Eczema Treatment: 13 Ways To Find Relief
While there is no cure for eczema, there are a variety of non-invasive eczema treatment options that can provide relief during a flare-up and some that may prevent its onset. These can include corticosteroids, but the following home eczema treatment options may be best.
1. Light Therapy/Phototherapy
According to the National Eczema Association, phototherapy helps to calm inflammation, reduces itching, increases vitamin D production and helps fight bacteria on the skin. Adding 1015 minutes a day of sun exposure, particularly during an eczema flare, can provide relief and potentially speed healing.
2. Vitamin D
In addition to increasing sun exposure, supplementing withvitamin D rich foods like cod liver oil, sardines, salmon, eggs and raw milk may help prevent eczema in children and adolescents. Ideally, during a flare you will get 2,000-5,000 IU daily if your sun exposure is low, consider boosting your intake with a high-quality supplement. Preliminary research shows that low vitamin D levels during pregnancy and during childhood may increase the risk for developing eczema.
3. Moisturize
Because dry skin is both a cause and symptom, it is imperative to moisturize affected areas at least twice a day. Coconut oil is the perfect moisturizer for eczema sufferers. This eczema treatment is antibacterial and anti-fungal, with antimicrobial properties that provide soothing relief, and may speed healing.
4. Treat the Mind and Body
5. Dead Sea Salt Baths
6. Cool, Wet Compresses
Apple Cider Vinegar To Reduce Dandruff Flakes And Seborrheic Dermatitis
Apart from adding flavour to your salads, apple cider vinegar also helps loosen flaky scales, resulting in reduced flare-ups and inflammation.
If you are applying it on your scalp, first wash your hair with a shampoo containing neem, amla or other seborrheic dermatitis treating ingredients. Mix 3 tbsp of vinegar in 2 cups of water, apply it on the scalp, rest for 10-15 minutes and rinse off.
Risk Factors And Triggers: What Are The Causes Of Eczema On The Scalp
Although the exact causes of eczema arent fully known, there are a number of risk factors and triggers that can increase your risk of developing scalp eczema or exacerbate the condition.
Here are the risk factors of scalp eczema:
- Genetics
- Neurological or psychiatric conditions
- Immune system conditions or weaknesses
- Stressful medical conditions
- Other existing skin conditions
Here are the triggers of scalp eczema:
- Illness
- Harsh chemicals in products like soap, shampoo and conditioner
- Irritants in these products such as nickel or cobalt
- Exposure to something youre allergic to
- Medications such as psoralen , interferon, and lithium
- Extreme sweating
Scalp eczema may also be caused by an overproduction of sebum , which can encourage a natural skin fungus called Malassezia to multiply. This fungal overgrowth can cause the scalp to become irritated, which can lead to scalp eczema.
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How To Get Rid Of Eczema: 13 Natural Remedies Backed By Research
Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer Health
Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that can affect people of all ages, but especially young children and infants. Eczema comes in many forms and most of these forms tend to cause red itchy skin rashes. Persistent flare-ups of eczema can cause the skin to become thickened and scaly, and sometimes blister-like bumps can appear which ooze fluid and become crusty scabs.
Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema and it can affect any area of the body. It is common to have itchy patches of eczema on your hands, feet, upper chest, around the neck and facial area, and even on the scalp. It can be especially sore and irritating when it occurs inside the bend of the elbows and knees as the skin there constantly moves and stretches. Infant eczema can affect the face and scalp.
The itching sensation on the inflamed skin can lead to intense scratching which can damage the skin even more and cause bacterial skin infections.
If you suffer from this uncomfortable skin condition, there are many natural cures to get rid of eczema quicker.
In this article I am going to cover 13 home remedies for eczema backed by research. These home remedies can help you find relief from its symptoms like dry skin, itchiness, and red rashes.
Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment Options
After you receive a diagnosis, your specialist should provide you with different options to treat seborrheic dermatitis. The treatment will depend on the severity of dermatitis, but in most cases, treatment will involve self-care practices , antifungal medications, or other medicated shampoos, creams, and ointments.
Seborrheic dermatitis is treated symptomatically, and repeated treatments may be necessary to manage symptoms. In mild cases, topical antifungal creams or medicated shampoos may be enough to control symptoms. In other cases where topical corticosteroids arent appropriate, topical calcineurin inhibitors , which are non-corticosteroid topical medications, can be used by adults and children 2 years of age or older.
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Who Gets Seborrheic Dermatitis
Newborn infants younger than 3 months and adults between 30 to 60 years of age are more likely to contract seborrheic dermatitis. It’s more common in people with oily skin or oily scalp. Men are prone to suffer from this more than women, also if one has oily or Kapha dominant skin, they have more chances of having seborrheic dermatitis.
Main Types Of Scalp Eczema Treatment
Seborrheic eczema is a chronic skin condition, which means there is no cure. However, there are many different methods for successfully treating eczema on the scalp.
The most common treatments for scalp eczema come under one of the below categories:
- Shampoos
We explain more about each of these treatments below:
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Scalp Eczema Hair Loss
Healthy hair begins with a healthy scalp. Unfortunately, the inflammation associated with scalp eczema can make it difficult for new hair to grow. If itchiness causes a person to scratch or pick at their scalp, damage to the hair follicles can occur. Scratching can also lead to more inflammation and hair breakage. This can lead to hair loss or even bald patches. Thankfully, hair loss is usually just temporary. Hair is likely to grow back once the condition improves.
Wrap Up In Cold Weather
Cold, harsh winter winds can dry out the skin and cause eczema flares.
Keep the skin covered when temperatures are low. Also, consider covering the face with a scarf if eczema occurs in this body region.
While many home remedies are suitable for babies and children, always speak with a doctor before using them.
The following home remedies and tips may help:
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Seborrheic Dermatitis Facts And Statistics
- About 15 percent of the general U.S. population suffers from seborrheic dermatitis.
- Up to 70 percent of infants experience some type of dermatitis on their scalps within the first three months of life.
- In adults, seborrheic dermatitis symptoms most commonly start between the ages of 3050.
- Patients with seborrheic dermatitis most often develop symptoms on the face and scalp. About 88 percent of patients have facial symptoms, 70 percent on the scalp, 27 percent on the chest and only about 1 percent to 2 percent on the arms or legs.
- Dandruff is now considered a mild, noninflammatory form of seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is extremely common with a prevalence as high as 50 percent of the population.
- In the U.S., approximately $230 million is spent every year treating symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, especially those affecting the face and scalp. This can cause the largest decrease in quality of life.
- More men than women have seborrheic dermatitis. But there appears to be no preference for any racial or ethnic group.
- People with other health conditions that affect the immune system get dermatitis most often, such as those with allergies, leaky gut syndrome or autoimmune disorders.
Eczema In Infants And Children
It is very distressing for parents to see their toddlers and infants suffer from eczema. According to the National Eczema Association, around 10% of all infants in the U.S. suffer from some form of infant eczema.2
The appearance of infant eczema is different from eczema in older children and adults. Depending on the age of your infant, patches of eczema appear in different places. According to the National Eczema Association, the stages of infant eczema are as follows:2
- Babies under 6 months. Red patches of weepy skin around your babys face and on the scalp.
- Babies from 6 to 12 months. Patches of eczema develop around the elbows and knees. If these patches become infected, then pus bumps can occur which turn crusty when the pus dries.
- Toddlers from 2 to 5 years. Your toddlers eczema thickens and have the appearance of dry, scaly, and inflamed skin. Outbreaks of eczema may be more common around the mouth and eyelids.
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Use Tea Tree Oil Shampoo Daily
When trying to relieve the symptoms of scalp eczema, your go-to natural home remedy is a tea tree oil shampoo. This is because tea tree oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties that will effectively stop scalp flaking and itchiness. Look for a natural scalp therapy shampoo containing a potent formula of tea tree oil, sage, Arnica, and rosemary to deeply moisturize and condition the scalp. Natural shampoos contain zero harsh chemicals and are ideal for men, women, children, and even pets. This shampoo is for everyday use, especially for people with severe scalp eczema.
Whats On The Horizon For Alternative Eczema Treatments
While the rising incidence of eczema appears to have reached a plateau in countries that previously had the highest incidence of growth, such as the U.K., New Zealand and U.S., it is still on the rise in developing parts of the world such as Latin America and Southeast Asia.
As our knowledge of eczema continues to grow, we expect to see the emergence of more robust research and effective treatment modalities. I think most of my colleagues that are trained in Western medicine would agree that CAM should be used strategically in conjunction with conventional medications to optimize outcomes in eczema.
We are entering an exciting era for eczema where we have a surge of targeted Western medications under investigation, and ancient CAM modalities are now being evaluated and backed by evidence-based research.
Dr. Vivian Shi is a board-certified dermatologist and an Assistant Professor of Medicine in Dermatology at the University of Arizona where she directs the Eczema and Skin Barrier Specialty Clinic. She has extensive clinical and research experience in eczema and repair of the skins natural protective barrier. Her principal focus is atopic dermatitis and shes a longtime AD sufferer herself.
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Etiology Of Adult Seborrheic Dermatitis
Although the etiology of adult SD is not definitely known, there are three principal factors that appear to play a role: sebaceous gland secretion, alteration in colonization and metabolism of cutaneous microflora , and individual susceptibility and host response.
The role of Malassezia spp in the pathogenesis of adult SD remains controversial. However, the correlation between use of ketoconazole shampoo, reduction in Malassezia spp, and clinical improvement of scalp AD has caused researchers to suspect that these commensal yeasts play an important role. Although proliferation of Malassezia spp has been associated with exacerbation of SD, some reports have refuted this association.,, As Malassezia spp are not only present on the skin surface, but also within layers of the stratum corneum, variations in technique in obtaining specimen and quantifying the organism likely explain the differences in findings among available studies. The Malassezia spp that have been most commonly associated with SD are M. globosa and M. restricta, both of which are commensal yeasts that require an exogenous source of lipids.,
How To Try A Gaps Diet
Depending on the severity of the patient, one either begins with or works up to the Introduction Diet, which is the strictest part of the protocol, focused on intensive healing. There are then stages as the person begins to introduce other foods. The most difficult factor of the GAPS diet is that in order to be effective, especially in the beginning, one must be 100% compliant. This means a lot of preparing foods at home, as practically any foods prepared by someone not familiar with the protocol will have things that can aggravate the gut.
For us, it meant consuming more homemade broth and soups as well as removing certain foods including gluten and casein . We also found that it was helpful to avoid food dyes and any processed ingredients, though this was as much from a behavior perspective as a skin one.
If you or a family member struggle with skin problems, allergies or behavior struggles, Id definitely recommend at least checking out the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome to see if the protocol would be helpful for you.
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How To Prevent Eczema Flare
Eczema is a chronic skin condition which can only be cured until the next flare-up. Therefore, one of the best ways in managing outbreaks of eczema is to take steps to prevent the frequency of eczema flare-ups.
Dermatologist, Dr. Debra Jaliman recommends a few simple tips which can reduce the frequency of eczema outbreaks on your skin:
- Moisturize your skin regularly throughout the day to keep a protective barrier on your skin and prevent itchiness.
- Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature.
- Stress can trigger an eczema flare-up, so try to find ways to manage stress better.
- Avoid clothing and other fabrics that can irritate sensitive areas of skin that are prone to eczema flare-ups.
- Avoid soaps and detergents that strip the skin of its protective oils.
Dr. Jaliman also said that certain foods can trigger an outbreak.
Natural Treatments For Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis, a type of skin condition that most often causes facial dryness and scalp itchiness, affects about 6 million children and adults in the U.S. It can be tricky to recognize or diagnose seborrheic dermatitis because the skin reactions it triggers mimic those caused by similar conditions like psoriasis, other forms of eczema or even allergic reactions.
Like many other conditions caused by abnormal immune responses, patients tend to experience on-and-0ff intervals of seborrheic dermatitis symptoms. This means most have episodes of skin reactions suddenly flaring up and then periods when they go away. Patients with dermatitis have reported that outbreaks are triggered by factors like:
- Trauma, emotional stress or depression
- Fatigue and lack of sleep
- Exposure to damp or dry conditions in the home and/or workplace, such as excessive air-conditioning
- Systemic infections
- Use of certain medications
- Other immune-disrupting factors
Chronic skin diseases can result in a diminished quality of life and emotional distress, especially if they get out of hand. If you or a loved one are struggling with this condition, read on to find out what you can do to change your situation for the better.
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Light Therapy For Scalp Eczema
About 70% of people get treated for eczema with light therapy or phototherapy. The most common type of light therapy used for scalp eczema treatment is a narrowband ultraviolet B light, which is present in natural sunlight in small amounts.
Broadband UVB phototherapy, PUVA, and UVA1 are other forms of light therapy used to treat some cases of scalp eczema.
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Use Natural Shampoos And Conditioners
Studies show that chemicals in our environment can severely irritate eczema. Over 3,700 compounds have been classified as contact allergens in our environments, including in our cosmetics.
Because of this, its crucial to switch to natural shampoos, conditioners, and body washes in order to avoid irritating scalp eczema. Look for brands that feature no Sodium Lauryl Sulfate , parabens, added fragrances or other unnatural chemicals.
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Understanding Eczema On Eyebrows
Its possible to develop eczema on the face, including on or near the eyebrows. Eczema may appear in the form of seborrheic dermatitis which is the common inflammatory form of dandruff. This type of eczema tends to develop in places that accumulate oil such as the chin, nose, forehead, scalp, and eyebrows. Eczema on eyebrows may also appear as contact dermatitis. This is a reaction that occurs as a result of contact with an allergen or irritant. For example, using a new shampoo, conditioner or make up product may trigger an allergic reaction on the eyebrows.
Seborrheic Dermatitis Vs Scalp Psoriasis
Seborrheic dermatitis can be accompanied by other dermatological disorders, which can make treatment difficult. The good news, however, is that many of the same treatments used for dermatitis also apply to treating skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Early seborrheic dermatitis can be distinguished from scalp psoriasis because it appears spongiform, meaning pores appear enlarged and open like a sponge.
Seborrheic dermatitis can also cause skin to appear greasy, while psoriasis usually causes more dryness and red scaling.
Patients with psoriasis who have facial or scalp flaking can also look for signs of lesions on the elbows or knees. Psoriasis also causes nail pitting, while dermatitis normally doesnt.
It is also possible to have a condition called sebopsoriasis, which is a combination of both seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.
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When Should One Seek Medical Attention
All three agreed that if symptoms did not lessen after two weeks of over-the-counter treatment, patients should seek professional care. Francis also added that extreme symptoms, like bleeding, pain or hair loss, should be brought to a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Either a primary care physician or a dermatologist can give an initial assessment, but its likely that persistent cases will require attention from a dermatologist.
If youre not getting better, or it just doesnt feel right, you should go to a dermatologist, Francis said. We have a wide range of options available to treat inflammatory conditions of the scalp.
Prescription options include antibiotics, topical steroids, non-steroidal topical treatments and injectable drugs.
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