to a carrier oil, like coconut or sunflower oil, and mix the solution before applying to the affected area as a topical eczema treatment.

Not only is this much safer, but it also helps to ensure your body gets the benefits of the essential oil, as the carrier oil helps your body absorb the essential oil.

You could also try adding a few drops of essential oil to bath water be sure to use water thats warm, rather than hot, so as not to irritate the skin further.

Its always best to consult a doctor before using essential oils for your eczema, especially if you are using other prescription topical or oral solutions or have any allergies or sensitivities.

The 6 Best Essential Oils For Eczema

Antifungal Tea Tree Oil Body Wash

While there is no cure for eczema, or atopic dermatitis, there are things that you can do at home to potentially help with some of the symptoms. The best essential oils for eczema âmay improve hydration moisturize, soothe, and calm the skin and reduce inflammation and itching,â Alina G. Bridges, DO and dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic, told Bustle in an interview.

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Other Tips To Avoid A Flare Up

According to the NHS, it is important to establish your triggers because once you know them, you can try to avoid them.

For example:

  • If certain fabrics irritate your skin, avoid wearing these and stick to soft, fine-weave clothing or natural materials such as cotton
  • If heat aggravates your eczema, keep the rooms in your home cool, especially the bedroom
  • Avoid using soaps or detergents that may affect your skin use soap substitutes instead.

What Is Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil often derived from the Australian native plant Melaleuca alternifolia. For years, its been used medicinally.

Specifically, people have relied on tea tree oil to heal cuts and wounds. When applied to the skin, it can also be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including eczema.

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Allergic Contact Dermatitis From Tea Tree Oil

The sudden appearance of a pruritic confluent erythematous rash on the anterior neck and upper back prompted a 30-year-old woman to seek medical attention. She had recently started applying 5% tea tree oil to the area to treat chronic, recurrent tinea versicolor. An herbal specialist had recommended this therapy.

The sudden appearance of a pruritic confluent erythematous rash on the anterior neck and upper back prompted a 30-year-old woman to seek medical attention. She had recently started applying 5% tea tree oil to the area to treat chronic, recurrent tinea versicolor. An herbal specialist had recommended this therapy.

Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported in about 5% of those who use tea tree oil.1-3 The cutaneous reactions range from a mild contact dermatitis to a severe blistering rash. Patients with a history of allergy to benzoin should not use tea tree oil because of cross- reactions.2 There is one report of severe subepidermal blistering in a patient with linear IgA disease who had contact with tea tree oil.2

Tea tree oil has gained popularity as a topical antibiotic and antifungal agent. Thus, physicians need to be aware of the potential allergic reactions to tea tree oil and advise patients to discontinue use at the first signs of sensitivity.

Straight Tea Tree Oil

How To Treat Eczema With Tea Tree Oil

Full strength tea tree oil application for eczema usually gives relief from burning and itching associated with eczema. Just add 3-5 drops on a cotton ball and put onto the outbreaks. Severely irritated skin can react adversely to undiluted tea tree essential oil. It is recommended to dilute tea tree oil with some carrier oil, for example, olive or almond one, before application. As the skin is usually dry in case of eczema the dilution of tea tree oil with carrier oil is even preferable. Add tea tree oil to olive oil moisturizer.

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Natural Remedy For Teething Babies

For a natural teething remedy, add 1 drop of each essential oil to 1 Tbsp. of carrier oil, such as sweet almond oil. Use a couple drops of the mixture to massage the jaw and neck.

You can also make cold compresses using essential oil water. Pour 1 cup of boiling water into a bowl, and add 1-2 drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil. Cover the bowl until the water is warm, and then pour the mixture through a paper coffee filter.

Let it cool completely. Dip a material such as muslin in the essential oil water, squeeze excess out, and lightly apply a small amount to the external jaw.1

Use Oils With Caution

As with anything else, we have to be extremely careful with our sensitive eczema skin. Its important to do research, consult with our doctors, and patch test everything to know what will work for you. The few listed above are just some of my own personal favorites. As with anything else, they may not be the right fit for you.

We are all so incredibly different, and there are many factors at play. In order to find what is most beneficial for you, you have to take control of your own health, as well as listen to your own body.

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Blend With A Carrier Oil:

  • Essentials oils should not be applied directly to the babys skin. Direct application may cause skin irritation.
  • Diluting it with a carrier oil can help the essential oil to better penetrate the skin and can also provide additional moisture.
  • Carrier oil are unscented/lightly scented and do not interfere with the essential oil
  • Types of common carrier oils are discussed in the paragraph above

Kraft Bee Diy Oatmeal Bath Salts

Isilandon 100% Pure Essential Tea Tree Oil for Acne Pimple Eczema ...

Do you have a drier? Bath bags can be a great way to scent your towels just toss it in there after use and as it dries, it will transfer the scent onto your towels. And because you used a bag, you dont have to worry about floaties clogging your pipes! This recipe has oats, Epsom, pink salt, milk powder, and flowers: rose + lavender + chamomile.

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Essential Oils For Babies And Infants

Using essential oils for children, babies, and infants can be a great way to treat some typical childhood ailments, such as teething, sleep problems, diaper rash, and eczema. In this article, you will discover what essential oils are good for babies and which ones should be avoided until specific ages.

While there are excellent essential oils for babies and infants, only certain oils can be used on children. Read further to discover the best essential oils for babies and children.

Want to learn more about essential oils? Get our FREE Video Series here

In fact, there are many popular commercial products containing essential oils such as lavender and chamomile. Parents can feel good about creating their own natural care products using essential oils for infants and children.

Note:Never use essential oils on a baby, infant, or toddler without first consulting a healthcare professional.

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Medical Treatment For Eczema

Eczema cant be cured. But it can be managed by preventing and treating flare-ups as soon as they appear.

If your childs skin is inflamed and itchy, theyll probably need some corticosteroid ointment or cream. For mild eczema, you can buy mild corticosteroids over the counter at your pharmacy. The most common is hydrocortisone 1% cream. For more serious eczema or if the over-the-counter products arent working, youll need to see your GP to get a prescription for a stronger corticosteroid.

Other eczema treatments include pimecrolimus, a non-steroidal cream. Doctors might prescribe this cream for children with mild to moderate eczema on the face and in body folds.

If your child is scratching at a rash, you could ask your pharmacist or GP about using an antihistamine medication for a few days. Together with a corticosteroid cream, this might give your child some rest and help the flare-up to settle.

If your childs eczema rash gets infected, your doctor will prescribe a course of oral antibiotics.

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How Can Homeopathic Medicine Treat Eczema

Eczema can be hard to treat because flare-ups occur when the immune system is weakened due to dry skin dryness caused by hot showers, environmental allergens such as pollen grains from plants, and dust mites that live in pillows and bedsheets, and stress.

Homeopathic treatment for eczema is one of the best options because it can address the root cause of this skin problem and provide relief from itching, irritation, dryness, inflammation, and other uncomfortable symptoms associated with eczema. Homeopathy doctors can determine the proper homeopathic medicine to prescribe depending on your symptoms, age, and other factors that may affect your condition.

Homeopathy treatment for eczema is usually based upon the theory of administering doses so low that they do not cause side effects, which are known to aggravate the symptoms of eczema. The dosage prescribed by the doctor is also carefully selected to target the root cause of your condition without causing any side effects. You can consult a homeopathy doctor if you have concerns about treating or preventing flare-ups associated with eczema. Homeopathic treatment for eczema aims to strengthen your immune system and provide relief from uncomfortable symptoms caused by eczema. For more information, you can book an appointment through OHO Homeopahty and get the treatment you need.

Other Essential Oils For Eczema

Homemade Eczema Cream

There are a number of other essential oils on the market in addition to tea tree oil which can be used to treat eczema.

Chamomile essential oil can be applied directly to the skin to treat eczema, as it works to reduce the redness, irritation and inflammation associated with the condition.

Helichrysum essential oil has many different health benefits because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been shown to reduce inflammation associated with eczema due to its ability to fight cell-damaging free radicals.

Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe the skin and relieve pain, making it an effective treatment for eczema.

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Was The Cure Worse Than The Disease Allergic Contact Dermatitis From Tea Tree Oil

Amber Stonehouse, MD

The sudden appearance of a pruritic confluent erythematous rash on the anterior neck and upper back prompted a 30-year-old woman to seek medical attention. She had recently started applying 5% tea tree oil to the area to treat chronic, recurrent tinea versicolor. An herbal specialist had recommended this therapy.

Allergic contact dermatitis has been reported in about 5% of those who use tea tree oil.1-3 The cutane- ous reactions range from a mild contact dermatitis to a severe blistering rash. Patients with a history of allergy to benzoin should not use tea tree oil because of cross-reactions.2 There is one report of severe subepidermal blistering in a patient with linear IgA disease who had contact with tea tree oil.2

Tea tree oil has gained popularity as a topical antibiotic and antifungal agent. Thus, physicians need to be aware of the potential allergic reactions to tea tree oil and advise patients to discontinue use at the first signs of sensitivity.

This patient was told to apply hydrocortisone 1% cream to reduce the inflammation and pruritus and use cool compresses as needed. The rash completely resolved within a week after the tea tree oil was discontinued.

Why Tea Tree Oil For Treating Eczema

Tea tree oil which is an essential oil is derived from Melaleuca alternifolia, a plant which is native to Australia. The use of tea tree oil for skin problems have been followed for more than 10 decades. This oil is composed of various ingredients, all of which help your skin in one or the other ways. Tea Tree oil contains, sesquiterpenes, terpene hydrocarbons, and monoterpenes, all of these make Tea Tree oil a medicinal herb.

Tea tree oil has various other advantages for the skin than just curing eczema. Some of its benefits for the skin are:

  • It helps cure persistent dandruff. In most cases where tea tree oil is used for dandruff, it is found to be 100% effective dandruff rarely happens again after tea tree oil application.
  • It reduces bacteria in the mouth and skin, thus protecting the body from infections due to external agents.
  • Its anti-fungal properties help in treating athletes foot and fungus.
  • Its antiseptic properties treat minor skin irritations and wounds.
  • It is known to be significantly useful when it comes to treating acne.
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    Essential Oil For Eczema Baby

    What is the Best Essential Oil for Baby Eczema?

    Its important to know that not all essential oils are created equal.

    As with any product, special precautions need to be taken when using them on babies.

    Never apply concentrated essential oils directly to the skin.

    Instead, dilute them with a carrier oil. A dilution ratio of 0.5% to 1% is the ideal concentration for a baby older than three months.

    Carrier oils are also beneficial when it comes to treating eczema.

    Before introducing essential oils to your babys skin, test them first for allergic reactions or irritation.

    Other Essential Oils Shown To Help

    Therapeutic Tea Tree Oil Anti

    Coconut oil has also been shown to alleviate eczema symptoms.

    According to an article published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, coconut oil is effective at reducing the presence of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other pathogens.

    found that coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties that help protect the skin.

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    Why Green Tea Should Be Your Go

    Because the base of eczema is inflammation, green tea is the perfect cure for it. Green tea contains anti-inflammatory flavanoids that help the body fight infections. This is because this particular herb is loaded with antioxidants that help fight off free radicals in the body.

    Free radicals are compounds that change, damage or even kill skin cells. As a result eczema can ensue. However, the antioxidants in green tea do a great job of warding off free radicals. These antioxidants also heal skin damage and prevent future harm.

    Additionally, green tea is natural which is fantastic as one of the major causes of eczema can be irritation from chemicals in soaps and cosmetic products. Using even more chemically loaded products to resolve your initial skin complaint will do more harm than good, causing further damage to your skin.

    Why Eczema And Essential Oils Are A Poor Mix

    There are several reasons people with eczema should skip essential oils:

    • Ingredients may vary. Theyâre usually made through a steam distillation process that uses heat and chemicals to extract their scent and other properties. The result is a highly concentrated liquid mix of chemicals that can include terpenes, aldehydes, alcohols, esters, ethers, ketones, and more.
    • Theyâre unregulated. In addition, the FDA places most of these products in the same category as cosmetics, which means they donât regulate quality or advertising claims. Thereâs no way to tell, for example, if the oils you buy were made from plants treated with pesticides or contain only the ingredients listed on the label.
    • They raise your risk of skin irritation. Your skin is even more likely to react when you have eczema. Thatâs because the inflammation it causes disturbs and can leave tiny breaks in your skin barrier. This makes it easier for your skin to absorb the irritants and allergens in essential oils.

    If you have eczema you shouldnât use essential oils in any form. They can cause skin reactions even when you mix small amounts with a milder oil, add a few drops to your bath water, or use products that list them as ingredients.

    You should also avoid diffusers that release their scent â and other compounds â into the air you breathe. The airborne particles can cause skin reactions and other symptoms in people who are sensitive to them.

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