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How To Cure Eczema Around Eyes

Treatment For Eczema Around Eyes

How I Cured My Eczema (Face/Eyelids)?

There is no known treatment for eczema but there are medical and homeopathic treatments that might help the symptoms. Medical treatment for eczema usually consists of making use of steroids and cortisone creams on the rash. Due to the possible side effects of these medications, lots of people choose more natural treatments of the disorder.

What Do Eyelid Eczema Symptoms Look And Feel Like

People with eczema generally experience symptoms like very dry and itchy skin red, brown, or gray skin patches raised, weeping bumps and thick, cracked, or scaly skin. They may also have raw, sensitive, swollen skin due to scratching-induced irritation.

For eyelid eczema specifically, you may experience inflamed or reddened skin on and around your eyelid, or cracked, discolored skin in the general area, board-certified dermatologist Ife J. Rodney, M.D., founding director of Eternal Dermatology + Aesthetics and professor of dermatology at Howard University and George Washington University, tells SELF. The affected area can also sting and burn.

How To Use Emollients

Use your emollient all the time, even if you’re not experiencing symptoms.

Many people find it helpful to keep separate supplies of emollients at work or school, or a tub in the bathroom and one in a living area.

To apply the emollient:

  • use a large amount
  • do not rub it in smooth it into the skin in the same direction the hair grows
  • after a bath or shower, gently pat the skin dry and apply the emollient while the skin is still moist to keep the moisture in

You should use an emollient at least twice a day if you can, or more often if you have very dry skin.

During a flare-up, apply generous amounts of emollient more frequently, but remember to treat inflamed skin with a topical corticosteroid as emollients used on their own are not enough to control it.

Do not put your fingers into an emollient pot use a spoon or pump dispenser instead, as this reduces the risk of infection. And never share your emollient with other people.

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Common Questions & Answers

While the cause of perioral dermatitis is unknown, dermatologists believe certain things may trigger the skin condition. These include the use of topical steroids around the mouth, including inhaled steroids for asthma, skincare products, and irritation from face masks.

The first step to treat perioral dermatitis is to stop using topical steroids around the mouth and any potential triggering skin-care products. If these initial steps do not clear up the rash, your doctor may prescribe topical treatments or oral antibiotics.

There is no FDA-approved treatment specifically for perioral dermatitis. But stopping the use of topical steroids and other triggers around the mouth and following your doctors treatment plan will help ensure the condition clears up as quickly as possible.

In some instances, perioral dermatitis will go away on its own, but usually the help of a dermatologist is needed. Even with treatment, perioral dermatitis may take weeks, months, or even years to completely clear.

For individuals with perioral dermatitis, experts recommend a mild, fragrance-free cleanser and fragrance-free moisturizer with an SPF of 30 for use every day.

Breast And Vaginal Eczema: The Fix

How to Treat Eczema Around the Eyes

Choose a mild .5% topical cortisone and use a dab the size of a pea for the breast/nipple area, and a blueberry or marble for the vagina. Apply it no more than twice daily for up to one week. At that point, if youre not seeing a difference, set up a dermatologist appointment, says Dr. Garshick.

Regarding the genital region specifically, excess cortisone can also increase the risk of getting a yeast or fungal infection as a warm area that accumulates moisture, its already predisposed to these types of infection. If cortisone is causing issues, you can instead apply a soothing ointment, such as Vaseline or Aquaphor, to provide a barrier that minimizes further irritation.

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How Eczema Affects The Eyes

The eyelid is affected by contact dermatitis when it is exposed to substances that cause it to react. Contact dermatitis may result from irritation or allergy .


  • In the course of persistent dermatitis, the eyelids thicken with lichenification .
  • The eyelid margins can become inflamed .

The thin eyelids are particularly susceptible to irritants and allergens, making contact dermatitis a possibility. A rash in different parts of the body may not be caused by the same trigger.

The following eye problems may result from atopic dermatitis:

  • This condition can cause an inflammation of the cornea, called Keratitis.
  • In patients with atopic dermatitis, spontaneous retinal detachment, when the retina separates from its supporting tissue, is more common.
  • Very rarely, scarring can develop in various parts of the eye.
  • Keratoconus, in which the cornea bulges outward, is also sometimes caused by this condition.
  • Atopic dermatitis can also raise your chances of having cataracts, which are cloudy areas that grow within the normally clear lens of your eyes.

Treating Eczema Around The Eyes

  • 1Use an ice pack or cold compress around your eyes. Application of cold causes temporary numbness of the nerve endings, leading to reduced sensation, soothing the skin, and reducing your urge to itch. It also helps in sloughing off dead skin, leading to a smoother appearance and quicker healing.
  • Put cold water in a bowl with some bath oil. If you want it colder, you can add some ice to the water.
  • Soak a paper towel or clean washcloth in the water. Hold it on your face over the affected area for about 5 minutes.
  • 2Apply a moisturizer to your face. A cream or ointment is best, as they have more oil than lotions, which are heavier on water. The oil helps protect and moisturize your skin better.XTrustworthy SourceNational Health Service Public healthcare system of the UKGo to source
  • Pick a cream that is fragrance-free, and make sure to keep it out of your eyes when applying it.
  • Apply moisturizers as often as your skin feels dry. Applying it after a shower or washing your face is especially effective. These moisturizers soften skin and help heal and prevent flare-ups.XTrustworthy SourceNational Health Service Public healthcare system of the UKGo to source
  • If you are currently taking medication for your eczema, consult your doctor before taking any dietary supplements or skin care treatments, including herbal remedies.
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    What Are The Possible Complications Of Eyelid Eczema

    The more severe your eyelid eczema, the more likely it is that you might experience other eye problems, the AAD says. The organization specifically highlights three eye conditions that people with eyelid eczema should have on their radar: pink eye, keratitis, and keratoconus.

    Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, happens when your conjunctiva becomes inflamed. Pink eye can cause bloodshot eyes, itching, tearing, a gritty feeling, and crustiness, the Mayo Clinic says.

    Keratitis is an inflammation of your cornea that may cause eye pain, sensitivity to light, redness, a feeling that something is in your eye, excessive tearing or other discharge, and blurry vision, among other symptoms.

    Finally, keratoconus is when your cornea changes from its usual round shape into a bulging cone shape instead, creating blurry or otherwise distorted vision, sensitivity to light and glare, a need to change your eyewear prescription too frequently, and cloudy vision13.

    These issues could also be tied to using those too-harsh medications that thin out your skin, Dr. Silverberg says. Scratching and rubbing that extra-thin skin can create tiny tears or irritate your eyes, making you more vulnerable to infection and inflammation that may present as pink eye or keratitis. That rubbing can also change the shape of your cornea, leading to keratoconus, the AAD says.


    Things To Keep In Mind

    Doctor V – How To Treat Eczema around the Eyes for Skin of Colour | Black or Brown Skin

    Having eczema can put you at higher risk for developing other conditions. Eczema leaves your skin raw, leaving you more susceptible to bacteria entering your bloodstream. Skin conditions that commonly affect those with eczema on eyelids include:

    • Pink eye . Pink eye is characterized by redness on the whites of your eyes, itchiness, sensitivity to light, watering that doesnât cease, and the presence of a sticky substance that crusts.
    • Inflamed cornea . When your cornea is inflamed, your eyeball becomes infected, leading to pain and discomfort, watering, and sensitivity to light. Your cornea may change shape because of the infection, leading to changes in your vision.
    • Nearsightedness. Permanent changes to your vision can occur, like nearsightedness, which affects your ability to see either close-up or far away.
    • Blurry vision. Your cornea should be round. When the shape distorts, it changes how you see things by distorting images to the degree of your damage.
    • Sensitivity to light. You may suddenly have difficulty driving at night when it is dark. Alternately, you may feel extra sensitivity to the sun.

    âWhile eczema cannot be completely cured, there are many treatment options. If one treatment plan doesnât work, you can try another until you find the right products and strategies for your personal health.

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    Treatment Of Facial Eczema

    Eczema on the face requires careful treatment as facial skin is more easily irritated by and vulnerable to the side effects of topical therapy. It is important to consider the possibility of an allergic contact dermatitis in anyone with a persistent facial eczema, even if they have a longstanding, in-built eczema tendency. It is helpful to make a diagnosis of which particular type of facial eczema someone has in order to know which treatment is likely to work best, and to help give an idea of the expected outcome usually, as eczema is a chronic condition, controlling facial eczema and preventing flares will be the main focus of treatment.

    In general, treatment of facial eczema involves avoiding further irritation caused by cosmetics and toiletries, switching to a gentle regimen of skin cleansing, and actively treating the eczema with emollients and anti-inflammatory therapy .

    Causes Of Eczema Around The Eye

    To determine what might be causing the eczema around your eye, you should ask yourself the following:

    • Do my eyes itch, swell, leak or become red after petting dogs, cats, other animals?
    • Are certain beauty products like soap, makeup, facial cleanser or even shampoo affecting my eyes?
    • Do I have swollen, itchy or dry eyes when the temperature changes?

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    Try To Reduce The Damage From Scratching

    Eczema is often itchy, and it can be very tempting to scratch the affected areas of skin.

    But scratching usually damages the skin, which can itself cause more eczema to occur.

    The skin eventually thickens into leathery areas as a result of chronic scratching.

    Deep scratching also causes bleeding and increases the risk of your skin becoming infected or scarred.

    Try to reduce scratching whenever possible. You could try gently rubbing your skin with your fingers instead.

    If your baby has atopic eczema, anti-scratch mittens may stop them scratching their skin.

    Keep your nails short and clean to minimise damage to the skin from unintentional scratching.

    Keep your skin covered with light clothing to reduce damage from habitual scratching.

    Eczema Around Eyes Causing Wrinkles/ How To Treat

    Treating Eczema Around The Eyes (Natural Remedies)

    Not only aging but there are many other factors causing wrinkles around the eyes like eczema. Dermatitis or Eczema is a skin condition characterized by dry, itchy patches of skin that are irritable and prone to blisters and flare-ups. Itchy, dry, rough, flaky, inflammatory, and irritated skin is common symptoms.

    Atopic dermatitis manifests itself as red, inflammatory spots on the face, neck, and hands, but it may also be found behind the knees and inside the elbows. The skin may also appear brownish-gray and feel rough or scaly and is frequently broken as well.

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    How To Treat Eyelid Dermatitis

    The best treatment for eyelid dermatitis is avoiding the trigger for your symptoms. Unfortunately, that isnt always possible.

    Eyelid dermatitis flare-ups are often treated with topical medications . During a flare-up, your doctor might prescribe a steroid cream to decrease inflammation. The potency of the cream will be low because the skin of your eyelids is very thin compared to other parts of your body. In severe cases, your doctor might also prescribe oral steroid medication.

    Topical calcineurin inhibitors are another type of ointment or cream used to treat eyelid dermatitis. These medications block the action of chemicals in your immune system. They are safer for your eyelid skin than steroid creams. But they can make your eyes sensitive to light.

    Rash On Lips Treatment

    Treating rash on lips involves treating the underlying cause of the rash and relieving the symptoms presented by the rash. Most skin condition are not life threatening. Most of the condition, however, are highly contagious. Early medication and treatment is thus required to minimize the spread and reduce the pain especially for children. The treatment option will vary depending with the cause.

    Maintaining high level of hygiene and discontinue use of the allergen can also be helpful in treating the condition. The commonly used treatment option for the rash include but not limited to the following

    • Topical ointment such as anti-itching, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory are good skin soothing agents
    • Oral antibiotics
    • Emollients and skin moisturizers help to relax, soften and sooth the skin. Helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation
    • Topic antibiotics this help in destroying and inhibiting growth of microorganism causing infection
    • Immunosuppressive for auto-immune disorder causing rash

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    What Causes Periocular Dermatitis

    The cause of periocular dermatitis is not well understood. It is thought to be due to a combination of environmental and genetic factors .

    Periocular dermatitis may be related to :

    • An impaired skin barrier there is an association between atopic dermatitis and periocular dermatitis
    • Disturbance of follicularmicroflora
    • Alteration of the pilosebaceous unit.

    Shorter Baths Or Showers

    Eczema around Eyes and Neck, Head and Back Pain Cure by Hijama at Dr Naim’s Clinic

    There are many people, me included, who enjoy taking long baths or showers, but this can worsen your eczema condition. A possible solution to prevent water from making your eczema symptoms worse is to take shorter baths or showers. You can do this by limiting your baths or showers to 10-15 minutes, which can lower your exposure to water. Hot water can make your irritated skin feel worse, so it is recommended that you use warm water for bathing. Limiting the time spent in water and using warm water instead of hot water are two possible solutions that can help reduce irritation of your skin.

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    Rosacea Around The Eyes

    Rosacea is a lifelong autoimmune disorder that can lead to the development dry itchy patches and itchy plagues on your face. This condition can as well lead tenderness, tenderness and inflamed skin that resemble a burn.

    The treatment of psoriasis is usually done by dermatologists. Consult your doctor in case your skin has symptoms that resemble that of psoriasis for diagnosis and treatment.

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    Prescription Treatments For Eczema Near Your Eyes

    If home remedies and OTC medication dont do the job, your doctor can prescribe more intensive treatment. Severe and recurring eczema will probably require some kind of prescription medication.

    Your eyes are pretty sensitive. This may limit the treatments your doc can offer because they want to protect your eyes condition from becoming more severe. Prescription eczema treatments that are safe to use near your eyes include:

    • topical and oral corticosteroids

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    Home Remedies Can Help

    The best way to manage eczema around the eyes is to keep the skin in the area highly moisturized.

    • Avoid drying face washes. Choose leave-on emollient products that keep the skin moisturized while they cleanse it.
    • Avoid fragrances. Many skincare products contain added fragrances. Choose products that are fragrance-free.
    • Use gentle products. Ask your dermatologist for recommendations for gentle moisturizers. These will keep skin moist and free from irritation.
    • Wear sunscreen and sunglasses. Sun exposure can make the skin on your eyes more sensitive and lead to eczema outbreaks. Aim to limit exposure.
    • Avoid triggers. If you know certain allergens or products trigger an outbreak, steer clear of these. Stick to tried-and-true favorites that you know dont irritate your skin.

    Unfortunately, eczema is a persistent skin condition that is tricky to treat. For some people, eczema subsides over time as they get older. Other people, however, may have to deal with the condition throughout their lifetime.

    As more information is gained on the condition, more effective treatment and symptom management options are becoming available. A combination of the above treatment options and preventative measures works best for most people.

    Diet And Lifestyle Treatments For Perioral Dermatitis

    Eczema Eye Complications: How to Protect Your Vision

    For mild cases of perioral dermatitis, your doctor or dermatologist might recommend making certain changes at home to see if you can eliminate the rash on your own. If you can identify the irritant that is causing your rash to flare and eliminate that irritant from your daily routine, it is possible to clear perioral dermatitis up without medical intervention.

    Natural remedies for perioral dermatitis include:

    • Ceasing the use of steroids
    • Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet to improve gut health
    • Eliminating acne treatments and anti-aging products from your skincare routine
    • Using a gentle cleanser and moisturizer formulated for sensitive skin
    • Keeping your skin free of makeup until the rash clears
    • Switching to a toothpaste without fluoride
    • Choosing a more natural sunscreen
    • Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun, extreme temperatures, and wind

    Consult with your doctor before trying any homeopathic remedies, as some can actually make the condition worse. But if you have mild perioral dermatitis, and especially if youre able to identify your personal triggers, it is possible to clear perioral dermatitis without medication.

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