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HomeExclusiveNatural Remedies For Newborn Eczema

Natural Remedies For Newborn Eczema

Whats Causing Your Babys Eczema

Baby Eczema & Baby Acne: Natural Remedies that Really Work

The causes of eczema in infants and children vary from child to child. Many times there is a food allergy to blame. Other times, it may just be genetics. Often, babies will outgrow their eczema within the first few years of life.

If your babys eczema stems from a food allergy, dietary changes are your best bet for clearing up the problem. Always consult with your childs healthcare provider. Otherwise, here are several baby eczema natural remedies for treating breakouts.

Oatmeal Baths A Most Popular Natural Remedy For Baby Eczema

For centuries, people have been using colloidal oatmeal as a natural remedy for skin irritation and itching. Some research shows that oatmeal can balance the skins pH level and minimize inflammation making it a very effective natural baby eczema treatment. If you want to use this natural remedy, all you have to do is fill a sock with a handful of oatmeal and keep it under the tap while running your babys bath. Make sure that the bathwater has a milky appearance. Its a very simple and cheap treatment for baby eczema.

Reduce The Number Of Toxins And Fragrances In Your Home

Most of the traditional eczema remedies actually have toxins in them, which can make it difficult for the more traditional products to cure eczema in the long run!

What are the toxic ingredients to avoid?

  • Dibutyl phthalate
  • Methylisothiazolinone and other isothiazolinones
  • Nanoparticles (pulverized metals like zinc and titanium
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    How To Use Coconut Oil For Your Babys Eczema

    Look for the best quality virgin coconut oil you can find to use on your baby. Youll likely be able to find the kind used for cooking and as a food supplement at health food stores. Double-check the ingredients to make sure its pure coconut oil without any added chemicals or dyes.

    Give your baby their daily bath using warm water and a gentle baby shampoo. Pat your baby dry and wrap them in a soft, fluffy towel.

    Warm a small amount of coconut oil in a bowl. Coconut oil melts at about 78°F, so if its a warm day, you can just leave it on your kitchen counter. Alternatively, zap it in the microwave for about 10 seconds.

    Wash your hands carefully with warm water and soap. Its always important to wash your hands before touching your baby, but its even more important if your baby has eczema. This rash can break the skin, letting germs get in more easily.

    Test the warm coconut oil on the inside of your wrist just like you test a babys bottle to make sure its a comfortable temperature. If its too cold or hard, rub some between your palms to melt it. If its too warm, pop it in the fridge for a few minutes.

    Scoop up some coconut oil and rub it between your fingers or the palms of your hands. Gently use your fingers or whole hand to massage the coconut oil into your babys skin. Start with the areas that have eczema and continue all over for a relaxing massage that also helps you bond!

    Heres how its done:

  • Get a new, soft, unbleached cotton or flannel cloth.
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    Knowing about the type of fabric that is best for eczema sufferers is very helpful. But you must also be aware of what fabrics to avoid for you to allow more understanding thus helping you prevent the occurrence of such preventable conditions. This includes clothes that can cause abrasions such as fabrics like wools and linen.

    It can cause disruption to the skin and can worsen eczema. Moreover, materials like silk, denim, and leather can cause us to overheat, experience itchiness plus it makes us sweat even more. Acrylic and polyester material should also be avoided such that like any other materials, it causes severe itchiness that makes the baby feel uncomfortable.

    Eczema caused by the type of clothing used is very treatable. Your only way to avoid and treat it is to eliminate the cause of the condition. If your baby has highly sensitive skin, then do not use fabrics that cause the baby some irritation or any other allergies.

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    Cure : Natural Remedies


    Oatmeal serves to be one of the best baby eczema natural remedies. Its soothing properties help alleviate the symptoms of eczema. Your child is going to love the oatmeal bath. Prepare the oatmeal bath for your kid as mentioned below

    How to use:
    • Add lukewarm water to the tub
    • To it, add a cup of the oatmeal powder
    • The water would feel soft
    • Soak your baby in the bath for ten to fifteen minutes
    • After that pat him dry
    • Apply a mild, fragrance-free moisturizer on his skin
    • Oatmeal cleanses the skin and eases inflammation

    Benefits of oatmeal

    Oatmeal helps in binding the surface and forms a protective layer called the skin barrier that keeps the bodys moisture intact and does not let the skin dry. It will help to soothe his body and provides effective relief from itching.

    What To Do About Itching

    Try to keep your baby from scratching their itchy skin. Scratching can make the rash worse, lead to an infection, and cause the irritated skin to get thicker and more leathery.

    Trim their nails often, and then take the edge off of them with a file if you can. Some parents also slip “scratch mittens” onto their little one’s hands. Others try long socks, tucked in under a long-sleeved shirt, so they’re harder for a baby to remove. View a slideshow to get more eczema skin care tips.

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    Myth #: Eczema Is Rare

    SURPRISE Its not!

    In fact, more than 31 million Americans have some form of eczema. And 10-25% of children have atopic dermatitis. Of that 10-25%, approximately 1/3 have moderate-to-severe cases.

    Atopic dermatitis also affects all races. However, we diagnose the disease more commonly in black children. Black and Hispanic children are also more likely to experience severe cases.

    Massage With Sunflower Seed Oil

    Baby Eczema Home Remedies (Natural treatments) | Bath, meal time tips & more

    Another natural oil that can help with eczema is sunflower oil. Research shows that sunflower oil improves the barrier function of the skin. In one study of babies at high risk of developing eczema, parents were advised to apply sunflower seed oil on their babys entire body at least once daily. This was done as soon as possible after birth but within a maximum of 3 weeks and was to be continued till the baby hit the 6-month milestone. It was found that sunflower seed oil had a protective effect and reduced the incidence of this condition at the 6-month mark.5 In the study, parents were also told not to use potential irritants like fragrant soap, bubble baths, or even bath oils and were to stick to a mild, fragrance-free cleanser.

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    Does Eczema In Babies Go Away

    There is good news: Most children outgrow their eczema.

    According to the experts at the University of Iowa Stead Family Childrens Hospital, many children see a big improvement in baby eczema by the age of three. About 66 percent of children with childhood or baby eczema outgrow it and only suffer from occasional dry skin during their teen years.

    If your babys eczema does not let up, try keeping a journal to identify the triggers, then work to avoid those triggers. In the meantime, you can ease symptoms by treating baby eczema naturally.

    Causes Of Baby Eczema

    It can be difficult to determine exactly whats causing your babys eczema. Its a skin condition that some people seem to inherit and is not spread through contact. There does seem to be a higher likelihood of suffering from eczema if a family member also has the condition.

    Figuring out what causes your little one to have a flare-up is important to keep their skin comfortable and healthy. Here are some common causes of baby eczema:

    • General dry skin: some babies have seasonal flare-ups because their skin tends to be drier in the winter. Anytime your little ones skin is especially dry it may put them at risk for a flare up
    • Allergens: anything that your little one is allergic too can result in an eczema flare-up. This includes animal dander, pollen, and foods
    • Soaps, lotion, detergents and fragrance: soaps, lotions, and anything with fragrance may cause flare-ups. For babies with eczema prone skin, its best to opt for all-natural, unscented, mild products. Ideally, look for something thats designed for sensitive skin
    • Dry Air: not surprisingly, if you live in a dry climate or the air is very dry in your home, your baby may get dry skin which results in a flare-up. Try running a humidifier in your babys room to help with this
    • Wool or other rough fabric: these types of materials can irritate the skin and trigger your babys eczema

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    Watch Out For Allergy Reaction When Trying Natural Remedies For Baby Eczema

    What can you really do? As a mom, I could only either avoid the things that could cause the eczema or apply the things that could soothe the eczema. When it comes to natural treatment, you need to be extra cautious about allergic reactions. For example, coconut oil is widely known as natural remedies for treating eczema baby, but my dermatologist told me to test it first because nothing is totally safe when your baby has an eczema condition. The eczema baby is more likely to have allergy reaction than an adult.

    Natural Ingredients In Eczema Moisturizers

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    These natural ingredients commonly show up in moisturizers for baby eczema, including moisturizers approved by the National Eczema Association. However, not all of them are clinically proven to treat baby eczema.

    Calendula: Calendula comes from the marigold flower, and may help reduce inflammation when applied as part of a baby eczema moisturizer. It has been used for many years to treat various skin conditions, including baby eczema. Studies haven’t yet proven it effective, though.

    Aloe Vera: Aloe vera has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help fight skin infections. It may also help to soothe dry skin. So, it has been used in moisturizers to help treat baby eczema. Although its antibacterial properties are proven, more research is still needed on aloe’s effectiveness on baby eczema.

    Vitamin B12:One randomized controlled study has shown that topical vitamin B12 improves eczema symptoms in children.

    Another key piece of baby eczema care is to identify and remove your baby’s eczema triggers. Read this article for more on the triggers that may cause your baby’s eczema to flare, and check out this article for more on caring for your baby’s eczema.


    All health-related content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of your own pediatrician in connection with any questions regarding your babys health.

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    Benefits Of Turmeric Oil

    Turmeric oil is safe for use on kids and has moderate anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to fight any infection and also imparts a soothing texture to the skin after healing eczema.


    Never use any essential oil without diluting it properly on children. Do a little patch test a day before using turmeric oil.

    Tea Tree Essential Oil On Of The Most Effective Natural Remedies For Babies With Eczema

    Among natural remedies for babies with eczema, tea tree essential oil is also a fantastic remedy. However, pure tea tree oil might be too aggressive, so its important that you dilute it with warm water. Tea tree oil is potent in anti-bacterial properties that can prevent the occurrence of eczema infection. Not just that, it also has hydrating and soothing properties that can be advantageous for dry and damaged skin. For this natural treatment, you can mix a few drops of tea tree oil with an eczema specific moisturizer.

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    Chamomile Tea Bath #1 Natural Remedy For Baby Eczema

    If youre looking for natural remedies for baby eczema, you might want to give chamomile tea bath a try as well. When it comes to infant dermatitis symptoms, itching can be a very difficult symptom. Chamomile possesses skin-soothing properties that can not only lessen itchiness but can also heal and hydrate damaged skin when its absorbed by the skin. To use this natural remedy, prepare a bath, soak about five chamomile tea bags in warm water, mix it, and then soak your baby for about 20 minutes. It can be very soothing and can help in calming the symptoms. Additionally, there are no or minimal chances of side effects.

    How To Treat Baby Eczema & Natural Remedies

    Baby Eczema Treatment | Top Products Natural Remedies

    Youll find plenty of lotions designed to relieve the itching and redness of eczema, but unfortunately many conventional products designed to treat baby eczema are loaded with harmful ingredients like EDTA, PEG, and petroleum products.Yikes!Not exactly what you want to rub on babys sensitive skin!

    Heres how to naturally provide relief for your baby.

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    Eczema Treatment: 13 Ways To Find Relief

    While there is no cure for eczema, there are a variety of non-invasive eczema treatment options that can provide relief during a flare-up and some that may prevent its onset. These can include corticosteroids, but the following home eczema treatment options may be best.

    1. Light Therapy/Phototherapy

    According to the National Eczema Association, phototherapy helps to calm inflammation, reduces itching, increases vitamin D production and helps fight bacteria on the skin. Adding 1015 minutes a day of sun exposure, particularly during an eczema flare, can provide relief and potentially speed healing.

    2. Vitamin D

    In addition to increasing sun exposure, supplementing withvitamin D rich foods like cod liver oil, sardines, salmon, eggs and raw milk may help prevent eczema in children and adolescents. Ideally, during a flare you will get 2,000-5,000 IU daily if your sun exposure is low, consider boosting your intake with a high-quality supplement. Preliminary research shows that low vitamin D levels during pregnancy and during childhood may increase the risk for developing eczema.

    3. Moisturize

    Because dry skin is both a cause and symptom, it is imperative to moisturize affected areas at least twice a day. Coconut oil is the perfect moisturizer for eczema sufferers. This eczema treatment is antibacterial and anti-fungal, with antimicrobial properties that provide soothing relief, and may speed healing.

    4. Treat the Mind and Body

    5. Dead Sea Salt Baths

    6. Cool, Wet Compresses

    Our Top Tips For Babies And Children With Eczema

    1. Baby eczema can be traumatic for parents because no parent wants to see their child suffering. The baby cant tell you what is wrong all he or she knows is that they are feeling pain and irritation.

    2. Scratching at eczema skin will only enhance the symptoms of eczema, but a baby will not know this. The best way to prevent a baby scratching itself is to ensure that he or she wears cotton mittens on their hands. This significantly reduces skin damage from scratching.

    3. Often a baby who has eczema will grow out of the condition, but this is not always the case. Many parents often assume that if their child has grown out of an eczema condition, it is because of the medications that were used.

    4. This is completely false because any doctor will tell you that you cannot cure baby eczema or any other type of eczema for that matter. If your childs eczema has disappeared as they have got older, it is more to healthy internal factors and a more developed immune system, rather than a medication.

    Eczema in babies should be treated naturally as possible to avoid other health issues in the future. The biggest piece of advice that we can give on the topic of how treat baby eczema is to use medications cautiously, and the safest and best treatment for baby eczema will be a natural one.

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    How To Use Coconut Oil For Eczema On Babies

    An infants skin is soft and ultra-smooth until, for some, red scaly patches start showing up on their face or body. Any parent who has a baby suffering from eczema knows the pain, itchiness, and worries that it can cause. Here, we define eczema, share our favorite natural eczema remedies for babies, and explain how our coconut oil for eczema products are so effective.

    Myth #: Your Child Must See A Dermatologist If They Have Eczema

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    Pediatricians can manage many cases of eczema, even if your child has a moderate or severe case.

    The key to getting your childs eczema under control, especially during the cooler months, is to create and execute a treatment plan for your child when eczema flares up. There are many natural eczema treatment options for babies and children for you to do yourself at home. Often, these treatments and extra measure help prevent eczema flares and dry skin.

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    What Causes Eczema Flare Ups In Babies

    Skin irritants: This can be everything from cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals or irritants to hand/body soap, shampoo, hair products, lotion, laundry detergent, any anything else your childs skin might come into contact with.

    There are 20 common toxic irritants that are added to body care and household products that are important to avoid.

    Allergies: These can be difficult to identify because they could be anything. Dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, and nuts are more common but I had a mom whose baby was allergic to strawberries and thats why she had eczema all over!

    Cold, dry air: The winter is the worst!

    Imbalanced gut flora: 70% of your immunity is in your gut, and if your childs immune system is imbalanced, a probiotic can help.

    Inflammatory foods: Like sugar, fried foods and anything processed can cause eczema issues.

    Some eczema is pretty common and 66% of kids will outgrow it eventually.

    But, many babies and kids struggle with eczema for years, having recurrent flare ups that are so hard to deal with over and over again!


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